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submitted by Neal Carter, Sept. 28, 2007
DIED At his residence with his daughter, Mrs. J. S. McDonald, Muscatine, Iowa, April 21. 1883, of general debility, FRANCIS HOPKINSON, aged 67 years, one month and 25 days. Deceased was born in Maine, Feb. 26, 1816. When a young man he moved with his father to Ohio, where he espoused Rachael Phillips in marriage January 18, 1836.
He followed tanning and farming as his vocation, and on leaving Ohio sold his farm and home to James F. Murdoch, the celebrated dramatic reader. He moved to Iowa in 1853 and purchased a comfortable home six miles north of Muscatine, but after a few years’ residence removed to Cedar county, remaining there until 1860, when he came to this city and has since made Muscatine his home.
Of nine children, six survive their parents – Alvey, Amos C., and Mrs. J. S. McDonald, of this city, Mrs. Holbert Turner and Frank Hopkinson, residing in Lucas county, and M. J. Hopkinson, whose home is in Bellaire, Ohio. Deceased has been an invalid for the past three and four years, and able to mingle but little with his fellowmen and in the church circles he so much loved. At an early age he became a member of the Presbyterian church and his life was marked by the noblest correspondence with his Christian profession. The funeral will take place Monday at 3 p. m., from the residence on East Second street.
****** HOPKINSON – At the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. H. McDonald, Saturday, the 21st inst., FRANCIS HOPKINSON, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. Deceased was born in 1816, in the State of Maine, where he lived until early manhood. He then moved to Ohio, where he engaged in agriculture and the tanning business, which occupations he followed until 1853, when he moved to Iowa and settled about five miles north of Muscatine. In this locality he remained for several years, when he moved once more, this time to Muscatine, where he has lived ever since. Mr. Hopkinson has been in extremely poor health and confined closely to his room during the past five years of his life. He leaves six children out of a family of ten.
The funeral occurred yesterday, at 3 o’clock, from the residence on east Second street.
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