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submitted by Ronna Thuman, November 14, 2007
Meeting of Old Settlers.At a meeting of the Old Settlers of Muscatine county, Friday, Oct. 20, 1876, Mr. Suel Foster, President, stated that the object of the meeting was to take suitable action in the death of one of our number, Geo. W. Kincaid.
On motion, Joseph Bridgman, Moses Couch and J. P. Walton were made a committee on resolutions. Mr. Bridman expressed regret at the little interest manifested and the few, who came to our meetings.
On motion of J. J. Hoopes, Mr. J. Bridgman was appointed a committee to express to the family of deceased, our sympathy and condolence.
Resolved, That all the Old Settlers are earnestly requested to meet at the Mayor’s office, to-morrow (Saturday) morning, at half-past 11 o’clock, to hear the report of the committee and join in the funeral procession at the corner of Second and Pine, Mr. John Chambers to act as marshal.
- S. FOSTER, President.
- P. JACKSON, Secretary.
Resolutions on the Death of Col. G. W. Kincaid.At an adjourned meeting of the Old Settlers’ Association, held at the Mayor’s office, on the 21st day of October, 1876, the committee appointed at a previous meeting, reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:
To the officers and members of the Old Settlers’ Association of Muscatine County:--
Your committee, to whom was referred the subject matter of drafting a series of resolutions indicative of our feeling upon hearing of the death of one our members, would respectfully submit the following report:
George W. Kincaid, the Vice-President of this Society, is dead. His strife is over. The loved one of years, who have nestled around the warm hearthstone of his great heart are left alone: no more shall they meet his warm and cordial greeting.
A kind and loving husband, a fond and devoted father, an unswerving friend, a true patriot and lover of his country, a faithful citizen and a Christian man. What a record 1 and all so true. And while we as “Old Settlers” mourn his death, we would remember and cherish his many Christian virtnes: therefore.
Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with this deeply bereaved family, in this their sore affliction, and extend to them our heartfelt sympathy.
Resolved, That while they mourn his loss, and cannot penetrate the dark cloud that overshadows them, and feel with such heart crushing force the hand that is laid so heavily upon them, they can look forward with bright and happy anticipations to the future, when they will meet him again in that land of the loving and the loved ones.
Resolved, That the foregoing preamble and resolution be published in the newspapers of this city, and that the Secretary of the Association present a copy of the same to the family of the deceased.
- Com.
****** Mustered Out. DEATH OF COL. GEORGE W. KINCAID.
Col. George W. Kincaid died at his residence in this township yesterday at 6:30 o’clock, a.m.
The first notice that the public had of Col. Kincaid’s sickness was given in yesterday’s TRIBUNE and Journal. He had been indisposed but eight days, and neither the attending physician nor the family were seriously concerned until Wednesday. His illness had then taken on the character of typhoid pnenmonia, with aggravated symptoms, and at evening, such was the swift progress of the disease, life was despaired of.
Deceased was born in West Union, Adams county, Ohio, April 24, 1812, and though reared in humble circumstances, it was always the boast of the Colonel that he came of good Revolutionary stock, his grandfather having been not only a soldier of the seven years war for American Independence, but one of the first to spring to arms in that memorable struggle, receiving his first lessons of the war on the crest of Breed’s (Bunker) Hill by the side of Gen. Warren.
The Colonel was bred to the tanner’s trade and followed this pursuit until the age of twenty seven, when, accompanied by his young wife, he came to Iowa (183g) and settled upon land on High Prairie, in Seventy-Six township, now known as the McGrew farm. Subsequently, nearly twenty-five years ago, he purchased his well-known place on the Slough Road, about three miles below the city, which he has since made his home.
