Obituaries for Muscatine County, Iowa

RA - Ri

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; Sep. 14 - 54)
Funeral services are planned here for Mrs. Augusta C. RADLOFF, 82, who died at Monday at Muskegon, Mich. The body will arrive in Muscatine at 6 p.m. Thursday and will be taken to the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. The services will be Friday at Zion Lutheran church. --- Mrs. RADLOFF was born Nov. 15, 1871, at Richland, Wis. Her marriage to Carl RADLOFF took place Sept. 14, 1894, in Sauk county, Wis. --- Survivors include three sons, the Rev. Paul RADLOFF, Wauseon, O., the Rev. Ralph RADLOFF, Stockton, Ill., and Carl RADLOFF, Grand Rapids, Mich.; one daughter, Mrs. Julius STELTER, Muskegon; one brother, Robert KUTZBACH, Reedsburg, Wis.; 10 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband in 1943. ---------------------(written in pencil; Sep 18 - 54) ----- Services were conducted at Friday at Zion Lutheran church for Mrs. Augusta RADLOFF. The Rev. Everett I. Hageman officiated. Casket bearers included Wilbur Fuller, George Silberhorn, William Krueger, Edmond Kublik, Thomas Wright and George Boldt. Burial was at Memorial Park cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, Newspaper Date Unknown
Rev. Paul RADLOFF Dies in Church at Wauseon, Ohio - The Rev. Paul RADLOFF, a former resident of Muscatine, died of a heart ailment at Wauseon, Ohio, according to work received here. --- The Rev. Mr. RADLOFF was found dead in the church where he was a pastor, the American Lutheran church at Wauseon. The new church was dedicated only a few years ago. --- The pastor was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. RADLOFF and lived in Muscatine as a boy. He attended Wartburg seminary at Dubuque. He married Olga MOEHL of Dubuque, who survives along with two sons. His mother died last summer and her body was brought here for burial.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pen; 29 Mar 1956)
Mrs. Myrtle RAETHZ, 63, of 511 East Sixth street, died today at University hospital, Iowa City. She was born May 10, 1892 at Springfield, Ill., being a daughter of George and Mary SHARP. Mrs. RAETHZ had been a resident of Muscatine for 40 years. She was married to Herman F. RAETHZ Sept. 10, 1925 at Kahoka, Mo. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Vincent SCHREURS of Muscatine; one brother, George SHARP of Chicago; and two grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband, who died June 22, 1941. --- Funeral services will be conducted Monday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Elaine Rathmann
Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:01 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, October 30, 1903, page 1
Capt. Raff Drops Dead _____ Muscatine City Recorder Expires in the Council Chamber This Morning. _____ Grim Reaper's Work _____ Spirit of a Grand Old Mann Goes to Meet It's Maker _____ Falls Like a Thunderbolt From a Clear Sky on the People in This City Who Knew and Respected Him-Sketch of His Life.------ Captain A. K. Raff, recorder the the city of Muscatine, dropped dead at 9:30 o'clock this mornin, while talking to a friend in the council chamber of city hall. Heart disease, super-induced by weaknesses of advanced age, mastered him, and without a sign or word of warning, the good old man was overcome by death. The lamentable event, which saddens hundreds of Muscatine people today, occurred in the presence of John Hudson, and the end came while the two men were enjoying a few minutes' conversation. Shortly after 9:30 o'clock, Captain Raff went from his office in the city hall into the council chamber of the same building. Mr. Hudson was there engaged in some work on the second ward registration books. The two men chatted for a few minutes, and Captain Raff sat down on one of the desks in the alderman's half circle. Mr. Hudson was at work at an adjoining desk. Suddenly the recorder threw both hands above his head. He gave one or two gasps and his body sank backwards of the desk, lifeless. So unexpected was the action of Capt. Raff that Mr. Hudson at first thought the jovial friend was perpetrating a joke, and it was not until he raised him in his arms that he realized the true condition. Chief of Police Rice was one of the first to answer McNutt and City Attorney Arthur Hoffman were there quickly. Drs. L. L. Reppert and T. H. Beveridge were summoned. Captain Raff had complained of feeling badly for several days, and this morning he told several persons that he had enjoyed but little sleep last night. Last night, however, he was at his post at the meeting of the city council, and was in his usual happy condition regardless of the fact that he was very sick.