Source: Muscatine Journal & News Tribune June 1, 1925 pg 4
Submitted by Lynn McCleary, April 12, 2015MANY ENTRIES IN SCHOOL CONTEST
Will Determine Arithmetic, Spelling, Writing Champions
Three Part Contest will be Staged at Muscatine High School Saturday, June 6.Most of the schools in Muscatine county have entered pupils in the writing and arithmetic contests, as well as the spelling contest, to be conducted at Muscatine high school Saturday, June 6, under the direction of E. D. Bradley county superintendent. Medals will be awarded by the Muscatine Lions club to the boy and girl finishing first in each of the contests and ribbons for those finishing third, fourth and fifth.
The following are the entries to date in the writing and arithmetic departments:
Writing: Edith Mahaffey, Hilda Thieker, Florence Huff, Helen Lanfier, Vivian Fisher, Gladys Essex, Phyllis Kyes, Janet Dallas.
Arithmetic : Wallace Reed, Lawrence Mahaffey, Dorothy Goddard, Helen and Leon Lanfier, Gladys Essex.Cedar
Writing: Josephine Fry, Raymond Easterla.
Arithmetic: Leo Brookhart, Everet McCleary, Ethel Snyder, Lester Harvey.Fruitland
Writing: Naomi Roland, Marie Kopf, Iva Bartenhagen, Arthur Sheppard, Amalia Mittman, Bernice Mittman, Beulah Beipers, Thelma Martin, Miriam Fosher.
Arithmetic: Gerald Hoyt, Marie Kopf, Arthur Shepard, William Elliott, Amalia Mittman, Betty Baker, Thelma Martin.Lake
Writing: Annabelle Coyner, Myrta Sywassink, Ronald Stuart, Bernice Lindle, Mary Balser, Lucille Harper, Iona Klag, Raymond Boiler, Ralph Holmes.
Arithmetic: Elmer Weiss, Harold Albrecht, Wallace Stuart, Mary Jane Remsager, Viola Balser, Evelyn King, Iona King, Raymond Boiler, Ralph Holmes.Moscow
Writing: Dorothy Birkhofer, Helen Hucks, Lois Lang, Lucille Garvin, Roy Garvin, Clifford Freyermuth, Thomas and Irene Tharp.
Arithmetic: Roy Hinkhouse, Raymond Hucke, Ivan DeVore, Kenneth Hetzler, Clifford Freyermuth, Roy Garvin, Faith Rexroth, Hazel Camp.Orono
Writing; Isabel McCormick, Edith Johnson.
Arithmetic: Ray Crist, Isabel McCormick, Lysle Brockway, Blanche English.Pike
Writing: Marcella and Mildred Schaapveld, Beulah Thompson, Merle Hollenbeck, Violet, Fred and Cressie Hahn, Dorothy Reynolds, Edna May Smith, Elmer Rathjen.
Arithmetic: Marcella Schaapveld, Katherine Hwell, Otha Neff, Jessie Mills, Udell Holdeman, Madison Hadley, Violet, Fred and Cressie Hahn, Helen Kirkpatrick, Velma Rathjen, Mary Dean.Seventy-Six
Writing: Marjory Legler, Morris Legler, Doris Curtis, Irma Altekruse, Helen Byrne.
Arithmetic: Marjory and Morris Legler, Doris Curtis, Gwendolyn McBride, Irma Altekruse.Wapsinonoc
Writing: Clarence Shoemaker, Erlaine Sneeringer, Dorothy Ostendorp, Jean Wiggins, Altie Hudachek, Mary Probst, James Barclay, Marie Kruse, Alice Bekker, Anna Ogren.
Arithmetic: Joe Heath, Edgar Deal, Jospeh Ryan, Franklin Rider, Marian Anderson, Wilford Feldman, James Barclay, Elizabeth Wilson, Lucy Anderson, Alice Bekker, Anna Ogren.Wilton
Writing: Amelia Bartholoma, Ralph and Leroy Triemer, Herbert Oveson, Mary Doran, Melvin Frick, Alice Swanson, Mary Friedli, Gertrude Budelfer.
