This church was dedicated July 19, 1899, by Dr. Seely S. Lewis, now
Bishop Lewis. The building and lots cost three thousand dollars, the
whole amount being donated. Rev. D. M. Simpson was the first pastor, and
the official board consisted of the following: Messrs. Hamilton,
Mothorp, Winterfield, Forbes and others of whom there is no record at
the present time.
Rev. Thomas Burley had charge for one year and was followed by Rev.
Echart, who served the charge very acceptably for two years. The next
year Rev. Whiting was sent and served as pastor two years. Then came
Rev. Peterson, who served with success for two years and was followed by
Rev. Charles Richards, who also remained two years. Rev. Richards left
Harris to attend school at Garret and was succeeded by Rev. Tower, who
came at conference time and staved about six months. He then returned to
the East
and the vacancy was filled by Rev. Moody. At the expiration of Rev.
Moody's term, Rev. W. N. Bump, the present pastor, was sent to Harris.
During the last year a much needed shed for horses has been completed,
and a basement is now being planned.
The church has made a steady growth during these years. The membership
numbers about ninety. The Sunday school has an enrollment of about two
hundred with an average attendance of about one hundred. The church is
progressive and is ministering to a large community.
The present official board consists of the following persons: Board of
stewards, R. J. Robertson, Dr. C. C. Cady, J. E. Melick, A. T.
Winterfield, Charles Gibson and Wilson Forbes. The recording steward and
secretary is A. C. Wettasted. The board of trustees is composed of L. J.
Hagerty, C. A. Barnes, R. J. Robertson, C. C. Cady, A. T. Winterfield,
R. Halverson, Arthur Haminton, J. E. Melick, Charles Gibson, J. E. Renn
and Robert Jordan. The president of the Ladies' Aid Society is Mrs.
George Baur. The Sunday school superintendent is Charles Gibson,
assisted by Will McCauley. The secretary and treasurer is Adolph
The church is growing in importance, and receives the loyal support of
many of the leading citizens of the town. The church building is
centrally located and adds much to the attractive appearance of the
From the 1914 Past
and Present of O'Brien and Osceola Counties
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