Source: Muscatine Journal Tuesday, May 3, 1927 page 7
Submitted by Beverly Gerdts, December 23, 2020Schools to Note Closing of Term
Exercises, Programs and Picnic to Mark End of YearNearly all of Rural Schools in County Will Complete Year by May 27-- Have Nine Month term. With the month of May at hand the attention of pupils and teachers alike is turning to the close of the school year. Programs will be presented in a number of the rural schools of the county in connection with the close of the school year. Practically all rural schools in Muscatine county have a nine months term, making the closing dates for the majority of them come between May 13 and 27, Superintendent Bradley said today. In a few instances where no vacations were held and no interruptions from sickness or other reasons interfered, the schools will complete their work before that time. the West Liberty play day, which will be held May 13, will mark the closing date for a number of schools in that vicinity. In Wilton township, the annual township picnic, which has for a number of years marked the close of the term, will be held May 20. County graduation exercises, in which all rural schools of the county will participate , will be held in Muscatine Friday, May 27, according to present plans.