Submitted by Beverly Gerdts April 27, 2020Muscatine Daily Journal Thursday, April 3, 1884 page 1: FULTON - WAL DECK April 2d, 1884. Any one wishing to see Mr. Edward George will find him at the Center Grove school, where he intends to spend this summer. We predict that he will make a success of this school, as he has with all other schools that he has taught.
We learn that the Fulton schools, under the guidance of Misses Wohlenburg and Albright, begun last Monday.
Wm. Nicholson commenced his first term at No. 4 on the 24th day of March. We wish him success.
The exhibition given by E. E. Simpson, at No. 4 school house, Montpelier township, on the 27th inst., was well attended and the exercises were very good. A number of the young people will remember this evening for a long time and the next time they go riding they will try and avoid that hill by Gerhart's. Won't they boys?
Muscatine Daily Journal Wednesday, September 3, 1884 page 2: Louisa Franklin, teacher of the Fulton township school in district No. 8, was the recipient of a handsome silver fruit dish, the gift of her pupils, at the closing of the summer term.
Muscatine Daily Journal Thursday, September 11, 1884 page 3: FULTON. "NOOZE". Fulton, Sept 10, 1884 - Miss Cora Schoonover, the two Miss Browns, Charlie Deming and Jimmie George are attending the Normal academy in Wilton.
Muscatine Daily Journal Thursday, April 15, 1886 page 2: FULTON. By "INEZ." Fulton, April 12, 1886 - The schools of this township are all engaged for the spring, and some of them have already commenced. The teachers of the different schools are as follows: Eibe Wohlenberg and Carrie E. Brown, No. 1 or Stockton Schools; Chrissie E. Jakeman, No. 2 or Centre Grove; Theresa Myers, No. 4; E. E. Simpson, No. 5 or Pleasant Prairie; Ann C. Byers, No. 6; Minnie D. Ewing, No. 7 or Nolo; Addie P. Statton, No.8; Nellie Slack, No. 9.
Muscatine Daily Journal Thursday, May 27, 1886 page 3: FULTON. By "INEZ." Fulton, May 26, 1886. - Several schools united together and held a picnic in the Grove on Saturday, the 22nd of May. After the picnic dinner, which is usual on such occasions, songs and declamations were rendered very nicely by several of the scholars. Opening song was "Away to the Woods, Away," sung by Fulton and Nola schools. There was one duet "Quaker Courtship," by Willie Duge and Mary McGuire; it was splendid. A song, "Three Old Maids of Lee," sung by Emma, Agnes and Laura Broders, deserves praise. Minnie Kelley's declamation, "Welcome greeting," the song "Red, White and Blue," sung by Sadie Mische and other scholars of the Fulton school well deserve mentioning. George Highley's "Cullud Philosophy" was well applauded. We cannot give details in full as it would take too much space. The Walcott scholars delivered several good declamations and songs, one of which was composed expressly for the occasion. The Durant school expected to be there but could not find conveyances.
Muscatine Daily Journal Thursday, July 8, 1886 page 4: FULTON. By "INEZ." Fulton, July 6, 1886 - Miss Theresa Meyer has closed her four months term of school in No. 4, and returned to her home in LeClaire. The remainder of the schools of the township are enjoying vacation.
Muscatine Daily Journal Thursday December 2, 1886 page 4: FULTON. By "INEZ." Fulton, Nov. 23, 1886 - The schools of this township are all in progress. The teachers are as follows: No. 1 or Fulton, Robert Knott and Carrie E. Brown; No. 2 or Centre Grove, J. Jacobs, of Davenport; No. 4, W. H. Illian; No. 5 or Pleasant Prairie, Martha Craig, of Muscatine; No. 6, A. O. Day, of Leclaire, Scott Co.; No. 7 or Nolo, Addie P. Statton; No. 9, Nellie Slack, of Grandview.
Muscatine Daily Journal Thursday December 9, 1886 page 3: FULTON. By "INEZ." Fulton, December 7, 1886 - Several of the teachers and patrons are anticipating a pleasant time at the teachers' meeting to be held at Nolo on Saturday, Jan. 8,
Muscatine Daily Journal Friday, January 14, 1887 page 4: FULTON. By "INEZ." Fulton, January 11, 1887 - The teachers' meeting, at Nolo, Saturday, was very interesting to all who attended. The teachers did not seem to have the same idea in all things, but all took a lively interest in the proceedings. County Superintendent Coverston, J. W. Akers, State Supt. and Prof. Witter, of Muscatine, were present. All the teachers of the township attended except T. Knott, who has adopted the Jewish mode of keeping Saturday for Sunday.
The teachers of Fulton township will meet with Miss Martha Craig, at the Pleasant Prairie school house, on Saturday, Feb. 12, 1887. The following is the program for the day:
10 a. m. Music - Miss Martha Craig. How to teach Penmanship to Beginners J. Jacobs. How to teach Compound numbers - Miss Addie P. Statton. Class Drill in Language - A. O. Day. Noon. Music. School Exhibits - W. H. Illian. How Physloiogy can best be taught to children- Miss Nellie I. Slack. Phonetics- James McElroy. Mental Arithmetic - E. A. Allbee. Music. W. H. Illian Chairman. Theda Allbee, Sec. Muscatine Evening Journal Thursday, March 10, 1887 page 4: W. H. Illian closed his winter term of school in sub-district No. 4, on last Friday.
Muscatine Evening Journal Wednesday, April 27, 1888 page 3: FULTON. By Anonymous. April 25, 1888 - Miss Minnie Ewing, of Muscatine, arrived last week to take charge of the Nolo school again for the summer; Miss McDougan, of Muscatine, also arrived and will teach in district No. 6; Miss Della Sparks, of Fairport, is teaching the Pleasant Prairie school.
Muscatine Evening Journal Wednesday December 26, 1888 page 4: Fulton Township Program. Editor of Journal: The following program will be given by the teachers of Fulton township at Nolo school house, on Saturday, January 5th, commencing at 9:30:
Shall we teach script to foreign children beginning the English language? - Miss Addie Statton. The control of the teacher over the scholars after leaving the school ground - I. B. Smith. How to teach United States history - Wm. Shoemaker. Are the primary methods taught at the county normal the best for the country schools? Miss Franklin and G. W. Converston. How to help poor readers - Wm. Illian. How to elevate the morals of out schools. - J. George and A. C. Franklin Discussion after each subject. All teachers interested in school work are cordially invited to attend and take part.
Program Com.