Source: Muscatine Journal and News-Tribune Friday, July 6, 1934 page 12
Submitted by Beverly Gerdts, April 27, 2020REPORTS ENTERED BY SCHOOL HEADS
Condition of School Corporations on July 1 Reported to E. D. BradleyFifteen secretaries and 21 treasurers of rural school districts throughout the county have so far filed their annual reports with E. D. Bradley, county superintendent, it was learned today. First reports, both of which came from the Moscow Independent school district, were filed by C. H. Miller, secretary, and J. E. Parker, treasurer. Other reports have been received as follows: Secretaries, July 3, Sweetland Independent, No. 9, Isabel Weikert; Montpelier Independent, No. 4, Mrs. Frank Batchelor; Muscatine Independent district, Helen Ahlschlager. Treasurers, July 3, Sweetland Independent, No. 7, George L. Sauer; Muscatine Independent district, C. P. Gunzenhauser. Secretaries, Jul 5, Goshen Independent No. 6, Louis Geertz; Atalissa Independent district, W. A. Smith; Nichols Independent district, W. R. Schmitt; Fruitland school township, Emma Bartenhagen; Fulton School Township, R. H. Wunder; Pike school township, W. R Schmitt; Wilton school township, Eugene Hetzler, Orono school township, Mrs. Ruby Wagner, Sweetland Independent No. 1, Mrs. Fern Buster. Treasurers, July 5, Atalissa Independent district, Clarence Schmidt; Nichols Independent district, F. A. Kirchner; Stockton Consolidated district, Fritz Belter; Fruitland school township, E. P. Corwin; Lake school township, M. E. Eichelberger; Pike school township, E. R. Swickard; Seventy-six school district, L.A. Summers; Goshen Independent No. 6, Robert Brand; Goshen Independent No. 7, A. N. Rabe; Montpelier Independent, No. 1, Henry Kemper; Sweetland Independent, No.1, George W. Davis; Sweetland Independent, No. 3, Henry Petersen; Sweetland Independent, No. 4, Mrs. Lillian Sywassink; Sweetland Independent, No. 6 Howard Toyne; Sweetland Independent, No. 8 G. O. Day; Montpelier Independent, No. 2, Mrs. J. A. Sander; Orono school township, E. J. Crawford. Annual financial statements have been filed with the county superintendent for the following school districts; Atalissa Independent district, Moscow Independent district, Nichols Independent district, Fulton School Township, Lake school township, Orono school township, Pike school township, Goshen Independent No. 2, Goshen Independent No. 6, Montpelier Independent, No. 4, Sweetland Independent, No. 1, Sweetland Independent, No. 9. The reports have all been filed as the result of the annual meetings conducted according to law on the first day of January. Meeting this year were held Monday, July 2, because July 1 falling on Sunday. All are due by July 6. The county superintendent's report will be made up from the various district reports now being received.