Source: The Muscatine Journal and News Tribune, 21 February 1929, page 6
Submitted by Phyllis Hazen, June 4, 2019BOARD WILL TAKE LAND FOR SCHOOL
Owner, Lone Tree Woman, Refused Offer for Land for Playground at Wild Rose SchoolCondemnation proceedings were started by the Pike township school board Wednesday to obtain possession of a piece of land, three-quarters of an acre, located three miles northwest of Nichols. The land will be used to provide an adequate playground for the Wild Rose country school.
The school board met Wednesday to accept the report of the appraisers, B. L. Metcalf, F. F. Carl and Arnold Kaalberg. The committee met to appraise the land on Tuesday. Owner Refuses Offer.
Condemnation proceedings were started when Miss Rachel Weller of Lone Tree, the owner, refused to accept the price offered by the school officials. The appraisers fixed the value of the land at $163.12. Purchase of the land was authorized as a part of the improvement program adopted for Pike township schools. It will be used to provide a more adequate play spot for the pupils.
School laws provide that when condemnation proceedings are necessary the board of appraisers shall consist of a member named by the county superintendent of schools, another selected by the property owner and the third chosen by those two.
The board will advertise for bids soon and work on the proposed improvements for that school and the Willow Grove school will be started as soon as possible. Cloak rooms will be added to both buildings. When these improvements are made the Pike township schools will be in line for standardization which make possible their qualifying for state aid, Mr. Bradley reported.