Processional | Orchestra |
Music | First Methodist School Orchestra Directed by Mrs. Ida Appel-Springhorn |
Invocation | Reverend Thomas Foglesong Pastor First Christian Church |
Playlet | Champion Hill Pupils Directed by the teacher, Dale Smith |
Group of Songs | Tenth County Rural School Chorus Directed by Professor C. A. Fullerton |
Class Address - "The State of Iowa" | Professor Royal Holbrook |
Award of Honor 1’s | |
Presentation of Diplomas | Superintendent E. D. Bradley |
Song - “America” | Graduates and Audience |
Marie Margaret Irma Alston | Lutheran Homes | Theodore Kurtz |
Edwin Charles Altekruse | No. 8 Seventy-Six | Helen Byrne |
Vivian Marie Arp | No. 1 Fulton | Mabel J. Smith |
Bevelyn Darlene Barkalow | No. 7 Moscow | Dale Smith |
Lillian Mae Barnhart | No. 2 Cedar | Mrs. Mildred Shellabarger |
Rose Etta Barnhart | No. 2 Cedar | Mrs. Mildred Shellabarger |
Weldon E. Barnhart | No. 2 Seventy-Six | Gwendolyn McBride |
Ernest R. Bartenhagen | No. 7 Fruitland | Mrs. Naomi Robison |
Ramona Grace Bennett | No. 2 Montpelier | Mrs. Besse Frank |
Elvera W. R. Best | No. 9 Fulton | Maxine Boettger |
Iota Bixby | No. 1 Pike | Freaman Reid |
Ralph L. Bloom | No. 3 Montpelier | Aletha McCullough |
Beatrice T. Bockwoldt | No. 9 Fulton | Maxine Boettger |
Harold William Boorn | No. 3 Moscow | Lois Lang |
Aaron E. Borchers | No. 7 Fulton | Helen Shepard |
Bernice Blanche Brossart | No. 1 Sweetland | Carson Kemp |
Betty Bernice Brossart | No. 1 Sweetland | Carson Kemp |
Leah Gwendolyn Brown | No. 6 Moscow | Frances Cross |
Jane Marie Buckman | No. 1 Wapsinonoc | Elma Odell |
Norbert Arthur Budelier | No. 6 Wilton | Cora Beard |
Donald Dempsey Buster | No. 5 Seventy-Six | Marie Crow |
Florence Allene Buster | No. 5 Seventy-Six | Marie Crow |
Mary Alma Camp | Mosow Independent | Frances Smith |
Viola Marguarite Cochran | No. 11 Fruitland | Henry Bartenhagen |
George Warren Collier | No. 3 Wilton | Mrs. Verda Cole |
John Edward Compton | No. 5 Wapsinonoc | Mrs. Ella Quire |
Owen Dean Connor | No. 8 Sweetland | Loraine McFadden |
Carroll D. DeVore | No. 4 Goshen | Zella Smith |
Paul Clifford Doran | No. 7 Wilton | Agatha Byrne |
Charles Wayne Drumm | No. 5 Wilton | Lucy McClean |
Edna Lucille Eaton | No. 2 Bloomington | Alice Garnes |
Duane LeRoy Egel | No. 6 Fulton | Myrtle Jenkins |
Lysle Vincengt Eichelberger | No. 2 Seventy-Six | Gwendolyn McBride |
Henry Christ Fick | No. 4 Wilton | Louis Gill |
Clifford Clyde Fitchner | No. 1 Sweetland | Carson Kemp |
Dorothy Lucille Folck | No. 8 Fruitland | Elizabeth Fletcher |
Margaret R. Fox | No. 8 Wapsinonoc | Virginia Kerr |
Etta Frick | No. 6 Cleona | Luverna Koch |
Anna Louise Garvin | No. 5 Lake | Gwendolyn Phillips |
Raymond Carl Gatzke | No. 6 Wilton | Cora Beard |
Nina Belle Gerard | No. 2 Bloomington | Alice Garnes |
