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submitted by Neal Carter, Aug. 29, 2007
Death of one of the Oldest Residents of Muscatine
Feb. 11, 1891
Death of Dr. Charles Drury At noon to-day occurred the death of Dr. Charles Drury, after a long illness, at his home on West Second street. Deceased was a retired physician of this county, coming here in 1836. He was born Oct. 23, 1814, consequently was in his 77th year. He first saw the light in Wayne County, Indiana. His boyhood days were spent in the Hooser State, his education being received in the pioneer log school so common in those days, with its puncheon floors, rude benches and immense fireplaces. After the death of his father he was thrown upon his own resources for a living, performing any kind of labor from which he might gain a livelihood. In 1836, as previously stated, he came farther west, locating in this county, making a claim in Moscow township. In company with a man named Webster he laid out the town of Moscow and sold a few lots, but in 1837 he sold his interests in that village and in 1841 began studying medicine, with Drs. Reynolds and Blake, the former being an uncle. On the death of Dr. Blake he became associated with Dr. Rynolds, removing to Illinois in 1844. He continued to practice there until he removed to Muscatine and became a resident of this city, and has since resided here, although in 1852 he went to California where the cholera was raging, and where he remained for two and a half years, then returning to his home here, where he practiced for some years longer and then retired from active life. He was quiet and unassuming, but a man of sound convictions and had very many warm friends in this city.
In 1845 he was married to Mrs. Eliza McGreer, (nee Brandenburg) who survives him, with two of her children, John McGreer, of Chicago, and Mrs. Henry Geiss, of this city. The funeral is appointed for Friday morning from the house, the remains to be taken across the river for interment. The funeral will be in charge of the Masonic fraternity.
Funeral of Dr. Charles Drury The funeral of Dr. Charles Drury took place at 10 a. m. this forenoon, at the home of Henry Geiss, and was largely attended. The religious exercises were conducted by Rev. W. G. Wilson according to the ritual of the M. E. church but no remarks were made in the nature of a sermon. The obsequies were then taken charge of by the Masonic fraternity. The ritualistic address by A. S. Lawrence, W. M. of Hawkeye Lodge, was replete with many noble and touching sentiments and was delivered orally, without a break and with impressive effect. The members of the order then escorted the remains to the river bank, where the coffin was placed on a sled and carried to the water and from there taken to the other side, the ice being regarded as too insecure for such crossing on it. Old friends and neighbors of the deceased on the other side then took charge of the remains and interred them in the cemetery of Drury township.
The pall bearers were Martin Appel, L. L. Lane, G. D. Magoon, Wm. Calder, Philip Stein and J. P. Walton.
Old Settlers’ Meeting The meeting convened pursuant to call in the City Hall, at 9 a. m., Feb. 13th, 1881. President Walton in the chair. John Mahin was chosen secretary pro tem., in the absence of the secretary.
The following paper was submitted by the President and adopted:
Since our last meeting many of our old citizens have passed away. Among that number are Isaiah Davis, who came here away back in the 30’s; also, Charles Stone, John A. Wilson, W. H. Marshall and Simon Kahn, who came somewhat later, all of whom were prominent persons in our early times. All were well known and held responsible places in our society, and all will be sadly missed by their relatives and friends; therefore, be it
On motion the following persons were appointed to draw up a memorial on the death of Dr. Charles Drury, viz: John Mahin, J. P. Freeman and Henry Madden, to report through the press.
- Resolved, That this mention be placed on our minutes and a copy furnished for publication.
Remarks were made by several laudatory of the character of the deceased, when the meeting adjourned to attend the funeral, at 10 o’clock a. m.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE Death having removed from our midst one of the first settlers of Muscatine county in the person of Dr. Charles Drury, we hereby testify our high appreciation of his character as a citizen and neighbor --- one who has gone in and out before us for a period of over a half century, and in all that time bearing himself honorably in every relation of life he has sustained among us. We deem this no ordinary tribute to one who has laid down the duties of life, but with heartfelt sincerity we make this testimonial of his worth and the esteem in which he was held by his fellow-citizens; and we ask that this tribute be published and also spread upon the records of our society.
- J. P. FREEMAN } Com.
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