Wilton History

Source: Henry Wildasin's Revised History of Wilton, Iowa
***Containing a complete reprint of Wilton History 1854-1876 by Rider & Stevenson***1947



Dave Bowers came to Wilton this year, employed in the Tri-Cities, lives in South Wilton.

Henry Lonshaw came to Wilton this year, he is employed at the Wilton Milk Products Co., lives in South Wilton.

Geo. Reedy came to Wilton this year, a gardener, lives on East Third Street.

Clarence Fulton came to Wilton this year, he operated a dairy until 1944, lives on West 5th Street.

Ben Shea came to Wilton this year, he represents a mineral feed company, lives on East 3rd Street.

Western Auto Co., owned by Mr. H. C. Moeller, was opened this year. He recently bought the building formerly owned by Nicolaus Bros. Mr. Moeller was the most successful tomato raiser in this community, if not the state. He had 60 acres in tomatoes in 1946 and received the largest check any farmer ever received for raising tomatoes in this vicinity. Mr. Moeller is a fine young business man.

H. B. Tumey came to Wilton this year, he operates a truck for the Watson Bros., lives in South Wilton. Moved to the Tri-Cities in 1946.

Harold Nicolaus, a Wilton boy, began his career in the Wilton Savings Bank, was in service and has been discharged; is back on his old job in the bank, also, with his brother, Robert, operate the Nicolaus Insurance Agency. He had a sad experience a few years ago, the house he was remodeling was wrecked by an explosion, he built a new bungalow where he now resides on West 6th Street.


Hilbert Leech came to Wilton this year to operate a tavern, lives on West 6th Street. Suspended business in 1946.

Earl H. Luethye, a painter and decorator, lives in South Wilton.

Rev. Roger L. Crabtree came to Wilton this year to become the pastor of the Methodist church, he resides in the parsonage next to the church.

Bert Gill came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on West 5th Street.

Wilbur Jensen, operated a tavern on Front Street. Suspended business in 1946.

Whitey McQuillen operates a tavern in the IOOF building.

L. C. Gill came to Wilton this year, he was employed in the Lamps Store as a meat cutter but was called to the service and is still in.

C. E. Whitmer came to town this year, he had been employed in the Tri-Cities. Is a carpenter by trade, lives on West 6th Street.

Ernest Colberg came to WIlton this year, his time is taken up by looking after his farm work, lives on Cherry Street.

John Ellis came to Wilton this year, an auto mechanic, lives in South Wilton.

Harold Grunder, a Wilton boy, was associated with his father, W. A. Grunder, in the Contracting business, his father has passed away, but he will continue the business. Harold is one of our energetic men. He built his new home where he resides in 1940.

Harlan Grunder, a Wilton boy, is a carpenter by trade, he had assisted his father in the Contracting business before he passed away, but will now work with his brother in the business. Resides on East 3rd Street.


Mearle Hicks came to Wilton this year, lives in the Bannick apartments.

Paul Hedden came to Wilton this year, he operates a trucking business, lives on East 3rd Street.

Ray F. Pilcher came to Wilton this year, first operated the bakery, but recently purchased the tavern of Hilbert Leech.

August Bangert came to Wilton this year, is employed in Durant, lives on the corner of East 6th and Locust Streets.

Kenneth Wagner came to Wilton this year, he purchased the Wilton Theater, changed the location to the Bacon building, has an up-to-date place, lives over the theater.

Phillip Scharff came to WIlton this year, retired, lived in South Wilton. Died in 1946.

Chas Wesley Norton came to Wilton this year, he lives on East 5th Street.

Harry Amerine came to WIlton this year. Is employed in the Tri-Cities, lives on East 5th Street.

Albert Rubel came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on East 5th Street.

Roy Kress came to Wilton this year, he drives a truck for the Rock Island Produce Co., lives on East 4th Street.

Geo. Withrow came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on Maurer Street.

W. S. Wildasin came to wilton this year, first living in the Daut house, then purchased his present home on West 4th Street.


Sam King Sr. came to WIlton this year, retired, lives on South Cherry Street.

Hilbert Snider came to Wilton this year, drives a Ruan truck, lives in the Maurer apartments.

Lewis Cross came to Wilton this year, lives on North Cedar Street.

W. J. Kelting came to Wilton this year, employed by the railroad, lives on West 4th Street.

W. C. Chapman came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on East 5th Street.

Chas. Corley came to Wilton this year, operates an oil truck and the D-X filling station, lives on West 4th Street.

Martin Jensen came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on East 5th Street.

Frank Darting came to Wilton this year, he now operates a truck for himself, lives on East 5th Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lorenz and son, Lester, junior, came to Wilton this year, purchased the stock and equipment of the Wilton Advocate, a printing establishment publishing the local newspaper. Brought with them from LeClaire, Iowa, the firm name of The Elite Press. Have made many improvements to the business, reside on West 5th Street.

