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submitted by Neal Carter, October 13, 2007
OBITUARY The funeral services of the late Mrs. D. LEQUATTE were held at the family residence in Drury, Ill, August 6th, at 11 o’clock a. m., her pastor, Rev. Troxel, of the M. E. church officiating. The great number of people present to pay the last tribute of respect to her memory were there because they knew and loved her who had lived for nearly sixty years within two miles of the home where she died. Fifty of those years, lacking … months, were spent on this same farm, where she, with her husband, were noted for their generous hospitality. Until failing health made it impossible for her to do so, she was in the midst of every movement to further any good work in her community, and there are not a few people who will cherish her memory as of a mother.
The funeral service was plain and practical, admonishing friends and neighbors to prepare to meet this good woman in heaven. During all her long and painful illnesses no murmur ever escaped her lips and though she spoke tenderly and feelingly of leaving her husband and children, she was glad to go, and several times during the last few hours she was heard to say, “O, my Savior, take me home to rest.” The aged husband and children have lost a devoted, loving wife and mother and the community a worthy citizen.
The only living son, Ed., with his family, came from Ellensburg, Washington, in February, to care for the invalid mother and were untiring in their labor of love, during all these long days and nights of suffering. Mrs. Hartman, of this city, had spent much of the last three months with her mother, as had also the widow of H. B. Lequatte, Mrs. Gillette, of Kingman, Kansas, and Mrs. Howe, of Kansas City, who made repeated visits to the old home during their mother’s sickness, and came again last week as soon as notified of a change for the worse, but arrived two hours after the spirit had taken its flight to the realms of bliss.
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