Arithmetic: Leroy McSwiggin, Ralph and Leroy Trieman, Leo and Leota Herr, Leroy Fick, Albert Hetzler, Mary Friedll, Gertrude Budelier.Goshen
Writing: Wayne Walker, Lorene Juhl, Clara Scheetz, Rosella Scheetz.
Arithmetic: Lorene Juhl, Gladys Baker, Leonard McFadden, Wilson Hildebrand, Loretta Kephart, Willard Smull.Montpelier
Writing: Viola Wedekind, Pauline Wedekind, Velma Wainscott, George Geest.
Arithmetic: Viola Wedekind, Pauline Wedeking, George Geese and Edwin Dipple.Sweetland
Writing: Mary Bird, Helen Brossart, Gladys Reeves, Harold McCulleny, Clifford TeStrake, Marie Binggeli, Margaret Kretschmar, Gertrude Brown, Rosanna Maddox, Ruby and Olive Martin.
Arithmetic: Orville Reeves, Oddie Truesdale, Miriam True, Clara Snider, Fred Stamler, Harry Busch, Margaret Kretschmar, Gertrude Brown, Bernice Bieker, Ruby Martin, James Shepard.Fulton
Writing: Bernice Stecher, Esta Bratt, Ernest Colberg, Norma Hering, Vernetta Paustian, Helen Wendt, Melvin Harksen, Irma Riessen, Berdie Blank, Elta Mumm.
Arithmetic: Bernice and Raymond Stecher, Victor Faarman, Arthur Ormsby, Vernetta Paustian, Vera Hering, Martin and Melvin Harksen, Erna Hamann and Elta Mumm.* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Muscatine Journal & News Tribune Monday June 8, 1925 pg 2
Notice the names of the schools in this article!Esther Carr is Spelling Champ
Will Represent Muscatine County in State Event.
Edith Mahaffey Wins in Writing and
Evelyn King in Arithmetic Contests for School PupilsEsther Carr of West Liberty, won the title of Muscatine County spelling champion and the right to represent her county in the state spelling contest at the Iowa state fair in Des Moines this summer, by defeating all other entrants in the annual county grade school spelling contest held under the supervision of County Superintendent E. D. Bradley at the high school Saturday afternoon.
Edith Mahaffey, of the North Star school in Bloomington township, won the writing contest, and Evelyn King of the Bayfield school, is the county champion at arithmetic. Judgment was on speed and accuracy in each event, and standard tests were used in all three contests.
Winners in the different contests were:
Spelling: First, Esther Carr, West Liberty School; second, Florence Huff, Kalorama school, Bloomington township; third, Hilda Miller, Walnut school, Seventy-six township; fourth, Ruth Taylor, Union No. 8 Sweetland township; fifth Gwendolyn McBride, Burr Oak school, Seventy-six township.Writing: First, Edith Mahaffey, North Star school, Bloomington township; second, Margaret Kretschmar, Pine Bluff school, Sweetland township; third, Irma Altekruse, Burr Oak school; fourth, Myrtle Sywassink, Lucas Grove school, Lake township; fifth, Constance Rensink, Locust Grove school, Bloomington township.
Judges: Ada Roland, Jackson school; Rose Welmann, McKinley school.Arithmetic: Evelyn King, Bayfield school, Velma Rathjen, Willow Grove school; third Gladys Essel, Fairview school; fourth, Wallace Heed, North Star school; George Hazel, Dell school.
Judges: Mary Raub and Edith Byrne, Sweetland township.Lions Ward Medals. A. J. Davidson president-elect of the Lions club presented the winners with the awards offered by that organization. Bronze medals were given for first place and ribbon badges for the next four highest.
Margaret Kretshmar, representing Pine Bluff school, Sweetland township, was the only entrant who placed in the contests for two consecutive years. Last year she was award third prize in the writing contest and this year placed second in the same event.
Attendance was large, considering the fact that the country schools have been closed for the summer vacation for two or three weeks, according to Superintendent Bradley.
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