Source: Muscatine Journal and News-Tribune Friday, November 12, 1937 page 13
Submitted by Beverly Gerdts, December 23, 2020University Officials to Address Meeting
of County Rural TeachersDr. C. E. Germane of the University of Missouri at Columbia and Dr. Fred Cram, Cedar Falls, will be the speakers when rural teachers of Muscatine county meet for morning and afternoon sessions Saturday, Nov. 20, at the high school auditorium, it was announced this morning by E. D. Bradley, superintendent of county school. Dr, Germane will discuss vocational guidance and the development of food reading habits, besides presenting an address of some topic of special current interest to teachers at the close of the afternoon session. Dr. cram will give two demonstrations, showing how teachers may improve the reading habits of children and develop their study skills. All grade teachers in town schools of the county, as well as the rural teachers, are invited to hear Dr. Germane's discussions. Teachers in town schools who have not already witnessed his demonstrations, are also invited to hear Dr. Cram.