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submitted by Shirley Plumb & Vicki Broughton, October 25, 2007
DIED SCHAEFER. - At her residence, No. 031 Lucas Grove road, Sunday, May 18, 1890, at 9 a.m., MRS. GEO. A. SCHAEFER, aged 40 years, 1 month and 2 days.
To few of our citizens has Death appeared the Angel of mercy and love as to her whose spirit has thus been, summoned from a bed of surpassing torture and anguish. It will be remembered that Mrs. Schaefer’s clothing caught on the 1st inst, and before the flames were extinguished she was fearfully burned. For days and weeks she endured the most excruciating pain, and while everything possible was done to alleviate her condition, her sufferings continued beyond relief. Each succeeding day, however, that she survived added to the fond hope of the husband and family that she would be spared, and her state seemingly improved until peritonitis set in and made the end inevitable. She was resigned to her fate and passed away peacefully.
Deceased was a native of Bavaria, but came to America and Muscatine county with her parents when a mere child and has resided here continually ever since. Her maiden name was Miss Anna Catherine Doerfler, and she was united in marriage to Mr. Schaefer Nov. 16, 1865. Of this union five sons and three daughters survive, George, Mrs. A. J. Fuller, Frank, Mary, Katie, Joseph, Charles and Eddie.
The mourning survivors also number her mother, a brother, John Doerfler, of Crawford county, and four sisters, Mrs. E. Will, of Green county, this state, Mrs. K. Kirschner, Mrs. M. Huebner and Mrs. C. Hunt, of Wilton township, this county.
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