John William Graham | No. 3 Lake | Catherine King |
Donald Hahn | No. 3 Moscow | Lois Lang |
Robert Emmet Healey | No. 5 Seventy-Six | Marie Crow |
Richard Jodie Heath | No. 4 Wapsinonoc | Mrs. Anna Dunker |
Vivian Catherine Hedrick | No. 1 Montpelier | Elizabeth Krantz |
Lysle Hepker | No. 2 Lake | Mrs. Alma McCarty |
Kenneth E. Herlein | No. 1 Seventy-Six | Robert Fletcher |
Wayne Eldon Hetzler | No. 5 Wilton | Lucy McClean |
Esther Higgerson | No. 2 Bloomington | Alice Garnes |
Rolland Charles Hime | No. 4 Goshen | Zella Smith |
Charles Edward Hoag | No. 3 Bloomington | Elizabeth Satterthwaite |
John H. Holtz | No. 7 Sweetland | Helen Bill |
Ruby I. House | Mosow Independent | Frances Smith |
Elsie Irwin | No. 1 Bloomington | Gertrude Knight |
Earl LeMoyn Jewett | No. 3 Bloomington | Elizabeth Satterthwaite |
Archie William Kaalberg | No. 8 Seventy-Six | Helen Byrne |
Earl Leroy Keiser | No. 6 Lake | Arlene Eichelberger |
Norma Jeanne Kell | No. 5 Bloomington | Guy Thomas |
Betty Arlene Keller | Mosow Independent | Frances Smith |
Lelah Margaret Kellow | No. 7 Wilton | Agatha Byrne |
Bevelyn Kennedy | No. 5 Wapsinonoc | Mrs. Ella Quire |
Emma Katherine Klein | Lutheran Homes | Theodore Kurtz |
Mary Jean Kline | No. 2 Wapsinonoc | Elizabeth Wilson |
Raymond Edward Knouse | No. 2 Wilton | Ruth Sander |
Robert W. Krebs | No. 1 Fulton | Mabel J. Smith |
Beulah Jane Lang | No. 5 Moscow | Gertrude Sywassink |
Frederick John Lehman | No. 5 Goshen | Naomi Federlein |
Alva Arlene Lincoln | Mosow Independent | Frances Smith |
Francis John Lindle | No. 5 Goshen | Naomi Federlein |
Harold A. Lohse | No. 9 Fruitland | Marjorie Corwin |
Charlotte Marie Longstreth | No. 5 Moscow | Gertrude Sywassink |
Fleta Jeanette McAvoy | Lutheran Homes | Theodore Kurtz |
Dorothy A. McBride | No. 8 Seventy-Six | Helen Byrne |
Betty Lynette McConnaha | No. 6 Moscow | Frances Cross |
Ralph Clarence McConnaha | No. 3 Bloomington | Elizabeth Satterthwaite |
Louis McCracken | No. 2 Lake | Mrs. Alma McCarty |
Grace Eliza McKillip | No. 5 Moscow | Gertrude Sywassink |
Lysle Hugh McKillip | No. 4 Goshen | Zella Smith |
Inez L. McMahon | No. 7 Goshen | Loletta Branson |
Rosalind Constance Maasen | No. 1 Montpelier | Elizabeth Krantz |
Charlotte Meerdink | No. 8 Sweetland | Loraine McFadden |
Addie Marie Mentink | No. 5 Goshen | Naomi Federlein |
Doris Irene Meyers | No. 1 Pike | Freaman Reid |
Immogene Amelial Florence Miller | No. 2 Lake | Mrs. Alma McCarty |
Benjamin Mills | No. 2 Pike | Ortha Neff |
Velma M. Monson | No. 3 Bloomington | Elizabeth Satterthwaite |
Dorothy Morrison | No. 4 Goshen | Zella Smith |
Christine Marie Neilson | Lutheran Homes | Theodore Kurtz |
Alice R. W. Nielsen | No. 10 Fulton | Flora Tobias |
Mary Loretta Oostendorp | No. 3 Pike | Jessie Mills |
Marjorie Elizabeth Pahl | Mosow Independent | Frances Smith |
