submitted by Shirley Plumb, Sept. 24, 2007


BLOCK. – At Chicago, March 18, 1890, at 9:30 p.m., of tumor, MARY, wife of W. G. Block, of this city, aged 42 years, 8 months and 20 days.

This community was most painfully startled Wednesday morning by a telegram from Chicago giving the above sad intelligence. It was known to a few of her friends that Mrs. Block was in Chicago attended by her husband for the purpose of submitting to the surgical removal of a tumor at the Hahnaman Hospital; but the community at large knew little of the critical ordeal through which she was passing, and the fatal telegram shocked all hearts beyond words to describe. As Dr. McAlister returned from Chicago on Tuesday and reported a successful operation and the hopeful state of the patient, death must have resulted from an exhaustion little indicated by her apparent condition.

Deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Humberger, of this city, and was born in Massilon, Ohio. The family removed to Muscatine during the early girlhood of this daughter, and all school-day associations belonged to this city. She was graduated from High School and afterwards filled the position of one of our most successful teachers. Her marriage with Mr. Block was one of the brightest and happiest marital events of the city, and no wedding couple began their career under fairer auspices. And this beautiful promise bore as beautiful fulfillment as the years sped on. In a home, charming from its graces and refinement and blessed with its troop of friends, children came to hallow it with their beauty and affection, and it was from such a home, that the mother went last Thursday, on her fateful visit to Chicago, carrying with her its sweet good wishes and the fervent prayers of family and friends.

Deceased leaves besides her sorrowing husband, three children, Mrs. Anna Munroe, Fred and Harry. There also survive her aged parents, and two sisters, Mrs. H. H. Benson, of Salt Lake City, and Mrs. C. H. Gard, of Chicago.

Mrs. Block was a communicant of Trinity Episcopal church whose members are to be specially mentioned as associate mourners for deceased was bound to them in ties of tenderest fellowship and Christian life and work, and there were none to surpass her in Christian graces of character.

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