Source: Muscatine Journal & News-Tribune, June 4, 1940
Submitted by Lynn McCleary January 10, 2013PUPILS AND TEACHERS OF UNION SCHOOL GATHER IN FIRST ANNUAL REUNION Sweetland – Untiring effort on the part of those interested in promoting the first reunion of pupils, former pupils and teachers of Union School, No. 8 in Sweetland township, coupled with ideal weather conditions, contributed to the success of the affair when approximately 250 gathered on the school grounds, Sunday. Puzzled frowns gave way to happy smiles, and hearty handclasps were exchanged as former schoolmates and teachers recognized each other.
Following the picnic dinner which was served at 1 o’clock, the group was called to order by the ringing of the school bell. Elmer Conner, chairman, presided, calling on a number of older members of the group who brought out many interesting facts concerning the early days of the school.
First of these speakers was Edward Hoag, 87, who moved to the community in 1854, when only 10 months old. He recalled one period during his experiences in the school, when there were 65 pupils ranging in age from 5 to 20. He also recalled that several quarter sections in the neighborhood were still open country which had not been cleared of brush and timber.
Greetings Extended. W.E. Downer extended greeting from his brothers and sisters who were unable to attend: Mrs. Cora Downer-Bayley, Pasadena, Calif; Miss Mary Downer, also of Pasadena; Thomas Dower, Alhambra, Calif; Frank Downer, Denver, Colo; and Jay Downer, of New York City. Another sister, Mrs. Pearl Downer-Foss, who with her husband Joe Foss of El Centro, Calif, are house-guests in the Downer home, was present.
Dr. Francis H. Battey, of Iowa City, who attended the school from 1874, to 1880, was the next speaker. J.T. Downer, who started to school in 1875, recalled his early impressions of the school and greetings from Albert Goddard, of Seattle, Wash; Mrs. Agnes Goddard-Gordon, of Middleton, Calif.; and Mrs. Grace Hodgin-White of Whittier, Calif.
T.H. Ogilvie of Muscatine spoke of his school days, and recalled many amusing incidents in which he, W.E. Downer, and Francis Battey were involved.
Mrs. Charles Norcross read greetings from Mrs. Minnie Norcross-Van Camp of Bradenton, Fla., and Mrs. Anna Van Camp-Willis of Tampa, Fla.
Other Messages. Mrs. Charles SyWassink, secretary of the organization, read messages from Miss Florence Weierhauser of San Jose, Calif., Mrs. Ada Marsh , Oakland , Calif., the Rev. Lester Bill, Crawfordsville, Ia.; Miss Agnes Wood, Pasadena; Harvey Moss, San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Downer, Everett, Wash.; E.D. Bradley of Muscatine; James Smith, Milaca, Minn., Mrs. Hazel Smith-Asher, also of Milaca; Mrs. Mary Smith- Mathre, Mason City, Ia.; Richard Key, Lawrence, Kas.; Dr. Charlotte Winnemore, a teacher in the University of Ohio; Mrs. Della Cockshoot-Brown, Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs. Gwendolyn Fulton-Clark, Topeka, Kas.; Mrs. Mildred Bacon-Young, Houston, Tex.; and James Farnsworth, Los Angeles. Greetings from Mrs. Maggie Jordan-Hill, St. Louis, Mo.; and from O.S. Peasley of Oskaloosa were presented by F.B. Burnside of Muscatine.
Former teachers present who spoke briefly were: Mrs. Florence Barclay-Boiler, Mrs. Cora Brumwell, Mrs. Mary Raub-Downer, Mrs. Anna Chamberlin, Mrs. Rebecca Koepping-Middleton, Mrs. Maude Pace-Baker, and the present teacher, Miss Marian Hetzler.
Plan 1941 Event At a short business meeting it was voted to hold a reunion each year on the fourth Sunday in June. Elmer Connor was re-elected president, and Mrs. Charles Sywassink was re-elected secretary-treasurer for another year.
Names have been alphabetized.