Rev. C. M. Ferguson came to Wilton this year, he is pastor of the Evangelical church south of town on Highway No. 38, lives on East 5th Street.

Wm. Howell came to Wilton this year, lives in South Wilton.

Ed Schaffer came to Wilton this year, operates an Implement business in Bennett, lives in the Maurer apartments.

Rev. Edward J. O'Hair came to Wilton this year as the priest of the Roman Catholic church of Wilton, lives on East 3rd Street.


Paul Herr came to Wilton this year, was in the service, lives on East 5th Street.

J. R. Dose came to WIlton this year, he is now sexton at the Presbyterian Church, lives on East 6th Street.

James Parkhurst came to WIlton this year, lives on West 5th Street.

Charles Babcok came to Wilton this year, retired, lives in South WIlton.

Fred Pasgovel came to WIlton this year, works in the Tri-Cities, lives on East 4th Street.

Geo. E. Rick came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on East 4th Street.

Gaylord Leggins came to WIlton this year, lives on West 6th Street.

W. E. Hilgenberg came to WIlton this year, is employed by the R. E. A., bought a home on Chestnut Street where he lives.

Kenneth Whitely came to Wilton this year, employed in Moline, bought one of the Hickey houses on East 4th Street where he lives.

Miss Alta B. Suiter, R. N., former assistant pastor of the LeClaire Full Gospel Tabernacle, came to Wilton this year to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lorenz.

Robert Worrell came to WIlton this year, he is employed by the R. E. A., lives on North Cherry Street.

L. A. Ford came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on Cedar Street.

Milford Smith came to Wilton this year, lives on West 5th Street.

John Smith came to Wilton this year, laborer, he lives on East 3rd Street.


It seems as though some terrible thing must happen every so often, this time it was the killing of Pete Soteros, section foreman on the railroad, and one of his men by the name of Lamp. They saw a train coming from one direction and stepped on the other track not noticing that a train was approaching on the track where they were standing, the road being on the double track system.

The R. F. Abbott residence on North Cherry Street was destroyed by fire this year.

Leo Herr came to WIlton this year, was in the service, lives on East 5th Street.

Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Daly came to Wilton this year. Mr. Daly operates a welding shop and Mrs Daly a cafe down town. They live over the Teasdale office.

Raymond G. Tyler came to WIlton this year, is the Athletic Coach of the Wilton Schools, lives on Cedar Street.

Elmer Straub came to WIlton this year, he is employed in the Tri-Cities, lives on East 3rd Street.

A. E. Eckhardt came to WIlton this year, lives in South Wilton. At the time of gathering this history was in Arizona for his health.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Frankenpohl came to Wilton this year; purchased the Wayside Cafe of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Diggins and in the early spring of '47 sold same to Mrs. Louise Foreman who now operates the Cafe which is located on East 5th Street.

Melvin Louk came to Wilton this year, employed by the R. E. A., lives in South Wilton.

Elmer Daut came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on Cedar Street.

Bert Snider came to WIlton this year, he operates a trucking business, resided on West 5th Street until March of ' 47 when he and Mrs. Snider moved to a home on East 6th Street.

Chester Ellis came to Wilton this year, lives on West 6th Street.

David Stapp came to Wilton this year, he operates an implement ship on Cedar Street. Lives on West 4th Street.

H. V. Bunce came to WIlton this year, retired, lives south of the depot.

Henry First came to Wilton this year, employed by the railroad, lives on Locust Street.

H. H. Hudson came to WIlton this year, retired, lives on West 4th Street.

Evan Jenkins came to WIlton this year, retired, lives on Maurer Street.

Kenyon Fitzjarrell came to Wilton this year, operates an electric shop corner of 4th and Chestnut streets, lives over the shop.

John Schiele came to Wilton this year, released for the service, lives on East 6th Street.

Joe Bujewski came to Wilton this year, retired, lives with Harry Maurer on West 4th Street.

John Birkhofer came to WIlton this year, rural mail carrier, lives on East 6th Street.

Mort Cockshoot, a Wilton boy, employed in the Tri-Cities for a while, lived on West 6th Street, moved away in 1946.

Carl Musfeldt came to WIlton this year, operates a garage on the north side of 4th Street, lives over the garage.

Richard Fulton came to Wilton this year, operates a dairy route, lives in South Wilton.

W. N. Phillips came to WIlton this year, lives on East 3rd Street.

W. A. Licht came to WIlton this year, employed by the R. E. A.

Charles Hines came to WIlton this year, employed in the Tri-Cities. Lives on East 6th Street.

