Wilton History

Source: Henry Wildasin's Revised History of Wilton, Iowa
***Containing a complete reprint of Wilton History 1854-1876 by Rider & Stevenson***1947


L. T. Sheets has a livery barn on Cherry Street which he operated until about 1880, when he closed out and left town. This building is now the property of K. G. Grunder. Part of it is used by John Leuthye for a plumbing shop.

Jerry Donovan kept a barn on West 4th Street. He operated until about 1900. He sold out to Scott and Chamberlin. They used it for an Implement House, but they did not succeed very well so they quit business. In 1913 J. F. Rush bought the property, wrecked the building, and built instead a feed shed thereon. But as automobiles were getting more plentiful and horses were not used so extensively he was forced to quit the business. A. C. Hucke purchased it and converted it into a garage and filling station. Mr. Hucke then sold to Overson and Abbott, who wrecked the building and constructed an up-to-date garage and filling station.

Eb Terry started a barn on the gound now occupied by the Home Mix Feed Co. Terry operated the barn only for a short time. Sold to C. Hucke who operated it for quite a number of years. The building was burned in the fire of 1892, but he rebuilt it again and used it as a barn for some time. The property was bought by the Maurer Brothers, but was used by Harry Maurer as a garage and repair shop. It was then sold to Vernon Thede and he operates the Home Mix Feed Co.

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