Source: The Muscatine Journal, February 19, 1929, page 11
Submitted by Phyllis Hazen, November 1, 2019Pupils Will Give Special Plays for Program on Friday Two patriotic plays, “Good George Washington” and “A Month of Birthdays,” will be presented when pupils of the Fairview school No. 5 in Bloomington township give a patriotic entertainment at the school at 8 o’clock Friday evening. Miss Harriette James, teacher, announces the following program:
Song, “America the Beautiful”, school; recitation, “America for Me”, Durward Green: songs, “Sweet and Low,” “Sweet Kitty Clover,” girls chorus; recitation, “A Boy’s Privilege,” Wayne Green: play, “Good George Washington,” Berleen Kell, Durward Green, Stuart Esmoil, Frederick Arnold, Irvin Krueger, Lucille Essex, Ula Green, Norma Jeanne Kell, Grace and Norma Satterthwaite: Recitation, “A February Birthday,” Norma Jeanne Kell: reading, “Pa’s Instructions,” Norma Satterthwaite.
The closing number will be the play, “A Month of Birthdays, “ with parts taken by the following:
Madam February, Doris Green; Snowflake, Berleen Kell; George Washington, Durward Green; Charles Dickens, Frederick Krueger; Tiny Tim, Gale Nelson: Abraham Lincoln, Kenneth Windman: Sambo, Wayne Green: Henry W. Longfellow, Arnold Krueger, Alice, Lucille Essex: Allegra, Francis Satterthwaite: Edith, Geraldine Green: Daniel Boone, Stuart Esmoil; James Russell Lowell, Irvin Krueger; valentine dancers, Norma and Grace Satterthwaite and Norma Jeanne Kell.
During the play the Gettysburg address, “The Village Blacksmith,” “Children’s Hour,” “The First Snowfall,” and other poems and readings will be used and a group of southern melodies and patriotic songs will be sung.
Pie, coffee, sandwiches, candy and popcorn will be sold after the program.