Submitted by Beverly Gerdts, May 11, 2020Muscatine Daily Journal, Thursday, July 2, 1885, page 3: CONESVILLE. " NOOZE " - The school in district No. 1 taught so efficiently by Miss Slack, closed Friday, and she will return to her home in Pennsylvania.
Muscatine Daily Journal, Friday, November 6, 1885, page 4: CONESVILLE. " NOOZE " - Miss Lizzie Miller has been teaching the Brockway school for several weeks, taking the place of Mrs. Satterthwaite, who was compelled to quit on account of the sickness of her little boy. Miss Miller is making a very excellent teacher.
We recently visited the upper department of our school, taught by Mr. A. J. Weaver, and were well pleased with his manner of teaching and the promptness and deportment of the pupils. His school will close Friday, for the three weeks' vacation.
Muscatine Daily Journal, Thursday, March 12, 1886, page 2: CONESVILLE. " NOOZE " - There was a large audience at the lyceum at the Brockway school house Friday evening and the exercises were generally good.
Miss Ada Reiley closed her eighth term in our school Friday and we are glad to report that she is engaged for the coming term and so say the patrons and pupils of the school.
The school in the Brockway district closed Friday. Miss Millie Blockert, the teacher, has given excellent satisfaction and is engaged for the spring term.
Mr. Weaver, the teacher of the township graded department, is giving his scholars a thorough examination this week, and will close his year n the school Saturday. We vote for his retention a second year, as he is well qualified for the position, and has given us a splendid school.
The lyceum last evening was well attended and the exercises good. Corporal punishment in the public schools is the question for discussion next Tuesday evening.
Muscatine Daily Journal, Thursday June 17, 1886, page 4: CONESVILLE. " NOOZE." - Conesville, June 9, 1886. The many friends of Miss Millie Blockert, teacher in the Brockway district, are pleased to note that she has been elected one of the teachers in the Muscatine schools.
Muscatine Daily Journal, Thursday July 1, 1886, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Conesville, June 30, 1886. The schools of the township closed last Friday, Mr. A. J, Weaver and Miss Reiley, teachers of the town school, united their schools in the afternoon and had a very interesting exercises. Mr. Weaver declines the school for another term. He has been a very efficient teacher, and we regret his determination to go else where. Miss Reiley will remain another year, making the fourth year she has had charge of the primary department. Miss Lora Barrett will continue in charge of the Port Allen school.
Muscatine Daily Journal, Thursday September 16, 1886, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Conesville, Sept. 15, 1886. Miss Anna Ellecker, of Muscatine, is teaching the fall term of the Brockway school.
The Conesville school is in full progress with Mr. T. E. Haurigan in the advance department and Miss Ada Rieley in the primary, where she has had charge since September 1883. One of her classes had passed through the prescribed course and was advanced to the upper department at the close of the last term but when school opened they resumed their old places and insisted on remaining under her charge, which was certainly complimentary to her past course as teacher. The scholars are well pleased with Mr. Haurigan and we predict a very satisfactory year for our schools.
Muscatine Daily Journal, Thursday December 2, 1886, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Conesville, Dec. 1, 1886. Our school commenced Monday. The teachers are T. E, Haurigan and Miss Reily, in the Conesville school, Miss Ellecker in sub-district no. 1, and Miss May Brockway in sub-district No. 3.
Muscatine Daily Journal, Friday December 10, 1886, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Conesville, Dec. 8, 1886. Mr. Doran, of Wilton, is teaching the Brockway school in place of Miss Eilicker, who secured a school nearer her home.
Muscatine Evening Journal, Friday February 25, 1887, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." Conesville, Feb. 23, 1887. Our schools will all close for the winter term this week. Exhibition Friday evening, being the close of Mr. Doran's school at the Brockway school house.
Muscatine Evening Journal, Friday March 14, 1887, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Conesville, March 9, 1887. Felix Doran, teacher at the Brockway school, closed the term with one of the finest exhibitions we have attended for years, on Friday evening, Feb. 25th. The house was crowded to excess and many persons had to return home who could not gain admittance. We have but commendation for the performance of each and every pupil of the school.
John Boggs, L. M. Cecil and F. M. Jones are the members of the Orono school board for the ensuing year. They will see that the school interests will not suffer.
Muscatine Evening Journal, Thursday July 28, 1887, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Since our last letter Miss Ada Reiley, of Muscatine, closed her twelfth term in the primary department of our school, and if another engagement did not call her to other duties the patrons of the school would be pleased to have her continue as teacher in the future
Muscatine Evening Journal, Friday September 2, 1887, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Miss Belle Bemmerson is engaged to teach the Port Allen school and Miss Effie Emmerson the school near Wm McCullough's in Oakland township.
Muscatine Evening Journal, Friday, December 2, 1887, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE" - Conesville, Dec. 1, 1887. The Conesville school commences next Monday with John Sipe in the upper and Miss Dobbs in the lower department as teachers. Miss Mary Fanning teaches at Gideon and Miss Doran at Broadway school. Jonas Buser has taken Pike school.
Muscatine Evening Journal, Friday, December 16, 1887: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE" - Conesville, Dec. 14, 1887. Wesley McKee is teaching the Port Allen school.
Muscatine Evening Journal, Thursday, February 16 1888, page 3: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Seneca Finn, teacher of the Cedar Valley school, in Cedar Township, accompanied by scholars, visited the Conesville schools yesterday.
Muscatine Evening Journal, Friday, April 20, 1888, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Conesville, Apr. 18, 1888. Miss Brockway is teaching in her home district. Miss Mamie Dean in the Gideon district and Miss Effie Emmerson at the McCullough school house.
Supt. Coverston visited the Conesville school recently. He thinks of grading the school and having a third teacher employed. Then if he will put Webster's old elementary spelling book in the school and have the scholars from the youngest to the oldest stand up and spell twice each day as in the older time when we were young we can hope that the coming men and women will spell and pronounce words correctly. This most important branch of education under the forcing process is greatly neglected. We believe in practical and not theoretical education.
Muscatine Evening Journal, Thursday, September 13, 1888, page 4: CONESVILLE. "NOOZE." - Conesville, Sept. 12, 1888. County Superintendent Coverston attended the opening of our schools and gave Mr. Williamson, the teacher in the highest department, an introduction to his new pupils. We think Mr. W. will be a very excellent teacher. Miss Rebecca Dobbs has charge of the lower room, being her second year in the school.