submitted by Kevan Chown, Sept. 10, 2007

(died May 5, 1886)

Mrs., Eliza A. Washburn, widow of Hon. Arthur Washburn, the first County Judge of this county, died at her residence, corner of Seventh and Walnut in this city, this morning at 8:15 o’clock. This sad news will fall with great suddenness and pain upon a wide circle of friends in this city and county. Deceased, though having a severe spell of sickness during the winter, had recovered her usual health and but yesterday was down town shopping and was engaged during the day in house cleaning. She complained last night of feeling ill and a physician was called early this morning. There seemed to be no indications of a critical attack, and the doctor expressed little anxiety; but at 8:15 o’clock the spirit had fled. It was evidently a case of heart disease.

Mrs. Washburn was born in Otsego county, New York, June 1, 1821. She came to Iowa in October, 1843, and was married to Arthur Washburn July 23, 1844, a gentleman who had the honor of being the president of the first board of trustees of Bloomington township, the first postmaster in and the first county judge of this county, besides filling many other honorable public trusts. Six children were the issue of this marriage, of whom four survive, viz: Scott, Frederick, Belle and Frank, all making their home in this city except Frederick, who is passenger conductor of the Cannon Ball train of the B., C. R. & N. running to Albert Lea. Mrs. Washburn’s maiden name was Eliza Ada Halsted. She united with the First Baptist church of Muscatine in the winter of 1843-44, and was the longest resident member of the society.


Old Settlers’ Meeting. (1886)
Pursuant to call the Old Settlers of Muscatine met at the City Hall this morning at 9 o’clock to take action upon the death of Mrs. Arthur Washburn.

President Walton called the meeting to order, and G. W. VanHorne was appointed secretary.

On motion Mr. VanHorne, Joseph Hoopes and Wm. Gorden were appointed a committee on resolutions and reported the following:

    In the death of Mrs. Arthur Washburn, another of our Old Settlers has passed away one who was highly esteemed by all who knew her, as a kind and loving mother, a Christian woman and distinguished for her neighborly deeds. Mrs. Washburn came to this city more than forty years ago when it was but a village and while Iowa was yet a territory. As a tribute to her memory be it

    Resolved, That in the death of Mrs. Arthur Washburn the Old Settlers and the community at large have lost one who will be sadly missed and long and tenderly remembered. That we tender our sympathy to the bereaved family and that this action be placed upon the records of the society.

On motion the report was adopted.

Informal remarks followed by members in review of the life of deceased.

It was stated by the president that the funeral would take place from the residence on Sunday at 3 p. m. On motion, adjourned.

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