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Source: REGISTER OF OLD SETTLERS , BOOK One, page 164 & 167
submitted by Kevan Chown, Aug. 17, 2007
Dec. 27, 1884
James Jackson breathed his last today at 11:30 a.m. The illness which has terminated with a suddenness that will shock the community, dates only from last week Wednesday, and not until the day before Christmas was it generally known. Then came the news that the good old man lay in the very shadow of death. His great circle of friends hoped almost against hope on learning of his severe prostration, for he had but recently recovered from a quite serious attack, which had left his constitution greatly enfeebled, and in his more that three score years and ten there was little natural vigor to resist the strong combination of ailments which lay siege to his life. He had been troubled with pneumonia and for the last two days it was known there was little hope. Though surrounded by every care, ministered to by loving attentions and the best skill of the physician, nothing could avail to ward the mortal blow.
The JOURNAL is possessed of meager data for writing of the career of deceased. He was born in Keith, Scotland, January 10, 1809. He came to America and settled near Albany, N.Y., in 1835, where we believe he married, and after an intermediate sojourn in Cincinnati, arrived in Muscatine in 1854. Since coming to our midst, “Uncle” James Jackson, as he was affectionately called by citizens, has been a prominent member of the community. He early began business in the grocery trade, and with the exception of a short period before his death, had remained continuously in that business. Though closely occupied with his trade, and of a disposition that found its highest gratification in the private circle of his friends, he was frequently solicited to serve the public in offices of trust, and was elected for several terms to the treasuryship of the city. An earnest and devont man, there was at the same time a rich vein of humor and bonhomie manifested in his daily associations which made him the welcome companion of old and young. But over all, the old Scotich seriousness of character predominated and he may be said to have divided his most congenial hours between his family and his church. He had been a prominent member of the Congregational church from his earliest residence in Muscatine.
A wife by a second marriage and fine children, issue of his first wife, survive to mourn this great loss of husband and father. The children are Mrs. U. C. Mayers, Mrs. E. B. Lewis, Mrs. Chet Lillibridge, Miss Betsey, all of Muscatine, and William, an only son, who is believed to be residing in Louisville. Deceased also leaves two brothers, Messrs. Peter and Alexander Jackson of this city.
The funeral has been appointed at 2 p. m. on Monday, at the Congregational Church.
In Memoriam
Pursuant to notice a large number of Old Setters of Muscatine, met at the City Hall, Monday, Dec 29th, 1884, to take suitable action on the death of James Jackson. President Walton called the meeting to order and D. S. Biles was appointed secretary. Hon. W. F. Brannan moved that a committee of three be appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the association upon the loss of so estimable a member. The chair appointed Judge Brannan, Joseph Bridgman and D. C. Richman said committee.
The committee reported the following which was adopted:
Death has removed from us another honored member of the Old Settlers association. James Jackson departed this on the 27th day of this month, in the 76th year of his age Mr. Jackson was one of our oldest and respected citizens, and by the plain simple truthfulness and unswerving honesty of his character won the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. Of him it may be most truthfully said that.
“None knew him, but to love him,
None named him but to praise.”
Utterly wanting guile, he embodied in himself a larger share of true manhood and Christian virtue then ordinarily is given to any one man. Of quick, active sympathics appeals to his generous and benevolent nature were never made in vain, and his charities were dispensed freely and in all directions. And while we extend our deep and heart-felt sympathy to the family of the de ceased, in the loss of one who was all that could be desired in a husband and a parent, we will as a token of our regard and respect for the deceased, attend his funeral in a body, and direct that a copy of this expression of the old settlers of this city, be sent to his family by the secretary.
Remarks eulogistic of the character of deceased and indulging in pleasant reminiscences of his thirty years association with the social, business and religious movements in Muscatine, were made by Mr. Bridgman, Mr. Richman, John Beard and others.
On motion, the Old Settlers of Muscatine were requested to attend the funeral in a body. On motion, adjourned to meet at the City Hall at 2:15 o’clock.
The funeral of James Jackson was attended this afternoon by a concourse of relatives and friends that filled the Congregational church. Rev. Dr. Robbins conducted the services, basing his address upon Psalms XXXVII.23. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” His remarks were most touching the tribute of a near and dear friend, as well as of a pastor, to the virtues of deceased. The choir sang, “Light of those whose dreary dwelling,” “Jesus lover of my soul,” and “We praise thee oft for hours of bliss.”
The casket was appropriately decorated with May flowers and a sheaf of wheat. The pall-bearers were R. Musser, Maj. Wm. Dill, C. Cadle, C. Chaplin, Col. Benj. Beach and J. J. Hoopes.
*** continued on page 167***
At Muscatine, Iowa, Dec. 27th, of pneumonia, Jas. Jackson, in his 76th year. Mr. Jackson was one of Muscatine’s oldest and best citizens, one who was loved and esteemed by all his fellow citizens for his many Christian virtues. He was truly a Christian gentleman with a large and philanthropic heart. We loved him for his genial and manly nature always pleasant, with words of kindness to all about him. We are pained to record the death of this truly good man, and we mourn with the bereaved family and friends of the deceased, but our loss is his eternal gain for he now rest in the arms of Jessus, the Master, whom he so willingly and patiently served with that circumspection that we all ought to be proud to emulate, so that our last days may be like his.
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