Source: Muscatine Journal and News Tribune May 23, 1950, page 13
Submitted by Phyllis Hazen, February 4, 2020TOP SCHOLASTIC HONORS EARNED BY BOY STUDENTS
IN 8TH GRADE RURAL CLASSIt doesn’t usually happen, but this year the boys will be outshining the girls in “scholastic glory” at the annual rural eighth grade commencement exercises.
The graduation event - the 41st such program to be held in Muscatine county – is scheduled for 7:45 p.m. Monday, May 29, at the First Baptist church.
Roy Yeater Leads Meriting the highest scholastic honors among the 84 graduates will be Roy J. Yeater of the Locust Grove school and Charles Harper of the Bayfield school.
Roy who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Yeater, 404 McArthur street, as highest-ranking student in the class, will serve as valedictorian. His teacher is Mrs. Dorothea Markham.
Charles, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harper, Bayfield, ranked second in the class of 84 and will give the welcome address as salutatorian. Charles’ teacher is Mrs. Ruth Sywassink.
Rev. Shirk, to Speak The Rev. R. R. Shirk, pastor of the First Baptist church, will give the class address.
Presentation of diplomas and awards will be made by E. D. Bradley, county superintendent of schools.
The graduation will be the last that Mr. Bradley will have an official part in as county superintendent of schools as he is resigning from this position as of Aug. 1.
The county superintendent has presided at nearly all of the eighth grade graduations ever held in this county. He was not present at the first program, but attended the second and third while superintend of schools at Wilton, and has been at all of the subsequent graduations in the role of county superintendent. The exercises Monday evening will be the 45th consecutive eighth grade graduation program that he has attended in this county.
The program will open at the local church, Third and Cedar streets, with the singing of “America” by the audience.
Charles Harper will give his address of welcome and accordion numbers will follow.
Musical Features. The accordion music will be presented by pupils of Sunnyside school – Shirley Feldahn, and Kenneth and Kathlene Krebs. They will play “Quick Silver” and “Come to the Sea.”
Another instrumental group, a flute sextet, will offer “Our Boys Will Shine Tonight,” and “Love’s Old Sweet Song.” Members of this group directed by Mrs. Ida Springborn, are Sandra Bendle, Jane Stanley, Janet Swanson, Mabel Terry, Pat Tyler, and Sandra Smull.
Following the flute numbers , the First Baptist pastor will deliver the class address, John and Charles Sabbath will offer a vocal duet, and the diplomas and awards will be distributed by Mr. Bradley.
Chorus to Sing The 25th county rural school chorus will appear in a group of songs including “Shortn’in Bread,” “Ay Ay, Ay,” “Wonderous Love,” “Three Little Girls,” “The Galway Piper,” and other numbers. The chorus will appear under the direction of Mrs. Myra Van Ysseldyk.
Ruth Springborn Zeidler will offer a group of marimba numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Springborn.
Besides the class address, the Rev. Mr. Shirk will give both the invocation and benediction at the exercises.