1925 Iowa State Census 
Sheldon #22

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Sheldon #22

1925 Iowa State Census

Transcribed by: Don Harrington 

# Address Name Rel Sex Race Age Mar. Tenure HS Gr. Mo. R? W? Comments
1 Powers, Sylvan R Head M W 25 M A-R;E-15 8 Y Y
2 Powers, Pauline Wife F W 30 M 8 Y Y
3 Powers, Grace Child F W 4 S Y Y
4 Goodyear, Frances F W 58 S 6 Y Y
5 Driscoll, Lloyd E Head M W 36 M A-R;E-25 7 Y Y
6 Driscoll, Carrye Wife F W 35 M 8 Y Y
7 Driscoll, Paul Child M W 12 S 6 9 Y Y
8 Driscoll, Clair Child M W 8 S 2 9 Y Y
9 Haze, Henry Head M W 45 M A-R;E-20 8 Y Y
10 Haze, Ada Wife F W 39 M 8 Y Y
11 Haze, Bernice Child F W 12 S 5 9 Y Y
12 Johnson, Hattie Head F W 68 W 8 Y Y
13 Johnson, Dorothy Child F W 11 S 5 9 Y Y
14 Johnson, Ruth Child F W 9 S 4 9 Y Y
15 Johnson, Russel Child M W 7 S 2 9 Y Y
16 Milliken, Carrie F W 49 S 7 Y Y
17 Ruby, Chaney B Head M W 63 M A-O;B-F;C-4000;F-2500 7 Y Y
18 Ruby, Eld** L Wife F W 48 M 8 Y Y
19 Ruby, Robt Child M W 11 S 6 9 Y Y
20 Ruby, Lloyd C Child M W 9 S 5 9 Y Y
21 Lorory, Wally H Child M W 17 S ch 12 Y Y
22 Lautzenheiser, Minnie Head F W 48 W A-R;E-40 8 Y Y
23 Lautzenheiser, Charlotte F W 21 S 2 yr univ Y Y
24 Meyne, Peter Head M W 50 M A-O;B-F;C-8000;F-6000 6 Y Y
25 Meyne, Anna K Wife F W 44 M 8 Y Y
26 Meyne, Ell** Child F W 21 S ch 12 Y Y
27 Steen, Henry Head M W 66 M A-O;B-F;C-6000;F-3000 8 Y Y Naturalized;60yrUS&59yrIa
28 Steen, Dora Wife F W 62 M 8 Y Y Naturalized;50yrUS&45yrIa
29 Winter, Henry P Head M W 47 M A-O;B-F;C-4000;F-3000 8 Y Y Naturalized;40yrUS&39yrIa
30 Winter, Katherine Wife F W 44 M 8 Y Y Naturalized;40yrUS&35yrIa

# Birthplace Father Birthplace Age Mother Birthplace Age Married in Miltary Occ. Church
1 Iowa Powers, F A Iowa Goodyear, Alberta Penn Iowa WW;B-Navy;C-Minn E&F-ch Methodist
2 South Dak Ea*Bek, August Germany -----, Emaline Germany South Dak C-ch Methodist
3 Iowa Powers, Sylvan Iowa Earlick, Pauline South Dak Methodist
4 Penn Goodyear, Benj Penn Ramp, Catherine Penn Penn F-ch Methodist
5 Kansas Driscoll, Chas Penn Harkins, Lizzie Kansas Kansas F-ch Methodist
6 Penn Horner, Lincoln Penn Bekbile, Elizabeth Penn Penn C-ch Methodist
7 Iowa Driscoll, Lloyd Iowa Horner, Carye Iowa S Dak Methodist
8 Iowa “ “ “ “ Reformed
9 Iowa Haze, A Pella DeBoer, Anna Iowa Iowa F-ch Reformed
10 S Dak Danteste, J H Holland Markus, Marie Iowa Iowa C-ch
11 Iowa Haze, Henry Iowa Danbeste, Ada S Dak Iowa
12 Illinois Klink, J F Illinois Gibbs, Hannah NY Ill Christian
13 Minn Johnson, B R Iowa Smith, Carrie Iowa Iowa Christian
14 Minn “ “ ' “ “
15 Minn “ “ ' “ “
16 Missouri Sh*ioir, W Va Carder, Sarah W Va Missouri C-ch Bretheren
17 Iowa Ruby, Bon Kentucky Blakely, Elizabeth Indiana Iowa retired Methodist
18 Iowa Meredith, Caleb Iowa Foster, Susanna Iowa Iowa C-ch Methodist
19 Iowa Ruby, C B Iowa Meredeth, Eldora Iowa Iowa Methodist
20 Iowa “ “ “ “
21 Iowa Lorory, Henry Ireland “ “
22 Iowa Delport, John England Smelser, Jennie Iowa Kansas D-ch Methodist
23 Iowa Lautzenheiser, Wm H Ohio Brodie, Minnie Iowa Iowa Methodist
24 Iowa Meyne, Peter H Germany Rebeling, Katie Germany Germany retired Lutheran
25 Germany Piedman, B Germany Rahn, Anna Germany Germany C-ch Lutheran
26 Iowa Meyne, Peter Iowa Piedeman, Anne K Germany Iowa Lutheran
27 Germany Steen, Henry Germany Stark, Catherine Germany Germany retired Congl
28 Germany Hans, Ehlers Germany Buhmann, Katherine Germany Germany C-ch Lutheran
29 Germany Winter, Henry Germany Robenburg, Christine Germany Germany F-ch Lutheran
30 Germany Stehienberg, August Geremany Lutjena, Anna Germany Germany C-ch Lutheran

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