submitted by Ronna Thuman, November 14, 2007


OLD SETTLERS’ MEETING.—At the old settler’s meeting, held June 11th, 1879, called together on the death of Absalom Fisher, the Hon. D. C. Cloud was made chairman. On taking the chair he noticed the death also of Louis Springer, during the night.

Messrs. L. H. Washburn, Block and W. H. Woodward were made a committee on resolutions on the death of Mr. Fisher, and H. Molis, S. Foster and W. Williams on the death of Louis Springer. The resolutions to be reported to the papers, and some to be accepted by this meeting.

D. C. Cloud, J. P. Walton and Wm. Gordon were made a committee to draft suitable notice of Mrs. Azubah Nye, who died March 4th, 1879, and also of Mrs. Mary Blanchard.

On motion of H. Molis,

Resolved, That the old setters attend the funeral in a body.

On motion adjourned.

D. C. CLOUD, Chairman,
P. JACKSON, Secretary,


The committee of the Old Settlers’ Association appointed to draft some expression of our loss in the death Brother Absalom Fisher, beg leave to report as follows:

    The intelligence brought to our notice to-day that no less than four of our member have recently fallen, is a forcible reminder that we are all passing on to that bourne from which no traveler returns, and the injunction comes with increased force “Be ye ready.”

    That in the departure of Brother Fisher we lament the loss of a consistent Christian man, whose life gave abundant evidence to all who knew him intimately that his professions were made practical realities; and we know of no higher tribute to pay his memory than to say of him, that in the midst of many adverse circumstances he was ever true to God, to his family and to others.

    That his bereaved widow and family have our deepest sympathies in this affliction, and our Secretary be instructed to furnish them with a copy of this statement, with expressions of condolence.

    M. BLOCK,

In Muscatine, Tuesday, June 10th, 1879, Capt. A. FISHER, in the 71st year of his age.

Funeral at the family residence on Front street, to-morrow (Wednesday), at 3 p. m., under the auspices of the Masonic Fraternity. Friends are respectfully invited.

Thus has passed away another of the old pioneers of Muscatine county. Capt. FISHER settled in Muscatine in 1845 and formed a partnership with Levi Goldsberry, under the name of Fisher & Goldsberry, brick makers and builders. The present Commercial House, the old No. 1 school house, a portion of the Scott House, and many other of the early brick buildings of this city were erected by them. Mr. FISHER served as ferryman for many years, with the old ferryboats “Muscatine” and “Decalion.” He afterwards purchased the little steamer Pearl, which now lies sunk in a slough near New Boston. It was while guarding this boat that he contracted his last illness, a malarial fever.

He was a member of the Baptist church and sang in the choir for many years.--W.--

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