submitted by Neal Carter, Aug. 25, 2007


Meeting of the Old Settlers’ Society
Journal - April 24, 1872

At a meeting of the old settlers of Muscatine county, held at the office of Messrs. Cloud & Broomhall at 9 a. m., April 24th, 1872, on the occasion of the death of David R. Warfield, a member of the Association.

Jos. Bridgman, Esq., was called to Chair and very feelingly referred to our late friend whose death had called us together.

On motion of Hon. D. C. Cloud, Judge Richman, Hon. J. A. Parvin and Gen. J. G. Gordon, were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the estimation in which the deceased was held by this Society and its sympathy with the family.

On motion, Pliny Fay, Esq., and Hon. J. A. Parvin were made a committee to wait upon the family of deceased in any arrangements that might be desirable to them.

Adjourned to meet at 2 o’clock p. m. at the same place, to act on the resolutions.--- JOS. BRIDGMAN, Chairman



At the afternoon meeting the following resolutions, expressive of the sentiments of the society, were unanimously adopted:

The undersigned, a committee appointed by the “Old Settlers” to report resolutions expressive of their feelings called forth by the announcement of the death of our fellow citizen David R. Warfield, beg leave to report the following:

    Resolved, 1. That we have heard with feelings of profound regret of the death of David R. Warfield, one of the pioneers in the settlement of this city and county.

    2. That in the loss of our brother we are forcibly reminded that, one by one, we are passing away, and are brought to contemplate the fact that the “inevitable hour which comes to all” will soon come to us.

    3. That by the sad event which has called us together, this community has one of its best citizens, the wife of the deceased, an irreproachable husband, his family, a kind and indulgent parent, and his friends a member of their circle whose place cannot be supplied.

    4. That we sincerely sympathize with the family of the deceased in their great affliction and in the irreperable loss they have sustained, and that we will sacredly cherish the memory of our departed friend.

    5. That we will attend the funeral of the deceased in a body, and assist in paying the last sad rites to his remains.

    6. That the papers of this city be requested to publish these resolutions and that a copy thereof be presented to the family of the deceased.

    J. Scott Richman
    John A. Parvin
    John G. Gordon


FUNERAL OF D. R. WARFIELD. – The funeral of D. R. Warfield will take place from his late residence, west of town, to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 o’clock p. m. All friends of the family are invited to attend without further notice.


Another Old Settler Gone
Journal Apr 25, 1872

How oft of late we have to announce this painful news! It was a little over two weeks since our community was shocked by the death of Gen. Fletcher. Now his nearest neighbor, David R. Warfield, is gone, and we are called to mourn the loss of another prominent and good man. We are startled at the sudden death of those two prominent men. Only a few days before they were busy at their homes, and upon our streets with us. But a little more than two years past, the numbers of our old settlers who have passed away is surprisingly great.

David R. Warfield was born at Eastern Shore, Maryland, March 29, 1816. He became a resident here in December, 1837, having resided here over thirty-four years.

In the summer of 1837, his cousin, Chas. A. Warfield, in exploring the country from St. Louis up this river, decided to locate at Muscatine (then Bloomington) and purchased the Bartlow claim, and those of two or three others, embracing all that tract of land north of the east part of the town from Eighth street one mile back, and from a few rods west of the Iowa City road, a mile east, including about half of Chester Weed’s farm. In December 1837, I think it was near Christmas when I arrived in Bloomington, and was told that three men had been on the other side of the river several days, anxious to get over but the ice was running so thick and heavy that no one could cross. I found two men who were willing to venture in a skiff to bring the new settlers over to Iowa. A. O. and D. R. Warfield, and Capt. Dunn, were brought across in safety, and from that day became residents with us. On conversing with A. O. Warfield he says, he and David had been in Bloomington a few days before, having walked from Burlington, it being in December after the boats had gone into winter quarters. They had crossed the river into Illinois, in search of provision, preparatory to keeping batch. They were on their return laden with pork and honey, which they obtained at Stanton Prentiss’ near the mouth of Coperas Creek. A. O., the brother of Chas. A. and D. R. the cousin, became or were at time of purchase interested in the large and valuable tract of land, which Charles had bought the summer before. The following spring Asbury and David built a saw mill on Mad Creek, near the northeast corner of the town plat, at which they sawed considerable lumber, which was then a valuable substitute for the split siding and floors, studding and joists then in use.

In the long days of summer, when the water got low, and the mill was at rest, Asbury and David might be seen in their bachelors hall near the mill, reading “Pick-wick-Papers” fresh from the London press, the year before.

In the winter of 1838—9 our difficulty with Missouri called out all the soldiery of this part of Iowa Territory. Maj. D. R. Warfield and I were mess-mates together, and cooked our supper together, ate together, and slept together quite comfortably in the snowy woods, under his fine coon robe, and upon my buffalo robe, -- mounted our horses in the soldier cavalry and were on the march like hardy soldiers, with merry joke and loud laugh.

In 1841 D. R. Warfield was married in this county, to Miss Josephine Steinberger, whose extensive family connections (many of them) had moved from Ohio to this country, and others soon afterward followed. Soon after marriage Mr. Warfield commenced farming, which occupation he followed to the time of his death.

He leaves an estimable wife, four children, three sons and a daughter, besides a large circle of family relations, towards whom the deepest sympathy of this community are now turned.

In the death of D. R. Warfield, another of our prominent old settlers has gone to his final rest – another prominent pillar of our society, and of our community has been taken away.

The kind neighbor, the mild and gentle disposition, the social, warm-heated friend, the gentle, kind and affectionate husband and father, the pure consistent earnest Christian – his loss to those who are left to battle in the strife of life, be it few or many years, will be great, and his memory will be cherished with affectionate regard and love, and lead us in the paths of virtue, truth and peace. We may look in vain for any to fill his place. --- The church has lost its long tried and faithful member. He was converted to the truth and practice of the Christian religion in 1848 and joined the Congregational church of Muscatine, where he has remained an exemplary member.

The old settlers ranks are fast thinning. “Be ye also ready.”---SUEL FOSTER

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