H. L. Schafnit came to WIlton this year, retired, lives on West 5th Street. Is now the Mayor of Wilton.

Roger Coulson came to WIlton this year, is the English teacher and also principal of the Wilton schools, lives on East 5th Street.

Louis Stoll came to WIlton this year, retired, lives in home he purchased that was built by Herman Kretschmar in 1922.

Ferdinand Bunge came to WIlton, retired, lives on East 4th Street.


Willard Hillyer came to WIlton this year, was in the service, now discharged, purchased the Wacker Blacksmith Shop, lives on West 6th Street.

Claude Christian came to Wilton this year, lives on West Iowa Street.

Martin Peters came to Wilton this year, operates an oil truck, lives on East 6th Street.

Frank Hamann came to WIlton this year, retired, lives on West 6th Street.

Henry Grunder came to WIlton this year, retired, lives on West 6th Street.

Henry Dall came to Wilton this year, he is sexton of the Oakdale Cemetery and lives in North Wilton.

Jacob Bigford came to WIlton in the early thirties, he lives in South WIlton.

Elnof Kroening came to WIlton in the year 1945 making his home in South Wilton.

Dr. Robert P. Mason is a product of the town. He spent his boyhood days in Wilton, after passing through the WIlton schools, he entered the State University of Iowa. Completing his course there, he continued taking the course in Medical School connected with the University. He then served one year as intern at the Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Joining the Navy as a Medical Officer, he has been stationed in various aresa in the Pacific. Serving two years overseas he was returned to the states, and was stationed at a post near Norfolk Vitginia, where he served until discharged.

D. V. Smull purchased the Robert Budelier home this year.

Henry Schmidt bought the Smull home this year.

L. C. Cockshoot became a citizen of WIlton this year, retired.

The R. E. A. came to WIlton in 1944 and established their headquarters here, bringing several families to town. They are constructing power lines in the rural districts.

They have purchased vacant lots known as the Nelson lots in East Wilton along the highway, this property consists of a city block. Here they have established their office and freight depot, along the railroad tracks, also a builfing to store necessary material. An asset to the town.

Bannister Brothers, Emil and Carl, came to Wilton in the year 1946. They are operating the Mid-Way Garage, along the highway on East 5th Street, they also reside on East 5th Street.

Paul Hedden bought Lot 4 Block 64 Butterfields addition from the Knouse family.

Roze Rorrick bought Lot 2 Block 63 Butterfields addition from M. B. Nelson this year.

Wayne Grunder a product of Wilton passing through the Wilton Schools. Entered the service but now released. Assists his father at carpenter work. He purchased a lot on East 5th, upon which he erected a new home for his family. But after completion sold it to Mayme McKeag and is at present erecting a new house in West Liberty. Mrs. McKeag purchasing this property for a home, she sold her property on West 5th Street to Carl Schwin.

Norman Peek an enterprising young man became a citizen a few years ago. He was in the service, after his release he purchased a lot on East Wate Street and has erected a fine residence thereon. He is an electrician by trade.

Henry Gruemmer residing on East 5th Street, has erected a new garage on the back part of the lot facing on Chestnut Street. Mr. Gruemmer has been a citizen of the town for some time.

R. F. Abbott is erecting a new house to replace the one destroyed by fire in 1945. It is on his lot on North Maurer Street.

Mr. Mark Nelson has erected a new house on his lot on the corner of 6th and Cypress Streets. When completed the new home will be occupied by Mr. Nelson and family.

H. C. Lange having disposed of the garage on the corner of 4th and Cypress Streets, has purchased the west part of the lot adjoining the property he sold and has erected a new garage with living quarters on the second floor.

Beryl Grings, of Durant, purchased the Wilton-Durant Locker Plant this year. It is operated by Charles Taylor and Albert Meisinger.

Charles Hart came to Wilton in the year 1878, was employed by the Economy Lumber Co., for 26 years, was out of town for a short period returning in 1946. Is now employed as City Weighmaster, resides on 3rd Street.

Mrs. Hattie Mason sold her home on the corner of Elm and 6th Streets to Richard Lester, who in turn has converted it into an apartment building. She also sold her property on East 4th street to Wilbur Handricks, whose son is to occupy said property. She purchased the Lowry Johnson property on West 5th Street, where she now resides.

The minnie Friederichsen house on East 5th Street was sold to Val Wilson of St Paul, Minn. Formerly Val Hudler. The Wilson's will occupy the premises about May 1st, 1947.

Dr. Frutiger bought Lots 1-2 and Block 64 of Butterfields addition this year.

Leo Walters, a product of the town, he was inducted into the service, now released, resides with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters.

L. R. Friederichsen and wife, sold to F. E. Walters and wife, Blocks 69 and 72 and Lots 9 to 16, in Block 81, Green and Stones addition.

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