Source: Muscatine Journal and News Tribune August 23, 1934, page 7
Submitted by Lynn McCleary, June 4, 2018NINE NEW TEACHERS ADDED TO CITY SCHOOL STAFF
City Grade Schools and High School Ready for Opening on Sept. 4Nine new teachers appear on the teaching staffs of the Muscatine public schools this year. Assignments were announced today by H. Van Hettinga, superintendent of city schools.
Paul Turner and Marinus Jensen are new instructors at the high school while Betty Appel, Alice Harbaugh, Alice Stapleton, Katherine Gunzenhauser, Chester King, Iris Statier and Dorothy Nywiede will act in fulltime capacities in various grade schools for the first time this fall.
Ready for Opening. Meanwhile, all preliminary details are being disposed of in preparation for the opening of schools on Sept. 4. High school students will have the opportunity to purchase their text books and to sign up for lockers next week. Grade school pupils will not report until Sept. 4.
The program of repair work carried out in the schools during the summer is practically complete, Mr. Van Hettinga said today, and everything will be in order for the opening day. Three school building, Franklin, Lincoln and Grant have undergone a repainting of the interior.
Staff for Year. The complete staffs of city public schools as announced by the superintendent for the coming fall term are:
High school: F. G. Messenger, principal; A.A. Johnson, assistant principal and social science; Clark H. Brown, home mechanics; Eula Downer, mathematics, dean of girls; Dollie Dulgar, science; Geneva Grace, science; Estelle Heezen, English; Lawrence Hillyard, printing; Edna Hinrichsen, English; Robert Mark, English; Henry Holtzer, science; Lindley Hoopes, agriculture; Emma Howe, English; Frank J. Howe, commercial ; Leonard Hunn, commercial; Leonard Hunn, commer-mathematics; Louisa Jericho, American History; H. Margaret Kemble, Latin, Spanich, English; Robert Kinnan, European history, basketball coach June Lingo, English; Caroline Liebbe, commercial; Carl C. Liebbe, science; Genevieve McCandless, English, Auroran; Howard McIlrath, public speaking; Charles Shook, sociology, music; Elizabeth Smith, mathematics; Mildred Stirlen, home economics; Dorothy Tyler commercial; Paul Turner, football coach, economics.
Franklin Franklin school: Lillie Friederichsen, principal; Grace harden, arithmetic; Mary Rumsey, history; Anna M. Barr, English; Agnes Southerland, sixth grade; Marie Eitman fifth grade; Minnie Fuller, fourth grade; Dorothy Nyweide, third grade; Gertrude Fuller, second grade; Jessie Althaus, first grade; Lucille Horst, kindergarten.
Garfield Garfield school: A. Marea Othermer, principle; Gladys McCune, seventh grade; Margaret O’Toole, sixth grade; Agnes Leu, fifth A. Grade; B. Katheen Asp, fitth B grade; Anna Hendriks, fourth grade; Helen Heidel, third grade; Iris Statler, third grade; Ada Coleman, second grade; Ada Coleman, second grade; Irene Carl, first grade; F. Lucille Horst, kindergarten.
Jackson Jackson school: - Jessie Braunwath, principal; Gertrude Howe, history, civics; Ada Rolland, geography, penmanship; Chester King, reading, hygiene; Lulu Radebaugh, arithmetic, penmanship; Margaret A. Brown, history, music; Helen Schump, geography, civics; Isa Greeley, reading, grammar; Mary C. ryan, English, spelling.
Grant Grant school: Hattie Parker, principal, kindergarten, first grade; Anna M. Chamberlin, second, third grade.
Jefferson Jefferson: Minetta Headley, principal, Leona Griffin, sixth grade; Dorothy Angel, sixth grade; Mildred Fogarty, sixth grade; Ivy Willhite, fifth grade; May Platt, fifth grade; Merle Rummells, fourth grade; Margaret Logan, fourth grade, Rosa Wellons, third grade; Norma Harris, Katherine Gunzenhauser, Lois Bowser, third grade; Clara Smith, second grade; Lulu Ogilvie, Lettice R. Kennedy and Lucy Connor, first grade; Alice Harbaugh, kindergarten; Alice Stapleton, kindergarten assistant.
Lincoln Lincoln school: Mary McDougall, principal; Louise C. Kopp, eighth grade; Laura Phillips, sixth grade; Mrs. Sarah Huftalen, sixth grade; Beulah Hagermann, fifth grade; Helen Howe, fifth grade; Emma Freyermuth, fourth grade; Jenniebelle Haynes, third grade; Esther Michels, third grade; Alice Schmarje, second grade; Inez Schermer, second grade, Betty Appel, first grade; Helen Arey, first grade; Lola Michels, kindergarten.
McKinley McKinley school: Hale C. Reid, principal; Anita Sullivan, seventh grade; Meryl Mapes, sixth grade; Nina Harris, fifth grade; Mabel Lowe, fourth grade; Celeste Cronin third grade; Nellie Ogilvie, second grade; Mildred Walters, first grade; Hilda B. Michels, kindergarten.
Washington Washington school: Miss Rita Berry, principal; Frances Ryan, seventh grade; Anna E. Kincaid, sixth grade; Bernice Leu, fifth grade; Gertrude Angersbach, fourth grade; Thelma Crew --- Grace Chapman, second grade; Sue Erb, first grade; Hilda B. Michels, kindergarten.