Muscatine County, Iowa

During World War I

Submitted by Eleanor B. McCleary
April 21, 2001

Source: Muscatine Journal & News Tribune, 16 Nov 1918
Special Section on Muscatine County Sons in Service in WW I

How Peace Came to Muscatine

Three Score and Ten Muscatine County Men Hold Commissions

        At least sixty-eight Muscatine County soldiers are wearing should straps. Of this number the majority hold the rank of first and second lieutenant, several are captains, a few are majors, and two Muscatine men, J.T. Davidson and A.A. King, have been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. The third Muscatine County man to hold that rank, Lieutenant Colonel Clarkson Elliott of West Liberty, was killed in action, with his men, some time during the latter part of July or the early part of August, while fighting in the front line trenches with an infantry brigade. The only commissioned navy man included in the homor roll is Ensign James Reuling, who is serving as a doctor in one of the navel units.

        At least two Muscatne majors have seen active service in France. Major J.C. King, a graduate of West Point, has been in France since September, while Major Fred McDougall, with a telephone battalion, was one of the first local men to go overseas. He had been in active service for almost a year. The others, Major Otto Mull, former captain of Battery C, and Major Wilbur Wilson, are still in training camps in this country.

Fourteen Win Captaincies.

        Fourteen of the Muscatine county men hold the rank of captain. The last of the number to receive his commission, Captain Michael Cronin, was graduated from an officers' training school but a few weeks ago. One of the number, Captain W.S. Norton, received his honorable discharge shortly after the beginning of the war. The other captains include several from Wilton with the local men, Captain R. O. Byrrum, with a veterinarian corps; Captain H.J. Carson, with engineering company; Captain Walter Curtis, constructive quartermasters' corps; Captain Michael, Cronin, artillery; Captain E.B. Fulliam, Jr., medical corps; Captain Clifford Hakes, infantry; Captain Ralph Harding, Captain Arnold Jacobson, marines; Captain Frank Kincaid, sanitary train; Captain Elliott King, medical unit; Captain Edward Roach, artillery; Captain C.R. Stafford and Captain H.B. Strong, infantry.

        A considerable number of the local men who have been granted the rank of Lieutenant were former members of Battery C, Muscatine's military organization. Lieutenants Raymond Bloom, De Wayne Brown, Harry Bomke, Henry Eschelman, Raymond Giesler, Raymond Grimm, Harry McGaughery, Morrell MacKenzie, Stewart Narvis, John Nill, Herbert Rininsland, Charles Salisbury, Sherwood Samuels, Harold Suman, and Matt Van Tryfe were all former C members, while several are still connected with that organization.

        Other local warriors who have been given the Lieutenancy rank are Ben Butler, Dr. Austin Clifford Davis, Ralph Cockshoot, Vernon Gibson, George Holmes, W.A. Hinchman, Wayne Nichols, Clarence Hahn, Charles Heezen, L.C. How, Dr. Owen Howell, Dr. W.H. Johnston, Harold Kemble, Roy Lulow, Franklin McCullough, Ray Michaels, Paul Milnor, John Shuger, F.L. Streiter, Dr. J.W. Stiers, Clark Mosher, Louis Ticktin, Robert Tillie, Edgar Watters, Sherman Watson, and David Wilson.

        In the ranks of Muscatine's officers the names of John Farnsworth is included. The young man was commissioned second lieutenant at the Officers Training school for Artillerymen at Camp Zachery Taylor, just a few days before his death. Joe R. Hanley, well known evangelist, is serving as a Chaplain in France, with the rank of Lieutenant. Dr. W.W. Daut who enlisted in a Medical Corps during the summer, was honorably discharged a few weeks ago, because of physical disability. He had been commissioned as a second lieutenant. Muscatine also claims lieutenant James Elliott, with the Marine Forces in France on the local roll of honor. Elliott lived here for a number of years before moving to Bloomington. He was given the rank of Lieutenant a few weeks ago for deeds of extraordinary heroism on the battle field.

        At least six more local warriors are attending Officers Training schools at present. Herman Zeug and J. Harold Barnard, two of the men who left with the draft contingent of 314 for Camp Pike, Arkansas, on July 25, were chosen to attend an officers school there, while Austin Hoopes, Joe Carlisle, Walter Lane and Alfred Ribbink were chosen from the Student army Training Corps For special training.

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