Edmon Joseph Paul | No. 5 Sweetland | Edith Brookhart |
Grace L. Petersen | No. 5 Sweetland | Edith Brookhart |
Geraldine Carmelita Pike | No. 7 Wapsinonoc | Marie Milder |
Arthur B. Raub | No. 5 Sweetland | Edith Brookhart |
Alvin Arno Reeves | No. 1 Sweetland | Carson Kemp |
Helen Richter | No. 2 Montpelier | Mrs. Besse Frank |
Walter Louis Ricketts | No. 1 Sweetland | Carson Kemp |
Lloyd G. Riessen | No.10 Fulton | Flora Tobias |
Cecelia Louise Ruess | No. 5 Wapsinonoc | Mrs. Ella Quire |
Mary Jane Ruess | No. 5 Wapsinonoc | Mrs. Ella Quire |
Grace Phyllis Satterthwaite | No. 5 Bloomington | Guy Thomas |
Danforth Wayne Sauer | No. 7 Sweetland | Helen Bill |
Cecil Robert Schaapveld | No. 7 Wapsinonoc | Marie Milder |
Mildred G. Schlapkohl | No. 3 Wilton | Mrs. Verda Cole |
Cecil Allen Schnack | No. 6 Cleona | Luverna Koch |
Carl Frederick Schroeder | No. 2 Montpelier | Mrs. Reese Frank |
Dorothy Arlene Seydel | No. 1 Sweetland | Carson Kemp |
Richard Shield | No. 6 Bloomington | Harriet Flint |
Walter E. Shield | No. 6 Bloomington | Harriet Flint |
Ralph Ray Shields | Lutheran Homes | Theodore Kurtz |
Carl George Shingledecker | No. 7 Fruitland | Mrs. Naomi Robison |
Richard John William Sindt | No. 1 Bloomington | Gertrude Knight |
Gilbert Everett Sissel | No. 9 Fulton | Maxine Boettger |
Elizabeth Louise Slusher | No. 3 Montpelier | Aletha McCullough |
Betty Eileen Smith | No. 1 Bloomington | Gertrude Knight |
Harold Leroy Smith | No. 3 Bloomington | Elizabeth Satterthwaite |
Timothy J. Smith | Mosow Independent | Frances Smith |
Gertrude Mae Spence | No. 2 Sweetland | Mrs. Cora Brumwell |
Wayne Leslie Spilger | No. 5 Goshen | Naomi Federlein |
Fred George Steen | No. 5 Wapsinonoc | Mrs. Ella Quire |
Dale V. Suckow | No. 3 Cedar | Anne Smit |
Robert Vincent Swale | No. 2 Montpelier | Mrs. Besse Frank |
Miriam Fae SyWassink | No. 8 Sweetland | Loraine McFadden |
Louise Charlotte TeStrake | No. 2 Sweetland | Mrs. Cora Brumwell |
Luretta M. Tipton | No. 7 Goshen | Loletta Branson |
Leo Edwin Trader | No. 2 Bloomington | Alice Garnes |
Verna L. Treimer | No. 3 Wilton | Mrs. Verda Cole |
Wayne F. Umphress | No. 2 Montpelier | Mrs. Besse Frank |
Marie Cornelia Van Bochove | No. 4 Bloomington | Frances Freyermuth |
Ruth Vance | No. 2 Lake | Mrs. Alma McCarty |
John Vernon Voelkers | No. 9 Fulton | Maxine Boettger |
Virginia Maxine Vogel | No. 8 Wapsinonoc | Virginia Kerr |
C. Junior Weinard | No. 2 Wapsinonoc | Elizabeth Wilson |
Eulalia Jeanne Wells | No. 3 Wilton | Mrs. Verda Cole |
Harold Standley Wells | No. 1 Montpelier | Elizabeth Krantz |
Eugene O. White | No. 6 Lake | Arlene Eichelberger |
Leone Wilson | No. 2 Wapsinonoc | Elizabeth Wilson |
Inez Elizabeth Wright | No. 5 Goshen | Naomi Federlein |
Mildred Virginia Wright | No. 3 Montpelier | Aletha McCullough |