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submitted by Jo Ann Carlson, Sept. 8, 2007
The Reaper, Death.
Mrs. Newton H. Hine.The alarming news in the JOURNAL Saturday evening of the illness from typhoid fever of Mrs. Newton H. Hine assuming so serious a phase that Dr. Copperthwaite had be summoned from Iowa City to consult with Dr. Austin, prepared the public in some degree for the sorrowful tidings which came but a few hours later. Soon after nightfall it was observed that the shadows of the dark valley of death were gathering in the sick-room, and the weeping circle of home and near kindred knew that the hour was near. At 9:35 the yes of this beloved wife, mother, daughter and sister looked their last upon the dear ones about her, and closed peacefully in death.
This sad event has been a most sorrowful shock to all circles of Muscatine. No words can speak of the bereavement that has darkened this beautiful home, or tell of the anguish of the mother, sisters and brother. But outside of this home circle, this providence is felt with a peculiar force. In few instances in our city has death assumed so satartling and inexorable a form. If it were asked a week ago what lady in our midst seemed specially favored of providence, not only in respect to a happy wifehood, motherhood, and lovely home, but in the grace and health and beautify of her womanhood, the thoughts of the many would have turned to her so suddenly taken away. Surely, death is no respecter of age, condition, or circumstances.
It will be a sweet solace to the family and friends, that before the spirit of this loved one took its flight, there came to the fevered brain a radiant interval of consciousness, and as if realizing her nearness to the Father of Light and Life, there fell from her lips the Lord’s Prayer, and then as if wishing to convey her heart’s best legacy to husband and son, she repeated the latter’s little mother-taught prayer-“God bless papa and mamma and make Harry a good boy.”
Mrs. Hine was a native of Muscatine, having been born in this city, October 28th, 1859. She was the daughter of the later Hon. Henry Funck and the youngest of the children. She was married to Mr. Newton H. Hine, December 3, 1879, and leaves an infant son, to mourn through life this saddest of bereavements. Her mother, two sisters, Mrs. Fred Daut and Miss Kate Funck, a brother, Mr. Adam Funck, all residing in Muscatine, share with the husband in this overwhelming affliction.
The funeral is appointed at 2 p.m. tomorrow from the residence.
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