Picture Album of 1891

This tiny album shows many pictures of the City of Muscatine, back in 1891. The album was sent to us by Norma Rogers, who describes this album as follows: "the cover is only about 4x6 and it is only about 1/4 inch thick. You open the cover and the pages of tiny pictures are folded in like those old postcard souveneir books, like an accordion." She told Dave Dunston that her kids found this album several years ago in an antique store and gave it to her because she collects old pictures and postcards of Muscatine. And lucky for all of us, she has scanned this entire album and sent it to me to put it online so the whole world can see what Muscatine looked like back in 1891. Thank you very much, Norma, for doing this!!!!

Dave Dunston, the webmaster, broke up these pages, that showed several images on one page, into an individual image per link. Each link below will show you a single image of Muscatine. Since these images are small they should load up on your computer very quickly. There are a total of 54 images to click to on this webpage. So enough said, start clicking on the links and enjoy the pictures of Muscatine back in 1891.

Album Cover

Birds Eye View of City and High Bridge

Second Street looking West from Avenue

View of Second Street looking East from Avenue

George W. Dillaways Crockery Store

Fitzgerald Block

Muscatine High School

Muscatine First Ward School corner of Third and Spruce Streets

St. Mathias Church in Muscatine

First Methodist Church in Muscatine

First Presbyterian Church in Muscatine

First Baptist Church in Muscatine

Interior of Trinity Episcopal Church in Muscatine

J. P. Ament Carriage & Wagon Works

Barry Manufacturing Co.

Fred Daut Company Building

S. G. & R. Stein Furniture Company

Standard Box Factory

Benhams Carriage Repository

Webster Gruber Marble Works

Huttig Bros. Manufacturing Co.

Courthouse and Soldiers Monument

Musser Lumber Company

Diamond Jo Line Steamers

First National Bank

Muscatine Sash & Door Co., Front View

Muscatine Sash & Door Co., Rear View

Daily & Weekly News-Tribune

Daily & Weekly Journal, Parkers Steam Laundry

Cook, Musser & Co's Bank

View of Lumber District

G. A. Garretson & Co's Bank

Mutual Artisans Fire Insurance Co., Titus & Jackson

Muscatine Oat Meal Mill

Lilly and Hine Dry Goods Store

Hotel Webster

Grosheim Bros. Photographic Studio

Commercial House

C. R. Fox Residence

P. M. Musser Residence

G. M. Titus Residence

T. N. Brown Residence

B. E. Lilly Residence

Dr. D. P. Johnson Residence

Peter Musser Residence

W. W. Webster Residence

N. H. Hine Residence

W. M. Huttig Residence

Clark Residence

Richard Musser Residence

T. Ormsbee Residence

Fred Daut Residence

D. V. Jackson Residence

Album Back Cover, Muscatine Information

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Page was created by Dave Dunston, on September 3, 2002.