Charles Slater

Submitted June 14, 2021

Miss Ethel May Northey’s first grade at Garfield School
Muscatine, Iowa Spring of 1945

1 Sandra Hoopes 5 Carol Ann Mathess
2 Carol Foster 6 Lois Young
3 Lois Metcalfe 7 Charlotte Martin
4 Carol Borchert 8 Arlene Strause

1 Lonnie Wetzel 8 Jimmy Young
2 Paul Schubeck 9 Jimmy Schumacher
3 Gary Lee 10 Edward Reifert
4 Robert Varnum 11 George Ruckles
5 Bobby Wakefield 12 Darwin Ballenger
6 Eddie Estabrook 13 Dukie (Charles Slater)
7 Eldon Estabrook    

Cub Scout Troup Pack 118
Picture taken April 5, 1948

1 Leo Neipert 8 George Ruckles
2 Edgar Kublik 9 Gary Lee
3 Carl Stause 10 Merle Stause (boy scout)
4 Harold Fuller 11 Eddie Estabrook
5 Donald Snavely 12 Paul Schubeck
6 Dukie (Charles Slater) 13 Bob Heinaball
7 Arlene Saultz (den mother)    

The Muscatine Journal – Muscatine, Iowa, March 1950

Members of Patrol Organizations of Muscatine
Schools Are Performing Worthwhile Services

Members of Muscatine’s School patrol organization are continuing to perform a highly worthwhile service in protecting pupils of the various schools in their crossing of street intersections before and after school sessions .

Pictured here are members of patrols in two South Muscatine schools – Garfield and Franklin.

In the larger group - taken by the Journal cameraman, are patrol members who serve Garfield school. They are: Front row, reading left to right: Charles Slater, Charlene Strause, Lois Midkiff and Sandra Hoopes. Back row: Donald Olsen, Harold Fuller, Capt. George Ruckles, Ed Reifert and Lucy Hall. Gary Lee was absent when the picture was taken.

Buggy Companions
Sandra Hoopes, 6 years, and Dukie (Charles Slater) aged 5 ½ years.

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