Source: Muscatine Daily Journal, Thursday, October 23, 1884
Submitted by Lynn McCleary, May 16, 2019GERMAN AMERICAN SCHOOL Hereby I take the honor of giving notice to the citizens of Muscatine that I have opened the above named school on the 6th of October 1884, and in regard to the reception of scholars I am prepared to instruct those who are willing to make use of this school.
As the circumstances of the city demand a good German school I have organized a day and night school to accommodate those who could not otherwise attend.
English, German, mathematics, arithmetic, history, geography, natural science, calligraphy etc. will be given by the undersigned and the hours of teaching are as follows: Day school, 8 ½ to 11 ½ a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. except Saturday.
Night school, three times a week. Viz. Monday, Thursday 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday 8 ½ to 10 p.m.
The room occupied for instruction is the former house of the German evangelical Congregational church and is situated corner of Walnut and Fourth street, near the court house.
The price per scholar for the day or night school is 75 cents per month – for two or more scholars of the same family 50 cents each.
In conclusion I would say that the school shall be conducted, after the manner of a good public school, according to the general Christian principles and that the German language as well as the science, morals and manners etc. will be maintained. Patronage respectfully solicited. New method of the German orthography
A. Pietz, German Teacher.
(Scientific certificate for disposition.)