submitted by Kevan Chown, Aug. 17, 2007

In Respect to M. M. Berkshire.
May 4, 1884

Pursuant to call the Old Settlers of Muscatine met at the City Hall yesterday afternoon to take some suitable action in regard to the death of one of their number, Mr. M. M. Berkshire, who died last Friday at the residence of his daughter Mrs. Womax near Illinois City. In the absence of the regular ofticers of the Society, Suel Foster, Esq., was called to the chair and J. H. Munroe appointed as secretary.

Joseph Bridgman, Esq., stated that it was the wish of Mr. Berkshire expressed during his last illness that the pall bearers be selected from among the old settlers, and on motion the chair appointed J. P. Walton, Cornelius Cadle, .B.R. Eversmeyer, Isaac R. Mauck, Alex Jackson and Jas. Berry as pall bearers, and Jos. Bridgman to take charge of the funeral ceremonies. On motion Jos. Bridgman, J, H, Canon and Wm. Gondon were appointed as a committee on resolutions with instructions to have the same published in the daily papers of the city and the meeting thereupon adjourned in a body to attend the fnneral of deceased.


In Memoriam.
May 4, 1884

As the lights in the windows of our homes are being extinguished, the chairs at the fireside and table become vacant, the warm hand shakings and cordial greetings in the street cease, there comes home to each and all of us the truth, as plain as truth was ever told, that the early settlers of Muscatine are passing away, and there are none of us who do not feel at each return of the dark-winged messenger that a tie has been sundered and another link in the chain broken.
Again we have been called upon to lay away in the quiet grave one of our number, our old companion and friend, Montgomery M. Berkshire, one whom we had known so long for his quiet and unobtrusive life, his strict integrity and unimpeachable honesty. We, therefore, claim the privilege as old settlers, in the loss of this our early friend, to mingle our sorrow with the children in the loss of a father. Therefore,

    Resolved, That we extend to the family our heartfelt sympathy, in this their bereavement and great sorrow, and that a copy of this paper be sent to them and to the papers of the city for publication.


Death of M. M. Berkshire,
May 4, 1884

Mr. M. M. Burkshire died last evening at 6 p.m. at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Wamach near Illinois City, after an illness of several week’s duration. Deceased was one of the earliest settlers of Muscatine, emigrating with his parents from near Perrysville, Ind., about 1837. He was married in this city to a daughter of Captain James Palmer, the wedding taking place in the hotel formerly occupying the site of Cook, Musser & Co’s bank. Some twenty-five years ago he moved with his family to the Holiday farm, which he purchased, situated eight miles from the city on the Slough. Since this time and especially since the death of his wife which occurred about twenty years ago, Mr. Berkshire has lived a very retired life. But his seclusion had not lessened the high and active esteem felt for him by all once admitted to an acquaintance with his upright and sturdy character. As an illustration of his esteem it may be mentioned that though a Democrat of a somewhat extreme type, there were few in our community who appreciated to so high a degree the solid worth of the man, as the Rev. Dr. Robbins, his antipode in politics.

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