submitted by Neal Carter, Aug. 25, 2007


On Friday, July 12th (1872), of typhoid fever, GEORGE BUMGARDNER, aged 65 years. Funeral to take place at High Prairie Chapel, on Sunday, July 14, at 11 o’clock a. m. Funeral cortege leaves the residence of the family at 10 o’clock. Friends of the family and the community are respectfully invited to attend without further notice.


Again the community is called to mourn the death of one of its oldest and most respected citizens. George Bumgardner, County Surveyor, breathed his last yesterday afternoon at his homestead four miles west of this city, where he has resided for more than a quarter of a century past. The event was not unexpected to his friends, he having been in poor health for some time, though able to go about as usual till a few days before his death.

George Bumgardner emigrated to this country from Virginia in 1837, having landed here in March of that year. During his long residence here, filling as he did places of responsibility and trust, not a stain or reproach has ever rested upon his good name. At the meeting of Old Settlers, this forenoon, to prepare suitable testimonials of respect and to arrange for attending the funeral, feeling and affecting remarks eulogistic of the deceased were made by John A. Parvin, Jos. Bridgman, Peter Jackson, Pliny Fay, H. H. Garnes and Jacob Butler. The first speaker alluded to the organization of the first Methodist society at this place (33 years ago) of which the deceased and he were members. Of the seven original members of this society, one died shortly after, and six lived more than twenty years. Only three now remain. All the speakers united in paying tribute to the unswerving integrity of the deceased and in expressions of confidence in his religious professions and admiration of his zeal in the cause of his heavenly Master.

The meeting appointed John A. Parvin, Jos. Bridgman and Wm. Gordon to prepare suitable resolutions, which, at an adjourned meeting, were adopted as follows:

    WHEREAS, We have been informed of the death of our friend and brother, Rev. George Bumgardner, one of the first settlers in Muscatine county, therefore:

    Resolved, That we as “old settlers” while we bow in submission of the dispensation of Devine Providence, mourn as brothers the loss of one of our “Association” – an upright citizen, a true friend, a good neighbor, a kind and indulgent husband and father and an honest man.

    Resolved, That as a token of respect we will attend the funeral of our deceased brother, and fellow his remains to their last resting place.

    Resolved, That the Secretary of our Association be requested to present a copy of these resolutions and preamble to the widow of the deceased.

    J. A. PARVIN
    WM. GORDON --- Com.

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