Up to the war of the rebellion, deceased, though noted for his public spirit and active interest in all civic and political affairs, had led an unobtrusive, rural life, never before the people as a candidate for public office, though ready when occasion called, to give public utterance to his convictions. But when war sounded its rude alarm, his revolutionary blood was fired at once, and at his instance the famous Thirty-Seventh Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry was mustered into service, and he commissioned its Colonel. This regiment, known as the Graybeards, acquired at once a national reputation from its being composgd of men whose ages averaged nearly sixty years, The Colonel’s commission is dated Sept. 17, 1862, and his regiment was ordered into rendezvous at Camp Strong, near Muscatine, and mustered into service the middle of December following. The regiment went to St. Louis in January in 1863, and where it remained in guard of Military prisons until May, when it moved out on the Pacific Railroad, along the line of which it served two months, when it was ordered to Alton, Ills, to guard the rebel prisoners in durance at that place. The regiment remained at Alton until the middle of January 1864, and then moved to Rock Island where it performed similar guard duties until June fifth, when it it was ordered south, to Memphis, where it was on picket duty of three months and saw severe service. From Memphis the “Graybeards” were ordered to Indianapolis, whence five companies under Col. Kincaid went to Cincinnati, remaining there until May, 1865, and being joined by the other companies, it came to Davenport, and May 20th was discharged.
Mr. Ingersoll, in his “Iowa and the Rebellion,” concludes his chapter on the 37th regiment as follows:
“Their services were not, indeed, rendered in the tented field, in the face of the emeny, except during the attack on Memphis. But they performed valuable, onerous and oftentimes most disagreeable duties. They received many favorable expressions from commanding officers under whom they served. General Willich, the last general officer under whose command they served, thus wrote to the Adjutant General of the army:
The recommendation of Gen. Willich was complied with and the “Graybeards” were honorably discharged from further service.HEAD QUARTERS, CINCINNATI, OH
May 13th, 1863Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant General U.S. Army:
GENERAL: I have the honor to submit to your consideration, the following:
The Thirty-seventh Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry, called the “Gray Beards,” now on duty at this post, consists exclusively of old men-none under forty-five; many over sixty years of age. After the men of this regiment had devoted their sons and grandsons, numbering thirteen hundred men, to the service of their country, their patriotism induced them to enlist themselves, for garrison duty, thus enabling the government to send the young men to the front. Officers and men would cheerfully remain in the service as long as they are wanted, though they are very badly needed at home to save the next harvest, most of them being farmers. I most respectfully submit to you, whether there is any necessity now to hold these old men under such heavy sacrifices.They have received the commendations of their former post commanders. At this post, they have performed very heavy duties, which to perform would even have been difficult for an equal number of young men. The high patriotism displayed by these men in devoting a few years of of their old age to their country’s service is unparelelled in history, and commands the respect of every true Republican.
I therefore most respectfully recommend that the Thirty-seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry may be mustered out of the service immediately, with the honors and acknowledgments of their services, due to the noble spirit with which they gave so glorious an example to the youths of their country.
- Very respectfully, &c.,
- Brigadier General, Commanding.
Since the war the Colonel has dwelt upon his farm, though like Cincinnatus always ready to respond on public occasions to the call of the people. An ardent politician in the best sense of the word, he served his chosen party with much zeal and ability, and in the great canvass now progressing, he was taking an active part on the hustings, as an advocate of the election of Hayes and Wheeler, when Death summoned him from the field.
We write of Col. Kincaid’s death with a sorrow that has not touched our heart, and, we may say, the public’s since the funeral of the Hon. Jacob Butler. Who did not like the Colonel? Who, that did not respect the expression of his convictions? Who, that did not believe in the sincerity of his action and speech? We loved this man, in spite of all that party prejudice and passion could array us against him. We believed him, in politics mistaken, but sincere. In civic life, as the public spirited citizen, always serving us so faithfully, with the red sash of Marshal worn at his side, for over twenty years, this Marshall of all our civic demonstrations, who, of our assemblies in the future, will not miss Col. Kincaid?
He was of brave stock. His tall athletic heroic figure. as he came into our history in 1839, was of the best that Iowa immigration could then or now boast of. His was the nerve, the strength and the courage, to swing the ax in our primeval forest.
His, the heart, and the intelligence to surround log-cabin life with the charms of civilization. His, the nature, to lend to all, in those pioneer days, the encouragement of heroism and trust in the future. Few there are, connected with the history of Muscatine, who will be remembered with more kindness than Col. Kincaid. Is it possible that we must part with this old citizen?
He is linked with our whole history. His wife, Louisa Strenbergen, niece of Gov. Lucus, and five children survive this death.
The funeral takes place at the residence, at 10 o’clock to-morrow (Saturday) morning. Rev. G. N. Power of the M. E. Church and Rev. A. B. Robbins of the Congregational, will conduct the service.
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