---- Will Be Missed----- When Captain Raff died he left many sorrowing friends. Today his friends are thinking of his inevitable smile; of his hearty handshake, and of the unfailing friendly greeting. He was an unassuming man, and generous to a fault. He was clean morally. He had a fine sense of right and wrong. His chief characteristic was his happy temperament, the influence of which was always for good. He had a warm place in the hearts of the people with whom he associated in business and social life and the sorrow his death causes is great. The arrangements for Captain Raff's funeral have not been made. Interment will be made either in Muscatine, or in Davenport where one of his daughters is buried.----- Sketch of His Life----- Captain A. K. Raff was born in Stark county, Ohio, March 4, 1842. He spent his early boyhood days in that state, and remained there until the beginning of the civil war. Then he enlisted with the Nineteenth Ohio regiment, with which organization he spent four years fighting for the preservation of the union. He was one of the last to return to his home. When he retruned he brougth with him the commission of captain, which he earned through distinguished service in his regiment. One of the incidents of his life in the army was told today by Dr. G. O. Morgridge, one of his friends. Throughout the entire war, Captain Raff constantly carried a Bible in a pocket next to his breast. In one fierce engagement, which has not been recalled, arebel bullet struck the Bible and pierced it from cover to cover. The man who carried the little volume was unhurt. The book is now in the possession of Mrs. Raff, and during her husband's lifetime it was one of his most valued possessions. After the war Captain Raff moved to Davenport, where he resided for a few years. In 1871 he moved to Muscatine, and this city has since been his home. For several years here he was engaged in the farm implement business. A few days over a year ago he was named by the council as city recorder of Muscatine, and since that date his time has been divided between his home and his office duties at the city hall. During this time his health has not always been good, but he was seldom away from his duty. He is survived by a wife, son and daughter. The son, Fred, resides in Chicago, and the daughter, Miss Edith, resides at the Raff home on Sixth street.

Submitted by: Elaine Rathmann
Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:03 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, October 31, 1903, page 1
DEATH WAS VERY SUDDEN------ Community Shocked to hear of Sudden Death of City Recorder A. K. Raff, at the City Hall.----- HEART FAILURE GIVEN AS ..CAUSE OF DISSOLUTION-------- ...Feeling Ill During Previous..but His Illness Was Not Thought Serious-End Was Painless and Instantaneous, so Physicians Believe-Deceased Was Well Known and Served Useful Life.-------- This community was shocked yesterday morning, when word was heard upon the street that City Recorder A. K. Raff had suddenly expired while seated at his desk at the City Hall, death coming to him without warning. Mr. Raff was at the council meeting...night and was then apparently in his usual health.Upon going to the city Hall yesterday morning he complained of not having been able to sleep during the greater part of the night previous, stating that he sat up much of the time. While conversing with Police Judge J. B. Hudson his head suddenly fell forward on the desk.------- Physician Summoned.------- Mr. Hudson saw at once that something was the matter and hurried...physician. On the steps he.George and asked him to go to A. K.'s assistance, while he hurried ..T. F. Beberidge. ...physician had arrived, life...fact, after an examination the physician declared that death was spontaneous. Tender hands a conveyance and home on West Sixth street where the stricken wife and daughter ..ited the sad home-coming. ...shock it was to those who had witnessed his departure from home a short time before.------ Well Known Resident----- A K. Raff was widely known throughout this section. His form had been a ... one upon our street for many years. He was respected and liked by all who knew him.................. affabiliby were infectious, his presence compaionable and his friendship much sought after. He never spoke ill of anyone and his life was filled with daily kind deeds and words performed for all with whom he came in contact.