Wilton History 1854-1947 |
Source: Henry Wildasin's Revised History of Wilton, Iowa
***Containing a complete reprint of Wilton History 1854-1876 by Rider & Stevenson***1947
1900 Dr.W. A. Cooling built the house on West 6th Street now occupied by Henry Grunfer.
The Presbyterian church was rebuilt this year putting in semi-circle pews.
H. P. Mason, M. D., opened up an office this year for the practice of his profession.
Orville Ford came to Wilton about the year 1900 to become a Rural Mail Carrier, which job he held until he retired a few years ago, lives in his home on East 5th Street, which was built by C. C. Wacker.
Gail Ford has been a resident of Wilton the major part of his life, if not all, he is a painter and decorator, lives on East 5th Street.
Jens Hansen came to Wilton this year, has been employed in the Tri-Cities, lives on West 6th Street.
Harry G. Griffith, a Wilton boy, served in World War I, learned embalming and is now sole undertaker, lives on North Maurer Street on second floor of the Funeral Home.
L. N. Ayres came to Wilton this year. He had served on the Town Council, also was Mayor of the town. He died in 1940 and was a fine old gentleman, 95 years old.
Theo. Port came to Wilton this year. Died in 1933, a good old soul.
Henry J. Sindt came to Wilton this year, is a handy man, lives South of the Depot.
Arthur Brenner came to Wilton this year, now Street Commissioner or General Utility Man, lives north of the railroad on Chestnut Street.
Henry W. Moeller came to Wilton this year, then moved on a farm returning to Wilton in 1944, retired, lives on Cedar Street.
1901 Amelia Wildasin built the house now occupied by Mrs. Alice Nangle on 4th Street.
Attorney A. R. Whitmer came to Wilton to practice his profession, has his office and residence over the Star Drug Store.
P. A. Schmidt came to Wilton this year as a Cheese Maker, now handy man, lives on West 1st Street.
Dr. L. C. Winter came here from College to practice his profession, first upstairs in the Maurer building, now over the Star Drug Store, lives on West 4th Street.
Wm. Lang built his fine home in 1919, later went to Muscatine, taking his home with him. He died in 1944.
1902 The frame Methodist church burned this year, the commodious brick church was built in 1902 and has the largest auditorium of any church in town.
W. D. Harris built his fine home now occupied by the Kirk Grunder family.
Geo. W. Woodhouse built his fine home this year now occupied by L. C. Kiser.
1903 Homer Carson came this year, a laborer, lives on East 3rd Street.
1904 Grace Evangelical and Reformed church was built this year.
A. R. Leith built his spacious home this year and now occupied by G. G. Leith.
A. B. Kelley came to Wilton this year, was Rural Mail Carrier, now retired.
John Luethye came to Wilton this year, worked for A. T. Nelson in the tin shop for eleven years, then began business for himself. His place of business just North of the old Farmers Bank building, lives on North Maurer Street.
1905 H. Wildasin built his home this year.
Economy Lumber Company organized this year.
Henry W. Lamp became the sole owner of the then known " Strong Store ", now known as the Lamp Store. Mr. Lamp came to Wilton in 1886 and was a clerk in the C. B. Strong General Store, after Mr. Strong's death, he managed the store until 1905.
The Farmers Savings Bank was organized this year with the following officers---C. C. Kaufmann, President; Fred ( Cash ) Maurer, Vice President; F. C. Wickes, Cashier. Mr. Wickes died in 1924.
Harry B. Strong and J. W. Potter started a new General Store in the building now occupied by A. C. Hucke.
Harold C. Wacker, born here, is a member of the J. H. Wacker Implement Co., lives on North Maurer Street. A member of the School Board.
Geo. E. Nolte came to Wilton this year, retired, lives on West 4th Street.
T. P. Russell came to Wilton this year, retired, died in 1946. Lived on North Cherry Street.
J. G. Crispin came to Wilton this year, is a plumber by trade, served in World War I, is also in the berry business, lives on East 3rd Street.
Adolph Jarr came here this year, retired.
F. A. Martin, Attorney, came here this year to practice his profession, office in Farmers Bank building, lives on West 6th Street.
1906 F. A. Maurer and family came to Town this year.
Elmer F. Maurer came here this year, served in World War I, electrician by trade, lives on Cedar Street.
1907 F. A. Maurer bought the Griff Johnson home on Cedar Street.
Gus Bartels came to town this year, retired, lives on 2nd Street.
A bad accident occured at the Cypress Street crossing this year. George Angerer was driving his team hitched to a surrey on a Sunday morning on their way to his wife's father, when they came to the crossing, a freight train had just pulled in and the caboose was on the crossing. The train had stopped to take water, the locomotive was not at the crane so pulled up and went too far so had to back up. After the train had pulled up, the brakeman signaled Mr. Angerer to come across but just as he was on the track the train was backed up and caught the surrey and cut it in two and the back seat with Mrs. Angerer and the children was crushed under the caboose and one of the children was killed and Mrs. Angerer was quite seriously injured. Mr. Angerer with other children was cut away and not injured. Have been several accidents at this crossing.
1908 Lowry N. Johnson, a home product, traveling salesman, moved from town in 1946.
F. W. Gray became a resident of Wilton, first, in the G. W. Moore house, then on Cedar Street. He died in 1925.
The Warner Arc Lamp Factory was built on railroad ground, known as the " Y ". It was short lived, and some of our citizens were sorely stung.
1909 G. J. Nicolaus built his home this year, now occupied by H. G. Nicolaus. He died in 1937.
Dr. L. H. Whitmer, a product of this Town, after passing through the schools of Wilton he went to prepare himself for his life's work. After graduating from the School of Medicine in 1934, his time was occupied in the State of Kansas until he came here to practice medicine in 1936. He entered the service in 1940, returned again to his practice in 1945. Built his home in 1938. Has established his office on the corner of Maurer and 6th Streets.
Peter Ketelsen came here this year, is a carpenter and painter by trade, lives on East 5th Street.
F. A. Latchaw came here this year, has put his time in different kinds of business. He was our State Representative for Muscatine County, served five terms and one extra session ( 50th ). Is now engaged in the Real Estate and Insurance business. His office is located west of the Post Office on 4th Street. His home is at the end of Walnut Street.