Nichols, Iowa Centennial Book
Stories of Early Nichols
Nichols, Iowa Centennial Book 1884-1984, page 123-124
This article was taken from the Muscatine Journal, Annual Edition, December 1901.The year for Nichols has been a busy one, notwithstanding the dry weather, and the place has continued to grow and develop. The improvements began early in the spring and has held its own.
The following have made improvements:
Dr. F. F. Carl, new residence, $5,000; also another home improved at a cost of about $500.
Grove Cotterall, new home, $1,500.
Mr. Creighton, new home, $700.
J. W. Rummells, Jr., new barn $100, and cellar at store, $75.
Shell Mansfield, improvements, $50.
William Foster, new barn, $100.
Caleb Hesser, improvements, $150.
Frank Hummel, new barn, $100.
Mr. Salemink, a fine new barn.
Bengamin Abbott, residence, $1,500.
A number of minor improvements, costing a neat sum, have been made that add much to the comfort of the people.
Nichols, Iowa, is at the crossing of the B. C. R. & N. and the Muscatine Western railway, 16 miles west of Muscatine, seven miles south of West Liberty and 14 miles north of Columbus Junction. It is surrounded by the finest farming section in Iowa. The area has a population of between 400 and 600. It has: one bank, three general stores; three hotels, two having restaurants; one meat market; one millinery store; one barber shop; one tin shop; one notion store and general insurance office; one drug store; two doctors; two blacksmith and wagon shops, both handling farm machinery; three harness shops; one elevator; three stock buyers and shippers; one livery barn; four churches, Methodist episcopal, Methodist Protestant, Christian and Roman Catholic; one brass band.
It is an accepted fact that farmers can get more for their grain here than at any of the surrounding towns.
Besides these, it has two telephone lines, a post office and one rural mail route. That the place is destined to grow is shown plainly by its location and the experience of years past. The city school has three departments and is moving along finely with Prof. Eland in charge.
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Page created January 23, 2011 by Lynn McCleary