------ Honored Many Times--------- Few men in this city or county were honored as was this splendid man. His membership in Shelby Norman Post was considered an honor to the organization and he had filled with credit to himself and the post all the offices within the gift of the members, this including the service of two years as commander of that body. The board of education of this city honored him for many yers by his election to the office of secretary, a position he filled with rare ability. He also held several other positions of trust, in all of which he won the confidence of all with whom he had to deal. Mr. Raff was a member of the First Baptist church of this city for many years, being a deacon at the time of his death, and was the efficient secretary of the Sunday school of that denomination. He was much in public life since 1891, being that year a candidate of the then minority party for county treasurer, the nomination testifying the implicit confidence reposed in him. Last year he was selected by the city council to accept the vacancy in the city recordership, a position he has admirably filled and the work of which he was performing when death came suddenly to him.----- Obituary.--------- Captain A. K. Raff was born in Stark county, Ohio, in 1842, and receiving a splendid education in the schools there, became after a time a skilled machinist. The breaking out of the civil war changed his plans and, dropping the trade to which he had given much attention, he enlisted in the Nineeenth Ohio Infantry and saw four years service in defense of the union. His record as a soldier was one of which to be proud and honors and promotions came to him for meritorious conduct in the service. Immediately following the war his parents came to live in Davenport and in that city the returned soldier entered the employ of Raff, Cock & Co., and continued with them until 1871, when he came to this city and engaged in business, forming a partnership with W. W. Church under the firm name of Church and Raff. The firm dealt in agricultural implements and prospered, the same being later changed to Raff & Borger, and later Mr. Raff conducted the business alone. In 1871, Mr. Raff was united in marriage to Miss Ella Sanders, of Davenport, and to them have been born three children, two of whom, Fred, of Chicago and Miss Edith, at ...-------Submitter's Note: Parts of the newspaper article have crumbled away and I replaced the missing text with (..).

Submitted by: Elaine Rathmann
Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:06 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, January 13, 1918
MRS. E. S. RAFF DIES IN NIGHT---- WELL KNOWN RESIDENT OF CITY PASSES AWAY.------ Was Active in Church and Social Circles of City For Years-Funeral Services On Monday.----- One of Muscatine's prominent church and social workers, Mrs. Ella Sanders Raff, succumbed to a brief illness at her home, 509 Sycamore street, at mid-night last evening. Mrs. Raff had been ill less than one week. She was in her usual good health early Monday morning, January 7, but about 8 o'clock became unconscious and since then has never rallied. Ella Sanders, was born in Davenport, December 22, 1849, and came to Muscatine in 1871, just after her marriage to Captain A. K. Raff, who was then engaged in the implement business here. Muscatine has been her home continuously since that time and on all occassions was interested in its welfare and improvements. She was an active member of the local First Baptist Christian Association, of which she was a board member. Mrs. Raff is survived by two sisters, Miss Julia Sanders of Muscatine, and Mrs. Carrie Gould of San Diego, California, one son, Fred S. Raff of Chicago, and one daughter, Miss Edith Raff, at home. One daughter, Nellie, Preceded her in death, also her husband who passed away October 30, 1903. Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist church Monday at 1 o'clock, the Rev. J. W. Graves to be in charge of the services. Interment will be made in the Oakdale cemetery at Davenport.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, Newspaper Date Unknown
Lee N. RAINBOW, 88, retired Muscatine contractor and carpenter, who had been a life resident of this community, died Thursday at the Odd Fellow Home at Mason City, where he had lived for several years. --- Mr. RAINBOW was born Feb. 22, 1876 at Muscatine. He married Bertha JAGOW May 25, 1899 at Muscatine. --- He is survived by a son, Everett W. RAINBOW of Waterloo; and two daughters, Mrs. Violet DIERCKS of Austin, Tex., and Erna BARTHOLOMEW of Sun City, Ariz. He was preceded in death by his wife. --- Arrangements for funeral services are pending at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. ---------newspaper date unknown --------Funeral services for Lee N. RAINBOW will be conducted at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home Monday with the I.O.O.F. in charge. ---- newspaper date unknown--- ----Funeral services for Lee N. RAINBOW were conducted today at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home by Willard Watters of West Liberty, monitor for the I.O.O.F. lodge. Burial was at Greenwood cemetery. Pallbearers were Perry Davis, Roy Bowman, Elmer Evans, Wilbur Dickerson, Lloyd Deahr and Harold Ash. --- Mr. RAINBOW died June 25 at Mason C8ity.

