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submitted by Charlene Nichols Hixon, Sept. 29, 2007
Obituary. Our community mourns the loss of an independent, noble, and useful citizen, a prominent and honorable business man and consistent Christian, in the death of THOMAS N. BROWN, who departed this life Friday evening, Dec. 22d, 1893.
The deceased was a native of the Emerald Isle, having een born at Waterford, November 2, 1848, and was therefore in his 46th year. He was the son of John and Mary Brown, who came to America when Thomas was 5 years of age. After residing in the east for two years they came west to Iowa and settled in Muscatine, where the family resided until the father’s death and where Mr. Brown had since resided. Thomas was educated in the public schools and Academy in this city and afterwards went to Chicago to pursue the study of medicine. While there his father died and Thomas gave up his studies and returned home to take his father’s place in supporting the family. He taught school, both in the country and city with pronounced success and in 1872 was elected County Superintendent of Schools, which position he filled with great credit for 4 years. He afterwards cepted a position as book-keeper and later as traveling salesman with Shammo & Cummins, wholesale grocers, which position he resigned to accept the cashiership of the First National Bank, to which he was elected in March, 1884, assuming the duties May 1st, of that year.
May 6, 1874, Mr. Brown was united in marriage with Miss M. Lillie Morrison. Three children were born to them, two of whom, Christie and Ray, survive to comfort their grief-stricken mother, who has been Mr. Brown’s constant and tender attendant during these months of illness. The tender sympathy of all will be extended to the family in their great bereavement. A kind and indulgent husband and father, whose home and family were his dearest possessions, is indeed a great loss. Besides these, he is survived byhis mother, two sisters and one brother. They are Mrs. Jennie Perkins and Mrs. Susie Perkins, of St. Louis, and John Brown, of Duncan, Arizona.
The deceased took an active interest in church work from his childhood and early in life was confirmed in Trinity Episcopal church. He was an earnest churchman and liberal in his contributions towards its support. He had been a member of Trinity Vestry for the past seventeen years, was clerk of that body from 1884 to 1889 and treasurer of the parish from 1889 until last July, when he resigned on account of his poor health. He had been junior warden of the church for a number of years and his advice and labors in the interests of the church will be sorely missed. During the past several years he had attended the Diocesan conventions as a delegate from this parish and last May was elected a member of the diocesan standing Committee, a most important committee. His death is a loss to the diocese, as well as the parish. He also took an active interest in Trinity Sunday school and was superintendent for several years.
The deceased was a member of Hawkeye Lodge, No. 30, A. F. & A. M., and of DeMolay Commandery, Knights Templar. He was a consistent Mason and was highly esteemed by all his associates. He resigned the treasurership of both bodies several months since on account of failing health. He was also a member of Muscatine Tent, No. 9, Knights of Maccabees.
The funeral services were held Sunday, at 2 o’clock p. m. at Trinity Episcopal, conducted by the rector, Rev. E. C. Paget. DeMMolay Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar, had charge of the funeral. The following acted as pall bearers: A. B. Brown, S. B. Cook, S. M. Hughes, T. R. Fitzgerald, George M. Titus and C. R. Fox.
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