submitted by Neal Carter, Sept. 28, 2007


REV. JOHN HUDSON was born at Lexington, Ky., July 19, 1800, and died at Keota, Iowa, May 25, 1891, aged 90 years, 10 months and 6 days.

His youth was spent largely in his native place, and there he obtained his earlier education, including his attendance upon the Transylvania University. Afterwards he pursued his studies to graduation at Princeton college, New Jersey, where he also attended the Theological seminary. In 1824 he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Bell, who preceded him to the better world only about six years ago.

Six children, four sons and two daughters, survive him and mourn their loss. John, of Muscatine, William, of West Liberty, Mrs. Dr. Chambers, of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. N. C. and Mrs. C. H. Millhouse, and Miss Fannie, of Keota.

Father Hudson’s first pastorate was at Nicholsville, Ky. Next at Franklin, O., for sixteen years. Then in Maury county, Tenn., where he was also engaged in teaching as well as preaching. Then, he removed to Xenia, O., and from there to Muscatine, Iowa, in 1847, and from that time his residence was in this state. He made his home in Keota for 12 years prior to his death, but spent much time in lengthy visits among his children. He labored in the Lord’s vineyard as a minister for 71 years and for a long period was the oldest living alumnus of Princeton college. The duration of his last illness was ten days.

Appropriate services were held at the Presbyterian church, Keota on Tuesday, at 5 p. m., conducted by Revs. Mitchell, Wilson and Rene. Tender and touching tributes were paid to the character of this scholarly Christian …… His death was a grand triumph of Christian faith and while the bereaved children and friends have the warmest sympathy of all, yet their greatest comfort is the fact that he now inhabits the mansions of his heavenly Father, whom he served so faithfully, …………… so dearly loved.

The funeral services proper took place at West Liberty, Wednesday afternoon, and then the interment was …..

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