Submitted by: Sara-Jane Gilb
Date Submitted: April 17, 2009
Source of Obituary:"BEDFORD TIMES REPUBLICAN", Bedford, Taylor Co., Iowa, January 31, 1921, Page 2
D. P. RAMSAY DEAD -- D.P. RAMSAY a former resident of Bedford, died at his home in Nichols, Iowa, Saturday, January 29th, 1921. The body will be brought to Bedford and the funeral will be held at the Presbyterian Church tomorrow, (Tuesday) at 2 o'clock. Interment will be at Bedeford (sic) cemetery were the body will be placed beside that of his wife who preceded him several years ago. Mr. RAMSAY was a resident of Bedford for several years and was at one time one of its leading businessmen and had many friends who will share the grief with the family in their loss. We will run the obituary in our next issue. ------------------------------- Bedford Time Republican February 3, 1921 Obituary Page 4 -----------OBITUARY - David Patterson RAMSEY was born in Fairfield, Iowa, May 8, 1850, and died at Nichols, Iowa, January 29, 1921, at the age of 70 years, 8 months, and 21 days. He was united in marriage to Sophronia TERHUNE in April 1880, at Maryville, MO. To this union three children were born, Mrs. C. M. DUFF of Blockton, Iowa; H. Lloyd RAMSEY of Nichols, and David Beryl RAMSEY who died in France Oct. 8, 1918, and was buried at Bedford, Iowa, Nov. 15, 1920. --- Mr. RAMSEY was engaged in business at Bedford, for about twenty years, moving to New London, Iowa, in 1894 and later to Nichols, where he resided until his death. He united with the Presbyterian Church many years ago, but on moving to Nichols he transferred his membership to the M. E. Church. He adorned his Christian profession with a godly life, and was a faithful member of the Church militant until he was called to join the Church Triumphant. He was of a quiet, unassuming nature and was highly respected by his friends for his many sterling qualities. --- The son and daughter and their families and two brothers, W.M. RAMSAY of Burlington and H.M. RAMSEY of Bedford, survive him, his wife having died Oct, 2, 1897. --- The Sympathy of many will go to these friends who twice in less than three months journeyed to the "White City on the Hill" to put to rest father and son.

