Pike Township Family Stories

Nichols, Iowa Centennial Book 1884-1984, page 355
By Vonda Ruess

         Hendrikus Wissink (1829-1886) and Marie Hemming (1839-1879) were born in Holland and married there in 1867. Their five children were: Aloysius Wissink, married Katharine Holtermann; Anne Wissink, married Henry Roes; Theodore Wissinkk who did not marry; Antoine Wissink, married John Salemink; Marie Wissink, married Anton Van Aken.
         Aloysius Wissink (1877-1959) was born in Holland. Katharine Holtermann (1883-1952) was born in Germany. They married 23 April 1909 in Holland. They came to the United States on their honeymoon in 1909 and settled in the small house on Bernard Kaalberg’s farm, where Gayle Kaalberg now lives. They had seven children: Anne Wissink, Marie Wissink, Leona Wissink, Joseph Wissink, Lawrence Wissink, Leonard Wissink and Geraldine Wissink.
         Marie Wissink and Anton Van Aken were married in Holland. They had seven children: Leo Van Aken married Marie Kaalberg; Sophia Van Aken married Albert Polmann; Frances Van Aken married Frank Kaalberg; Mary Van Aken married Rhineart Kaalberg; Dorothea Van Aken, Frank Van Aken and Regina Van Aken died as young children.
         Anton Van Aken died in Holland, and Marie married John Jansen in Holland; they had three children born in Holland; then traveled to the United States in 1917. They had four more children after arriving in this area: Jack Jansen, married Lorene Krantz; Theodore Jansen married Guila Billick; Henry Jansen married Emanita Hardy; Agnes Jansen married Herb Shrader; Josephine Jansen married Al Pohlman; Cecilia Jansen married Robert Bachus, and Alphonse Jansen married Marie Neff.

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