Source: The Muscatine Journal and News Tribune May 16, 1935, page 7
Submitted by Phyllis Hazen, February 4, 2020HUNDREDS OF RURAL PUPILS TO TAKE PART IN COUNTY PLAY DAY
Event May 18 Will Climax Physical Education Program
for Year in Rural Schools.Between five and six hundred rural school students will wind up their physical education work of the last year here May 18 in a county-wide play day planned under the auspices of E. D. Bradley, county superintendent.
Tourney Booked. A program embracing all ages has been planned, the county superintendent has announced, leading off in the morning with a kittenball tournament played on four separate diamonds throughout the city, Musser park, Jefferson school and the two at Weed park.
During the morning program also, the younger group will be given free reign on the teeters, swings, bars, slides and other amusements at Weed park. From 11 o’clock until noon a special play hour of running games, singing games, circle games, tag and races is planned for boys and girls from four to nine years of age.
Prizes Arranged. Ribbons will be given to the winners with Mrs. Nellie Eckhardt and Loraine McFadden in general charge, assisted by the following teachers: Lucille Littrell, Marjorie Corwin, Myrtle Jenkins, Geraldine Meeker, Lois Lang, Ortha Neff, Gwendolyn McBride, Marie Milder, Lucy McClean, Vern ehrich, Mrs. Blanche Kent and Hazel Colberg.
In the afternoon, a parade through the business district will follow an assembly at the courthouse. The school district with the best banner or decoration will receive a prize, as will the second and third best decorated cars. A prize is also planned for the school with the largest number of labeled cars in the parade.
Events at Park. At 2 p.m. a program will open at Weed park, opening with folk dances by Fulton, Stockton, Wilton and Wapsinonoc pupils under the direction of Flora Tobias. Tumbling and mat work will be presented by the pupils of Sweetland township, under the direction of Hilda Miller, and Plum Grove pupils, directed by Mrs. Ella Quire, will stage mimetic exercises, combat exercises and gym stunts.
A free-for-all in which the pupils or selected group from each school will present favorite stunts or exercises will follow the Plum Grove presentation, and following the free-for-all will be races for boys and girls from nine to 16 years of age, races for adults, the school madams’ race, contests for fathers and mothers and prizes for the largest school and the largest family. Teachers will compete in a bell ringing contest.
Championship Game. The championship kittenball game will be played at 3:30 p.m.
The play day, sponsored by the Muscatine Kiwanis club, is the outgrowth of a program which has been attempted in all of the rural schools during the last year, Mr. Bradley said, in which 10 minutes each day has been devoted to special physical education work.