Submitted by: Webmaster
Date Submitted: July 1, 2003
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL and NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, October 11, 1948, page 2
W. W. RANBARGER OF MONTPELIER DIES SUDDENLY.----William W. Ranbarger, 68, died at 8:45 a. m. Sunday at his home in Montpelier. Death was sudden following a heart attack. Mr. Ranbarger was born in Rock Island on July 2?, 1880, and had made Montpelier his home for 25 years. He was a member of the Rock Island Baptist church. He never married. Surviving are two brothers, Emory, Rock Island, and John Ranbarger, Ft. Madison, one sister, Mrs. Frank Conrad, Kansas City, Mo. Preceding him in death were his parents, four brothers and three sisters.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, Newspaper Date Unknown
Funeral services for William D. RANDALL, whose death occurred Tuesday, were held today at St. Mathias. The Rev. L. J. Bergthold was the celebrant. Acolytes were Paul Hines, Richard Funk, Leo Truesdale and Jim Arvidson. Flower attendants were Mrs. John Hall, Mrs. J. D. Smith, and Mrs. Katherine Hahn. Honorary pallbearers were Charles Rosenberger, Raymond Tipton, Judge Matthew Westrate, Robert Jackson, C. P. Hanley, Harvey Allbee. Active pallbearers were Robert Lewis, A. Wayne Eckhardt, John Stevens, Robert Jehring, Elmer Bloom, Jr., and Robert Stohr. --- The Muscatine County Bar Assn. attended in a group. --- Funeral arrangements were in charge of the Riley Funeral home. Burial was at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Norma Rogers for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: July 9, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, February 1, 1911, page 2
BENJAMIN DAVIS RANDLEMAN---- DEATH FOLLOWS EXTENDED ILLNESS---- Was Victim of Paralysis For a Number of Years---Became Seriously Ill After Fracture---- At his home, 611 Bismarck street, Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, occurred the death of Benjamin Davis Randleman, after a prolonged illness of paralysis. Mr. Randleman had been in fair health until two weeks ago when he fell and fractured a hip and since which time there were small hopes of his recovery. He was born in St Clair county, Illinois, on March 3, 1831, and came to Muscatine with his mother in 1850. He was united in marriage with Miss May Vanatta in 1858. Seven years after his marriage, which took place in this city, Mr. Randleman took up work on the plains between Nebraska City and Denver, wotking until 1866, when he with his wife, removed to Port Louisa, where he operated a saw mill until the spring of 1879. The couple then became residents of Graham county, Kansas, and, after living there five years, came to Muscatine, where they have lived since. Mr. Randleman served as alderman from the Fourth ward years ago and was assessor for one year. He was an honorary member of the Relief Hose Company and one of the faithful workers of the Presbyterian church. The following persons mourn his demise: his wife, four sons, William, Edwin, George and Clyde, of Muscatine; one brother, Steve, of Penokee, Kansas, and five grandchildren, namely: Leota, Clifford, Raymond, Dorothy, and Verna Randleman, of Muscatine. A son and daughter preceded him in death. The funeral will be held from the Presbyterian church, Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with Dr. J. N. Elliott in charge of the sad rites. Interment will take place at Greenwood.

Submitted by: Denise and Norma for the webmaster
Date Submitted: Sunday, April 3, 2005
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, April 17, 1918, page 5
CLIFFORD RANDLEMAN-------C. RANDLEMAN DIES SUDDENLY-------HAD BEEN CALLED IN SELECTIVE DRAFT OF APRIL 26TH-------Short Illness of Pleuro-Pneumonia Proved Fatal---Mother and Wife Suffering From Same Ailment-------An illness of less than a week and one half in duration terminated yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the death of a well known Muscatine man, Clifford Randleman, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Randleman of 701 Grandview Ave.. Particular pathos is connected with his death in the fact that his mother is in a serious ailment and his wife is just recovering from that illness. He was first stricken Saturday April 6th, with a slight attack of the grippe. His condition was not thought to be dangerous, but early in the next week pleurisy and pneumonia developed and his condition gradually became weaker. Both his wife and mother were stricken about the same time. Mr Randleman had been called into service by the selective draft, and had been ordered to leave for Camp Dodge with the next contingent on April 26th. Previous to the call of the draft he had attempted to enlist with the first contingent of the Spruce Division that left February 19th, but a light physical defect prevented his passing the physical