Wilton History

Source: Henry Wildasin's Revised History of Wilton, Iowa
***Containing a complete reprint of Wilton History 1854-1876 by Rider & Stevenson***1947


Affiliated with the National Rifle Club is the Wilton Gun Club. Officers of this club which was organized in 1923 are: George Kook, president; Kenneth Herr, vice-president; Ed. F. W. Maurer, executive officer; Ed Schaeffer, secretary; and Ruth Maurer, treasurer.

The club has an indoor gallery in the basement of the Ed. F. W. Maurer garage, and during the indoor season they hold their meetings every Thursday night. The outdoor range is on the Jim Smith farm south of Moscow.

Membership in the club is open to anyone 18 years of age who is an American citizen. This includes both men and women. There is a Junior Gun Club for young people between the ages of 12 and 18.

During the war the club put on a pre-induction school for two winters. This school was sanctioned by the U. S. Army.

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