submitted by Charlene Nichols Hixon, Sept. 7, 2007


Old Settler’s Meeting.

The old settlers met in the City Hall pursuant to notice, to take action on the death of Vincent Chambers, Esq., and were called to order by J. P. Walton, president. Samuel McNutt was appointed secretary.

On motion of Joseph Bridgman, J. P. Walton was appointed to draw up the necessary papers relative to the death of Mr. Chambers, who thereupon presented the following paper, which was approved and ordered published:


    During the early days of Iowa, the Chambers brothers were among the most noted in our county. They were James and William and their families. Vincent Chambers, who died yesterday, February 19th, 1889, was the oldest son of William Chambers. He was the first to come to this county in 1836, and the last of the boys, as we used to call them, to have his residence here.

    In Vincent Chambers we could see the best type of the pioneer settler. Strong and hardy, with great determination and great power of endurance and unequled good health, the son of parents who had spent 60 years of wedded life together. They were intelligent and communicative, generous, hospitable kind and charitable, always willing to extend a helping hand to the poor and needy.

    In his dealings he was always correct and reliable. In a public capacity he would always be found among the foremost. Much of the improvement of our city may be credited to him. In his different official capacities he gave the best satisfaction. But after a life of more than three-score and ten years he has gone. We, the few remaining old settlers, tender our heartfelt sympathy and condolence to his family and relatives, therefore,

    Resolved, That a copy of this tribute, together with these proceedings, be handed to the papers for publication, and that the old settlers attend his funeral.

On motion the meeting adjourned.
J. P. WALTON, Pres.


Feb. 19/89 (hand written)
Death of Vincent Chambers.

There passed away at 5 o’clock this morning, at his home in this city, one who has figured conspicuously in the history of Muscatine county and city. Vincent Chambers is no more.

Mr. Chambers was in his 73d year. He was a native of Indiana and came to Muscatine county in 1838. For a number of years he lived on a farm in Sweetland township but about 25 years ago he removed to the city and went into partnership with his brothers, William, Anderson and John, in their various business enterprises, chiefly that of milling and lumber. For a number of years this firm was one of the most active and enterprising in our city. They did an immense amount of business, but misfortunes finally overtook them in the shape of losses by fire, unjust railroad discriminations and other untoward circumstances beyond their control.

The deceased was one of the most active, generous and public-spirited of our citizens. In politics, he was a Democrat and was in early times frequently nominated by his party for offices of public trust. In later years he to some degree fell out of line with his party, particularly on the point of enforcement of law, believing in the old Jacksonian doctrine of the supremacy of the government over all factional and partisan interests. In religion, he was a Methodist and particularly in later life was a firm and trustful believer in the efficacy of the atonement, in which he rested peacefully in view of approaching death.

The immediate cause of death was a disease called by physicians auerism of the bones, from which he had suffered about nine months. He leaves a widow and seven children – three sons, Luis, lives in Muscatine, Walter in Denver and john in Glenwood, Iowa. Of the daughters, Mrs. Brown lives in Minneapolis, Mrs. Woodward in Chicago and Mrs. Alex. Dunsmore and Miss Maggie Chambers in Muscatine.

The time of the funeral will not be fixed till the distant relatives have been heard from.

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