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submitted by Jo Ann Carlson, Sept. 8, 2007
Major Wm. Dill and Mrs. Mary E. Brent MAJOR WM. DILL PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY--We are daily reminded of the uncertainties of life, and yet when one of our oldest citizens is taken away suddenly, the community is shocked. Such proved to be the case yesterday morning when the news passed form house to house that Major Wm. Dill had suddenly passed away. It was only the day before that he had been seen upon our streets and his many friends could scarcely realize that the sad news was true. He had gotten up about his usual hour, seven o’clock, and partially dressed himself when he found it difficult to breath. A moment later he was assisted to his bed by Mrs. Dill, who soon saw that his symptoms were alarming, and before a doctor could be summoned and reach his bedside, he was a corpse at 8:15.
It was thought at first that he was bothered with asthma, but the cause of his death is supposed to have been heart trouble, and possibly from a bullet wound that he received at Old River Lake, from which he suffered intensely at times.
Apparently Major Dill was in excellent health, but he suffered almost constantly from ills that were inclined towards asthma, and only a few days ago he was planning a trip with Mrs. Dill for the winter mounths, little thinking that he would soon be called to make the long journey, over the Dark river, to the world beyond. The deceased was born Sept. 27, 1816, in Orange county, New York, consequently was nearing his seventieth mile stone. Very few persons who saw him would believe that he had almost lived the allotted three socore and ten, but such was the case.
In 1854 he came to this city, and engaged in the real estate business. He was Marshal of the city in ’60, ’61, 62, but the latter year he resigned to enter the 35th Iowa Infantry, and was commissioned captain. By his meritorious services at Vicksburg in the Red river campaign, at Nashville, Spanish Fort, and Old River Lake, where he was wounded, he received a promotion to Major, which position he held until the war closed, and was honorably discharged. During his life he held various governmental positions, all of which he filled with credit to himself and his country. In the spring of this year he was nominated for Mayor by the Republicans of this city, in opposition to Mayor Gobble.
He was one of those men with whom it would seem difficult to become acquainted, but such was not the case. He was a jovial, good natured, kind hearted man, one with whom it was a pleasure to be acquainted.
In December, 1884, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Mapes, who died in this city on May 1st, 1874, leaving three of six children by this union-Miss Mary L., now of Muscatine, Jesse M., of Little Rock; and Bowman V., of Chicago. In 1875, September 1st, he was married to Miss Emma Prosser, who survives him. His two brothers, Justus Dill, of New York, and Egbert Dill, of Youngstown, Ohio, also mourn his loss.
The relatives are expected to-day and to-morrow evening. The funeral occurs next Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock form the family residence, No. 108 East Fourth street.
****** Old Settlers’ Meeting.---At a called meeting the Old Settlers met at the City Hall yesterday at 9 o’clock a.m., President Walton in the chair. John Mahin was chosen Secretary pro tem.
On motion, the following resolutions were adopted:
In the death of Major William Dill the old settlers and citizens of Muscatine have lost another of their number, who was well known and will long be remembered as an accommodating, genial, pleasant and agreeable man, always ready to extend a cordial and hearty greeting to all who knew him, be they rich or poor.
We request the secretary to forward to the family of Mr. Dill a copy of this action.In Major Dill we had a citizen who was always willing to comply with any demand made by the public for his time or attention, whether it was in the time of war or in peace, in the tented field or is the civil office, or elsewhere, his duty to his neighbors, his family or himself required.
Therefore, we, as old settlers, tender to the family of Mr. Dill our heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavement, in the loss of one that will long be remembered.
Whereas, Mrs. Mary E. Brent, one of our number, descending as she did the third generation from one of the first pioneer families if not the first, locating here fifty years ago, has past from among us, almost in the morning of her life, therefore.
Resolved, That we deeply deplore her untimely death, recognizing in her as a former teacher in our public schools a woman of culture and refinement, subsequently adorning and blessing her home as a wife and mother, and that in token of our respect for her memory these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our society, and a copy to be published in the city papers and sent to the family of the deceased.
On motion, adjourned.
- J.P. Walton, Pres.
- John Mahin, Sec. pro tem.
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