Source: Muscatine Journal and News Tribune August 23, 1934, page 6
Submitted by Lynn McCleary, June 4, 2018UNIT AT CONESVILLE READY FOR OPENING Conesville – Furniture and equipment from the old school building and domestic science cottage are being moved this week to the new schoolhouse, erected this year as one of the number of WPA projects in the county.
The doors will open Sept. 3.
The new building and grounds will afford ample playground for the younger children as well as a baseball diamond and athletic field and a well-equipped gymnasium. Seven tuition pupils were entered in the high school last year and it si believed a greater number will be drawn here this year because of the new building and the added activities which it will make possible. The usual high score enrollment is 40.
Teachers for the coming year include Ralph Crawford, superintendent, Virginia Stauffer, Cedar Rapids, domestic science and English; Evelyn McMeans, Fredericksburg, science and mathematics; Rufus Bullis, 7th and 8th grades; Lorena Maxwell, intermediate; Esther Moats, Scotch Grove, primary.
Miss Daisy Kemp will teach the Brockway school again this year and Hazel Pace, of Muscatine, has been elected to fill the vacancy at Port Allen.