Wilton History 1854-1947 |
Source: Henry Wildasin's Revised History of Wilton, Iowa
***Containing a complete reprint of Wilton History 1854-1876 by Rider & Stevenson***1947
1920 W. A. Grunder built the house, now owned by Noah Whitmer, estate, this year, now occupied by Mrs. Alvin Lutje.
Theo. Hillyer built his home this year on Cedar Street.
H. F. Schnack came to Wilton on or about this year, first purchasing the house where Walter Kaufmann now lives later selling it and buying the property on East 5th Street where he now lives. Has served on the Town Council, is quite a stock feeder, one of the leading citizens.
Dallas Sterner came to Wilton about this year, had been employed at various kinds of work, he is now assistant janitor at the school house, lives south of the railroad on Locust Street.
H. R. Maurer came to town this year, lives on West 4th Street. His house burned to the ground in 1931 and he built a new one in the same year.
1921 George Nopolous, born in Wilton, March of this year. Went to the service December 11, 1942 and was discharged February 28, 1946. Owns half interest in the Wilton Candy Kitchen with his brother Leo, since October 1, 1946.
Dr. Henry Hell came to Wilton this year to practice his profession as a veterinarian, his home was on East 6th Street. Died in 1937.
Chester Hell came to Wilton this year, after his father's death, he operated several trucks, went into service, returned and began to do some trucking business, lives on East 6th Street.
A. E. Pirkey came to Wilton this year, a painter and paper hanger by trade, lives in South Wilton.
Ernest Niles came to Wilton this year, a laborer, lives in North Wilton, Riders addition.
Lupton Smith, a Wilton boy, has just been discharged from service, lives in South Wilton.
Geo. Kook, born in Wilton, first employed as Assistant Post Master, then entered service, was discharged and is now Assistant Post Master, lives in South Wilton.
Leo Nopolous, born in Wilton; upon his Navy discharge he operated the Candy Kitchen for quite some time, lived in the Bacon Block. He and family moved to Stuart, Iowa about December 1, 1946 where he purchased a cafe which he now operates.
1922 The Home Coming Celebration was held this year and the town did itself proud by pulling off the greatest event that has ever happened in the Town. Surpassing any other gathering heretofore held, the event lasted three days and was truly a great demonstration.
Fenton Fox of Chicago, a former Wilton boy, was the prime promoter, it was through his eforts that it was such a success. He used every way and means possible so that every former resident of Wilton, as nearly as could, would be informed of the event. He had someone of each graduating class of the Wilton High School appointed as a committee on invitations and in that way nearly every former citizen would get notice.
The Honorable Robert G. Cousins of Tipton was the chief orator for the occassion, Mr. Cousins was considered one, if not the best, orators of Eastern Iowa.
We must not forget what a part A. T. Nelson played on this occassion towards making it a success and also he erected a Goddess of Wilton that was placed near the railroad station to welcome the incoming crowds.
We do not wish to slight anyone but to do so would make quite a volume, former townsman, J. M. Rider was also an asset to the occassion, so as to not slight anyone it would be only fair to state that those who were former residents and the people at home were very much enthused and should not be forgotten too soon, again stating it was the greatest event that Wilton ever had, barring none other.
T. A. Hill came to Wilton this year, when he first came to town he operated a truck for some time, then he was engaged to assist in the J. H. Wacker Implement House where he is still employed being quite an asset to the business, lives on East 5th Street.
J. F. Snow came to Wilton this year, he is a clock repairer, lives on 1st Street.
Elmer Steffens came to Wilton this year, he was first employed at the Lamp Store, then entered the service, was discharged and is now back on his old job at the Lamp Store, will reside on East 3rd Street.
Clarence Duff came to Wilton this year, after he left the Wilton schools, he joined the Navy, since his release he has become employed as a distributor of bottle gas. Lives on 6th and Cedar Streets.
1923 Kenneth Murdock came to Wilton this year, was educated in the Wilton schools, operated the DX filling station for some time, was in the service, but is now discharged, home is on Chestnut Street.
1924 Henry Mark moved his old house away and which is now occupied in North Wilton and built his new house this year and it is now occupied by John F. Burkle as his home.
H. C. Lange came to Wilton this year, he operates a garage and lives on East 4th Street.
Robert Lange came to Wilton this year, was in the service but is now discharged.
Thos. Lange came to Wilton this year, was in the service, but is now discharged.
Thos. Gill built the house this year where Howard Gill now lives.
Junior Atkinson born in Wilton, just returned from service.
Howard Gill came to Wilton this year, went in service during World War I, is now employed in the Tri-Cities, lives on West 3rd Street.
T. H. Armstrong came to Wilton this year. The Armstrongs purchased the Wilton Telephone Co. equipment and now lives on Cedar Street.
R. D. McCabe came to Wilton this year. He and his son operate a filling station on East 5th Street and live on East 5th Street.
Paul McCabe came to Wilton this year, he entered the service but is now discharged. He and his father operate a filling station and also the Bus Station which is located on East 5th Street, live on East 5th Street.
