Source: The Muscatine Journal June 4, 1915, page 9
Submitted by Phyllis Hazen, February 9, 2020ALMOST SEVENTY ARE TO RECEIVE DIPLOMAS
County Superintendent Bradley Announces List of Eighth Grade Rural GraduatesAlmost seventy pupils in the Muscatine county schools will receive eighth grade diplomas at the commencement exercises which are to be held at the Chautauqua grounds on Saturday, June 12th. County Superintendent Bradley today announced the list of graduates as follows:
Orville Abbott, Conesville; Erma G. Adams, No. 1, Pike; Margaret Angerer, No. 2, Wapsie; Cora may Ayers, No. 1, Pike; Lura E. Brown, Nichols; Callie M., Warren J., and Lenox Buser, Conesville; Edna Brookhart, No. 2, Cedar; Ethel M. Chown, Nichols; Vearl Chown, Conesville; Frank B. and Mathew R. Coburn, No. 7, Fulton; Marie Christofferson, Nichols; Neva M. Christ, Conesville; Ralph Davis, No. 2, Seventy-Six; Fae Derby, No, 5, Wilton; Cloyce Downer, No. 6, Seventy-Six; Donald Epperly, No. 2, Cedar; Freda Fischer, No. 5, Moscow; Velma Gertenbach, No. 2, Seventy-Six; Lindsey Gray, No. 5, Wilton; Grace and Lillian Healey, No. 8, Seventy-Six; Edith Hines, No. 7, Bloomington; Hannah Holmes, No. 8, Sweetland; Leslie W. Hoopes, No. 4, Lake; Mildred Hummel, Nichols; Roy Huttig, No. 9, Fruitland; Erna Jehle, No. 2, Wapsie; Ernest Kirschner, Nichols; Wilma Koeppe, No. 7, Fulton; John T. McColm, No. 1, Cedar; Charles D. McElravy, Atalissa; Hazel McIntire, No. 7, Goshen; William Maxwell, Conesville; Clementina Meyers, Nichols; Mabel Miller, Conesville; Frank Mills, No. 1, Pike; Clyde Minder, No. 7, Lake; Carl J. Moser, No. 2, Bloomington; Nellie Murphy, Nichols; Robert Nolan, Nichols; Clara Noll, No. 3, Lake; Adrian Norris, Conesville; Lucinda Reddick, No. 6, Fulton; Wilma Schmidt, Atalissa; Harold Schomberg, Conesville; Elmer Scheeller, No. 2, Bloomington; Lloyd Shannon and Virginia D. Smith, Nichols; Vae Smith, No. 2, Wapsie; Gertrude Springmeier, No. 7, Fulton; Mary Stephen, Nichols; Blanche Thomas, No. 2, Cedar; Guy Thomas, No. 2, Cedar; Mary Thompson, No. 8, Fruitland; Glean Toyne and Lorena Turkle, Atalissa, Ruth Van Horn and Howard Van Horn, Conesville; Ernest L. Wagner, Conesville; Evelyn Watters, Atalissa; Bennet West, No. 2, Cedar; Leonard West, Cedar; Kenneth Wolf, No. 2, Wapsie; Guy Wright, No. 4, Wapsie.