Place of residence was of Muscatine and Vicinity unless otherwise noted
Former pupils in attendance were:
Betty Batchelor Robert Hayes Raymond Batchelor Sally Henderson of Wilton Francis H. Battey of Iowa City Wilbur Hetzler Harry C. Battey Clinton F. Hoag Mary, Mrs. Battey-Hill Edward Hoag of Iowa City Robert Brei Walter E. Hoag F. B. Burnside Floyd G. Irwin Emmet Byrne Virgil Irwin Leo Byrne Gusta, Mrs. Kirchner of Nichols Alfred Carter Lena, Mrs. Kirchner-Taylor Clarence Carter Lizzie, Mrs. Kirchner-Taylor Elvin Carter Albert Koeppen of Wilton Glen Carter Rosa, Mrs. Koeppen-Rexroth Leo Carter Stella, Mrs. Larson-McElroy Paul Carter Carl LeFever Ray H. Carter Dottie, Mrs. Leonhard-SyWassink Erma, Mrs. Carter-Buckman of Conesville Isaac Longstreth Mildred, Mrs. Carter-Haifleigh Minnie, Mrs. Marsh-Hartman Mabel, Mrs. Carter-McElroy Isabel, Mrs. McElroy-Bermel Vera, Mrs. Carter-McMahon of West Liberty T. H. Ogilvie Bess, Mrs. Carter-Morrison Clyde Pace George Cawiezell Marjorie, Mrs. Pace-White Pearl, Mrs. Chamberlin-Gettert Lela, Mrs. Potter-TeStrake Carl Chatfield Carol Raub of Milan, IL Alice, Mrs. Chatfield-Brossart Kenneth Raub of Moline, IL Clifford A. Connor of Davenport Harvey, Mr. & Mrs. Roseman Marvin Connor Gertrude Salek Roma Connor James K. Shepard Vearl Connor Vernon Shepard Velma Connor Pearl, Mrs. Sherfey-Pace Gordon Day D. V. Smull of Wilton J. T. Downer Viola, Mrs. Snodgrass-Larson of Chicago, IL W. E. Downer Herbert SyWassink Howard Farnsworth Miriam SyWassink Mary June Fischer Ralph W. Taylor Sarah Belle Fischer Ina, Mrs. Taylor-Maxwell Ruby, Mrs. Franklin-Wiley of Rockford, IL Carrie Weierhauser W. Irvin Graham Mable, Mrs. Weierhauser-Potter Eva, Mrs. Haifleigh-Shepard Walter Weirerhauser
Former Teachers Attend Former teachers present were:
Florence, Mrs. Barclay-Bolier Muscatine Rosa, Mrs. Berby-Batchelor Muscatine Anna, Mrs. Chamberlin Muscatine Marian, Miss Hetzler Muscatine Rebecca, Mrs. Koepping-Middleton Muscatine Maude, Mrs. Pace-Baker Muscatine Mary, Mrs. Raub-Downer Letts Norma Shade Davenport Visitors present included:
Myrta, Miss Baker Tony Gettert Barbara Lea Batchelor H. C., Mr. & Mrs. Hayes Ed., Mr. & Mrs. Batchelor H. E. Dr. & Mrs. Henderson of Wilton Frank Batchelor Eugene Hetzler James Batchelor Eugene, Mrs. Hetzler Billy Bermel E. F., Mrs. Hoag Mary Ellen Bermel W. E., Mrs. Hoag Carolyn Brei Oran Hoffman Louis, Mr. & Mrs. Brei Bessie, Miss Hoopes Floyd Brossart Virgil, Mrs. Irvin Maxine Buckman of Conesville Floyd, Mrs. Irwin Viola Buckman of Conesville John, Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Alfred Carter Alma, Mrs. Johanson of Rockford, IL Alfred, Mrs. Carter Barbara Johnson of Milan, IL Clarence, Mrs. Carter Catherine Kemper Burt Carter of Nichols Doris Kemper Juanita Carter of Nichols Edgar, Mr. & Mrs. Kemper Juanita Carter of Nichols Edward Kemper Vernie W., Mrs. Carter of Nichols Gladys Kemper Glen, Mrs. Carter of West Liberty Mark Kemper Junior Carter of West Liberty Martha Kemper Olan, Mrs. Carter of West Liberty Mary Kemper Ethel, Mrs. Carter-Bolt of Chicago Paul Kemper Marian E. Cerny of Davenport Ruth Kemper Carl, Mrs. Chatfield Elda, Miss Kenworthy of Whittier, CA Elmer, Mrs. Connor Ernest Kircher of Nichols Ruth, Miss Crow Ernest, Mrs. Kircher of Nichols Perry, Mrs. Davis Herman Koeppen Gordon, Mrs. Day Albert, Mrs. Koeppen of Wilton J. T., Mrs. Downer Marie Koeppen of Wilton Ray, Mr. & Mrs. Downer Marvin Koeppen of Wilton W. E., Mrs. Downer Carl, Mrs. LeFever Cloyce Downer of Letts Minnie, Mrs. Leonhard Dayle Downer of Letts Mike Libetts of Davenport Hugh Eaton E. I. Longstreth Lucille Eaton Helen, Mrs. Marty Tom, Mr. & Mrs. Eaton John, Mrs. McCullough Wilbur Eaton Donald McGillivray J. D., Mr. & Mrs. Foss of El Centro, CA Betty McMahon of West Liberty Emma, Mrs. Francis W. S. Middleton Sheila Fridley of Nichols Lila L. Schwanke E.C., Mrs. Nichols Lucy Shepard Charles, Mr. & Mrs. Norcross Sue Shepard T. H., Mrs. Ogilvie Verna, Mrs. Shepard Betty Osborne of Nichols Inez, Mrs. Smull of Wilton Clyde, Mrs. Pace Rose, Mrs. Snider Deloris Pace Charles SyWassink E. H. Pace George Taylor Earl, Mr. & Mrs. Pace L. D. Taylor Kenneth Pace Ralph, Mrs. Taylor Verlee Pace Clifford TeStrake Weldone Pace Jolene TeStrake Wonall ? Pace Carrie Weierhauser Clarence V. Potter Harry, Mrs. White G. B., Mrs. Potter Joyce Verlee White H. M. Mr, & Mrs. Raub of Milan, IL Marlyn White Lucille Raub of Milan, IL Francis White of Wilton Harry Rexroth Rosemary White of Wilton Irving Rexroth Ruby White of Wilton Shirley Rexroth Bob Wiley of Rockford, IL Lysle Roseman D. C. Wiley of Rockford, IL Ivan Roseman August, Mr. & Mrs. Zukesty Cecil Roseman of Davenport