Morris Ovesen, a Wilton boy, was in the service, but is now released.
Art Jenner came to Wilton this year, was in the service. Has been discharged and lives in the Bannick Apartments.
W. H. Pirkey came to Wilton this year, is a painter, lives on North Cedar Street.
Earl Armstrong came to Wilton this year, is now the Manager of the Wilton Telephone Company, lives on West 6th Street.
Kenneth Brenner, a Wilton boy, entered the service but now released.
Emil Schroeder came to Wilton this year, he has been occupied at various things but is now operationg a feed store, also deals some in farm implements, lives on Maurer Street.
1925 J. L. Bailey built his new home this year.
Friedericka Brammeier built her new home this year, on Maurer Street.
Jake Frymoyer has been a resident of the Town for some time.
Lee Masterson came to town this year, is a barber by trade, and is also employed in the Tri-Cities, lives on West 3rd Street.
1926 This is the year that the town ordered 13 blocks of concrete paving built as follows---one block on Front Street, two blocks on Cherry Street, three blocks on Fourth Street and three blocks on Fifth Street, three blocks on Cedar Street, one block on Elm Street. It improved the looks of the town wonderfully, also removing the unsightly poles from the streets of our business district is a credit to the town.
This year was a year of jubilee for the Masonic Order when they built their magnificent Temple, the building is a great credit to the order and a wonderful asset to our town.
Lyle Ovesen, a Wilton boy, is one of our citizens.
Arthur Wiebel is employed at the Wilton Milk Products Co, lives on West 3rd Street.
Felix Dwyer, a Wilton boy, lives with his mother on Cherry Street.
R. F. Abbott, a Wilton boy, his first business venture was operating a filling station on Highway No. 32. In 1938 the present filling station was built being on West 4th Street, he had been employed in the Tri-Cities for some time, lives in his father's home on West 4th Street.
Richard Schneekloth came to Wilton this year, he is employed at the Wilton Milk Products Co., lives over the Candy Kitchen.
Carl Sambdman came to Wilton this year, operates a poultry and egg truck, lives South of the railroad.
Geo. Kahler came to Wilton this year, has been employed in the Tri-Cities, lives on West 1st Street.
Herbert Waech came to Wilton this year, is the Principal of the Zion Lutheran School, lives on Maurer Street.
Rev. J. M. Newgard came to Wilton this year to become the pastor on the Grace Evangelical and Reformed Church and which position he now holds, lives on East 5th Street. Mr. Newgard is now serving in his 21st year.
1927 The people of the community were shocked when they heard that Geo. Wagner, one of our good citizens, was instantly killed by a train that was running late. It happened at the Cypress Street crossing and he drove his auto on to the railroad track not noticing the oncoming train. His body was mangled beyond recognition. The accident happened in the month of May of this year.
Walter Kaufmann came to town this year, is employed at the Arsenal, lived on North Maurer Street, now lives on West 6th Street.
J. J. Hoskins came to Wilton this year, he served as secretary of the White Pigeon Insurance Co., for a short period, was Assessor of the town for some time and is now City Clerk. Lives on East 6th Street.
Geo. Freeland came to Wilton this year, has been discharged from the service, lives on Maurer Street.
Frank Kook came to Wilton this year, is a handy man. Lives on East 6th Street.
Ed Dirksen came to Wilton this year, he now lives on East 6th Street.
Ernest Darting came to town this year, he operates a fleet of trucks, lives on West 4th Street.
1928 Peter Ellis came to Wilton this year, operates a filling station, also cabins for tourists, lives on East 5th Street.
Ed Martens came to Wilton this year, works in the Tri-Cities, lives in the Leith apartments.
Harry Harper came to Wilton this year as an auto mechanic, operated a fleet of trucks known as Harper's Ferry. Sold his business to his son, Lee, when he was released from service in June, 1946. Lives on North Oak Street.
Carl Giese came to Wilton this year, a stone and brick mason by trade, lives in South Wilton.
1929 The first Electric Light Plant was built in 1891, in 1914 there was an addition added on to have more engine room, a new Corless Engine was added, about 1921 an additional Corless engine was added. In 1926, the great smoke stack was built, in 1929, the new Electric Light Plant was built using Diesel engines instead of steam, the plant now has three Diesel engines to furnish the current.
Victor Kephart came to Wilton this year, is employed at the Wilton Milk Products Co., lives in South Wilton.
Rinehart Giese came to Wilton this year, is employed by the Economy Lumber Co., lives on Short Street.
Arthur Giese came to Wilton this year, is employed by the Economy Lumber Co., lives on Short Street.
Leland Barkalow came to Wilton this year is now employed in the service, lives on West 2nd Street.
Harry Petersen came to Wilton this year, he operated a garage on East 4th Street, left town and returned in 1936 when he opened a shoe repair shop west of the Post Office---later moving to the Teasdale building next to Smull's Hardware. In 1946 he sold out to Max Lauser, a returned War veteran, teaching him the trade.
Roy Barkalow came to Wilton this year, assists on road grading, lives on East 4th Street.