Nichols, Iowa Centennial Book
Nichols - Our Town - 1984

Nichols, Iowa Centennial Book 1884-1984, pages 79-80

         Pike Plucky Pikers, boys’ charter issued, 13 March 1946.
         Pike Peppy Pals, girls’ charter issued, 21 October 1960.
         Pike junior girls’ charter issued, December 1970.

         Honorary 4-H members of Muscatine County from the Nichols area are:
         1966 – Helen Tatge (Mrs. John)
         1962 – Robert Elder
         1954 – Marie Kaalberg (Mrs. Frank)

         Officers and members of Pike Peppy Pals (Girls’ 4-H Club) in 1946 are:
Leaders, Gladys Rife (Mrs. Wayne) and Doris Chown (Mrs. Robert); president, Wanda Brenneman; vice president, Dorothy Lowe; secretary, Elaine Schmitt; treasurer, Lola Ann Brenneman; representative, Mary Lou Swanson; historian, Shirley Braun; members, Marilyn Braun, Naoli Wieskamp, Mary Knoll, Barbara Jo Hanft, Vera Knoll, Kathleen Hanft, Mary Christofferson, Karleen Salemink, Karen Chown, Norma Schmitt, Norma Jane Deahr, Beverly Mills.

        4-H Club Leaders
1938 – Girls: Mrs. C. O. Hisele, Mrs. LeMoine Heither; Boys: Ed Yedlik.
1939 – Girls: Mrs. Jane Hadley; Boys: Ed Yedlik.
1940 – Girls: Mrs. Jane Hadley; Mrs. Irma Hickey.
1941 – Girls: Mrs. Jane Hadley; Boys: Ralph Neff.
1943 – Boys: George Kirchner.
1944 – Boys: George Kirchner, W. J. Perkins.
1945 – Boys: Ray Porter, Clifford Perkins.
1946 – Girls: Mrs. Wayne Rife; Boys: Harry Salemink.
1947 – Girls: Mrs. Robert Chown, Mrs. Russell Reynolds.
1948 – Girls: Mrs. Robert Chown, Mrs. Christofferson; Boys: Harry Salemink.
1949 – Girls: Mrs. Robert Chown, Mrs. Christofferson; Boys: Harry Braun.
1950 – Girls: Mrs. Robert Chown, Mrs. Leila Schmitt; Boys: Harry Braun.
1951 – Girls: Mrs. Robert Chown.
1952 – Girls: Mrs. Robert Chown.
1953 – Girls: Mrs. Lloyd Deahr.
1954 – Girls: Mrs. Lloyd Deahr, Mrs. Marion Barnhart.
1955 – Girls: Mrs. Lloyd Deahr, Mrs. Hubert Brugman, Mrs. Marion Barnhart.
1956 – Girls: Mrs. Hubert Brugman, Mrs. Marion Barnhart.
1959 – Girls: Mrs. Harold Albrecht, Mrs. Robert Ramer. 1960 – Girls: Mrs. Donald Carter, Mrs. Keith Abbott, Mrs. Ralph Schmitt.
1961 – Girls: Mrs. Donald Carter, Mrs. Louis Chown.
1962 – Girls: Mrs. Richard Fridley, Mrs. Vernon Carter; Boys: Robert Elder, Don Meyers.
1963 – Girls: Mrs. Richard Fridley, Mrs. Vernon Carter; Boys: Robert Elder, Don Meyers.
1964 – Girls: Mrs. Vernon Carter, Mrs. Richard Fridley, Mrs. Gerald Lanfier, Mrs. Lewis Peterson; Boys: Ron Baxter, Vernon Carter, Robert Elder.
1965 – Girls: Mrs. Lewis Peterson, Mrs. William Bixby, Mrs. Gerald Lanfier; Boys: Ron Baxter, Vernon Carter, Robert Elder.
1966 – Girls: Mrs. Gerald Lanfier, Mrs. William Bixby, Mrs. Richard Fridley, Mrs. Frank Stalkfleet, Mrs. Lynn Pruitt, Kay Barnhart – Junior Leader; Boys – Ron Baxter, Vernon Carter, Robert Elder.
1967 – Girls: Mrs. Gerald Lanfier, Mrs. William Bixby, Mrs. Richard Fridley, Mrs. Frank Stalkfleet, Mrs. Ed Schaapveld; Boys: Ed Eichelberger, Jack Salemink, Dick Chown.
1968 – Boys: Jack Salemink, Ed Eichelberger.
1969 – Boys: Jack Salemink, Ed Eichelberger.
1970 – Boys: Jack Salemink, Louis Peterson.
1971 – Girls: Mrs. Gerald Lanfier, Mrs. Paul Jasper, Kathleen Kaalberg – Junior Leader; Boys: Jack Salemink, Don Wildasin.
1972 – Girls: Mrs. Paul Jasper, Mrs. Donald Walker; Boys: Steve Salemink, Don Wildasin.
1973 – Girls: Mrs. Paul Jasper, Mrs. Donald Walker; Boys: Steve Salemink, Don Wildasin.
1974 – Girls: Mrs. Mike Fridley, Mrs. Wayne Martin; Boys: Steve Salemink, Don Wildasin.
1975 – Girls: Mrs. Marvin Blair, Mrs. Lloyd Deahr; Boys: Steve Salemink, Don Wildasin.
1976 – Girls: Mrs. Larry Beik, Mrs. Virgil Braun, Mrs. LaMoyne Kirchner, Mrs. Donald Wildasin; Boys: Steve Salemink.
1977 – Girls: Mrs. Larry Beik, Mrs. Virgil Braun, Mrs. LaMoyne Kirchner; Boys: Steve Salemink.
1978 – Girls: Mrs. Larry Beik, Mrs. Virgil Braun, Mrs. LaMoyne Kirchner; Boys: Steve Salemink.
1979 – Girls: Barbara Chown, Martha Peterson, Julann Kloberdanz; Boys: Steve Salemink.
1980 – Boys: Steve Salemink, Dean Phelps.
1981 – Boys: Steve Salemink, Dean Phelps.
1982 – Boys: Steve Salemink, Dean Phelps.
1983 – Boys: Steve Salemink, Dean Phelps.
1984 – Boys: Dean Phelps, Robert Greazel.

