submitted by Kevan Chown, Sept. 10, 2007


A Muscatine June 26, 1886, at 1:30 a. m., of the natural infirmities of old age, Mrs. MARIA ROBERTSON, widow of the late Dr. James M. Robertson, age 78 years and 10 months.

Though the sad event has been anticipated for several days, the pain of parting with this venerable Christian mother, can find no assuagement in the breast of her son, and the sorrow for her loss will be keenly felt by all honored with her friendship. Deceased was born near Newark, New Jersey, August 27, 1807. Her father moved to Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, when she was quite young. She was married March 5, 1829, to Dr. James M. Robertson, who, in 1832, removed his residence to near Columbus, Ohio. Six years later the Doctor came to Iowa and located at Burlington. The family suffering severely from sickness, a change of residence was made in April, 1842, to Columbus City with the ultimate object in view of disposing of their Iowa interests and returning to Ohio. But with the home established in a delightful locality and a large clientele in the country round, engaging the Doctor’s professional interest and attention, he remained at Columbus City until moving to Muscatine in the spring of 1870.

For sixty years Mrs. Robertson was a member of the Presbyterian church, having a membership with and being present at the organization of the First Presbyterian church at Burlington. and the one at Columbus City. Since her husband’s death, she has lived in quiet retirement in her home on the Avenue, beloved by church and an intimate circle, and her comfort devotedly ministered to by her son and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Robertson. But in the years that have passed she had filled the full measure of an active Christian and womanly life and had earned her repose. She was a good neighbor, a warm friend, a devoted wife, a kind, affectionate mother. Her son, Dr. Wm. S. Robertson, is her sole survivor.

The funeral will take place from Dr. Robertson’s residence, West Third Street, on Monday next, at 10 a. m.

The pall bearers selected are Phillip Stein, Dr. T. G. Taylor, R. H. McCampbell, J. S. Patten, Joseph Hoopes and Geo. D. Magoon.

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