    ~ 1984 Boys 4-H Officers. – page 82
Front, left to right, Kory Kaalberg, Scott Barnhart, Jeff Greazel, Sean Peterson. Back, Amy Chown, Doug Phelps, Jeff Chown, Doug Walker.
   ~ Pike Boys Annex Tourney Honors 1943 – page 79.
Members of the county championship Pike township boys’ Four-H team which won the title Saturday at Jefferson gym are shown above. From left to right, they are: Front row, Vernon Carter, Willard Elder, Burt Carter, Darrel Yocum and Warren Porter; rear row, Ralph Neff, Cliff Braun, Harry Ogren, Lamoyne Kirchner, Ray Porter and Elmer Meyers.
   ~ Officers Elected 1943 – page 79.
Officers elected to head the Muscatine county boys Four-H organization at the annual Rally Day Saturday are shown here. From left to right, they are: Herbert Hetzler, Sweetland township, secretary; Carl Geertz, Wapsie, president; Wayne Drumm, Wilton, historian; and Vernon Carter, Pike, vice president.
    ~ 1949 4-H. – page 80
Back row, left to right, Jack Salemink, Harry Salemink, Roy Braun, T. B. Holcomb, Bob Gregg, Ray Wieskamp, Fritz Swanson, Harry Braun, Elroy Knoll. Third row: Ron Wieskamp, Bruce Cuurtis, Gene Wieskamp, Willard Salemink, Bob Brenneman, Lindle Adams, John Swanson, Joe Holcomb, Lester Brenneman. Second row: Carol Braun, Joyce Brenneman, Shirley Braun, Elaine Schmitt, Daryl Swanson, David Gregg, Conrad Gregg. First row: Bob Viner, Virgil Braun, Jerry Elder, Frank Holcomb, Lloyd Deahr, Bill Newton, Marilyn Braun, Naomi Wieskamp, Mary Lou Swanson. Kneeling: Richard Knoll, Gene Walker, Dean Viner.
    ~ Members at State 4-H Camp. - Page 81.
Muscatine County members at State 4-H Camp at Madrid in 1966 were: Front from left; Tom Peterson, Joe Wathen, Muscatine, Dennis Albrecht, John Grimm, Mike Fridley and Jim Meyers, Nichols. The girls in the back are Jean Halling, Muscatine; JoAnn Jewett, Stockton; Judy Collier, Durant, and Karyl Heither, West Liberty.
    ~ Basket Ball Players. Page 81.
In 1963, Pike boys won their fourth straight County Basketball title. Players were: Front, from left: Mike Fridley, Dennis Albrecht, Jeff Carter, Mascot Dean Elder, Randy Elder, Mark Elder. Back; David Eichelberger, Mike Carter, Danny Mills, Jim Merchant, Doug Chown, Ken Grable, Roger Swanson, Coach Bob Elder, Coach Don Meyers, Monte Whitlock, Pat Carter, Lester Meyers, William Schaapveld, Dennis Abbott, Leo Schaapveld and Kerry Baxter.
    ~ The Pike township 4-H basketball team. (not dated) page 81.
The Pike township 4-H basketball team The Pike township 4-H basketball team pictured above, rambled through the annual county 4-H tournament, clinching the title with a convincing 38-21 victory over Wapsie in the final game. Members of the team, left to right, are Darrel Yocum, Vernon Carter, Laurence Yocum, Harry Ogren, Donald Carter, Clifford Braun, Loren Brown and John Porter.
   ~ Win Placing with Demonstrations 1941– page 79.
Members of the second and third place girls’ Four-H demonstration teams are pictured here. From left to right are Dorothea Polman and Marcella Neff, members of the second place Pike Lassies, and Dorothy McBride of the Seventy-Six Sparklers, which was rated in third place. Not present when the picture was taken was Marie Weikert, the other member of the Sparklers’ team.
    ~ Pike Peppy Pals, Sr. 4-H Club officers in 1972, page 81
From left: Linda Kaalberg, president; Luann Phelps, photographer; Lorrie Fridley, historian; Judy Steinocher, vice president; Dee Mills, secretary; Joan MacKenzie, treasurer, and Monica Stalkfleet, reporter.
    ~ Girls 4-H 1969. – page 81
First row, left to right, Julie Phelps, Chris Hudson, Cindy Herington, Buckmen; Second row, Debbie Newton, Regina Salemink, Diane Newton, Cindy Steinocher, Debbie Kasper; Third row, Danita Jasper, Cathy Kaalberg, Gail Roth, Susan Buser, Renee Hazen, Bernice Schaapveld, Luann Phelps; Fourth row, Cheri Lanfier, Robin Buser, Rhonda Salemink, Becky Peterson, Gail Buckman, Linda Kaalberg, Lori Fridley, Judy Steinocher, Cathy Abott, Joan MacKenzie.
    ~ In 1972 there were so many Girls 4-H members the Pike Peppy Pals were split into Senior and Junior. – page 82
Junior Officers were: front, from left, Terry Willey, reporter; Pam Walker, president; Diane Kasper, photographer. Second row: Dianne Newton, historian; Cindy Steinocher, secretary. Back: Debbie Kasper, vice president; Rhonda Johnson, treasurer.

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