examination. Clifford M. Randleman, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Randleman, was born in Muscatine May 10, 1894, and during his entire life had made his home in this city. He was graduated from the local high school in the class of 1915 and for a while served as assistant manual training instructor at that school. On Oct. 12, 1917, he was united in marriage with Miss Myrtle Davison, who with the parents, one sister, Mrs. R. C. McVeay of New York City, and his grandmother, Mrs. Almyra Millar, survive to mourn his loss. Mr. Randleman was a member of the well known " Heart Breakers Club " of South Muscatine and acted as president of the organization for a time. He was also a musician, having been a member of the high school band and at the time of his death a member of the Home Guard's band. Owing to the illness of his mother, the funeral will be held at the home of his parents, 701 Grandview avenue, Friday morning at 10 o'clock. The funeral will be private and the family request no flowers.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; Jan 7, 1953)
Mrs. Emma Louise RANDLEMAN, lifelong Muscatine resident, died Tuesday at the home of her son, Raymond RANDLEMAN, 207 East Sixth street, after an extended illness. --- The daughter of James and Jan STRADDING-JOHNSON, she was born here on Nov. 9, 1865. She was married to Edwin F. RANDLEMAN here on Dec. 10, 1890. --- Surviving are the son, Raymond RANDLEMAN, a daughter, Mrs. Arthur RILEY, two grandchildren, Douglas RANDLEMAN And Richard RILEY and one great grandchild, Douglas Craig RANDLEMAN, all of Muscatine. Her husband's death occurred on Sept. 26, 1948 and three sisters and three brothers also preceded her in death.--- The body is at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home where services will be held on Friday. ---------------- (written in pencil; Jan 8, 1953) -----------Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Louise RANDLEMAN were held this afternoon at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home. Dr. Joseph M. Kennedy, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, was in charge. Flower attendants were Mrs. Blance Umlandt, Mrs. George Springborn and Mrs. Douglas RANDLEMAN. Pallbearers included Charles Diercks, Kenneth Hathaway, Douglas RANDLEMAN, Richard RILEY, Harry VanAtta and Ed Vanatta. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, (written in ink; 13 April 1955)
Rites are planned for Friday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home for Miss Barbara Ann RANN, 18, of 507 West Seventh street, whose death occurred Tuesday at University hospital, Iowa City, following a two-year illness. --- Miss RANN was born Nov. 11, 1936, in Lake township, Muscatine county, the daughter of Fred G. and Myrtle EASTERLA-RANN. She was a senior student at Muscatine high school. --- She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Fred G. RANN, 507 West Seventh street; two sisters, Mrs. Louise HITCHCOCK and Mrs. Erma PHILLIPS; two nephew and two nieces. Her father and a brother, Lyle, preceded her in death. ------------(written in pencil; Apr 15 - 55) -------- Rites were conducted this afternoon at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home for Barbara Ann RANN. The Rev. G. E. Wick, pastor of the Grace English Lutheran church, officiated. Serving as flower attendants were Sharon Mittman, Eleanor Hoffmeyer, Mary Lou Pagel, Elaine Davis, Carol Kurriger and Mary Ann nelson. Pallbearers included Jerry and Dennis Lange, Harold Wright, Gary Butts, Gary Schmelzer and Tommy Butts. Interment was at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; July 15 - 1954)
Fred RANN, 64, Fatally Hurt in Haying Accident--- Fred G. RANN was killed early Thursday afternoon in a haying accident on his farm west of Muscatine in Lake township. His daughter, Mrs. Carl F. PHILLIPS, found the body at 2 p.m. --- Dr. I. H. Odell, Muscatine county coroner, reported that RANN died of a broken neck. He said RANN apparently was thrown off the tractor when it stalled in striking a ditch. No inquest is planned. --- Funeral services will be held Saturday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. --- Mr. RANN was born July 30, 1889, in Lake township, the son of Peter and Wilhelmina RANN. His marriage to Myrtle EASTERLA took place in Muscatine on April 5, 1911. --- Surviving besides the widow and Mrs. PHILLIPS are two other daughters, Mrs. Burdette HITCHCOCK, rural rout 5, and Miss Barbara RANN, Muscatine; two sisters, Mrs. Louise O'BRIEN, Muscatine, and Mrs. Everett PHELPS, West Liberty; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, on son, two sisters, and one brother. -----------------(written in pencil; July 19 - 1954) -------------Funeral services were conducted Saturday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home for Fred G. RANN. The Rev. G. E. Wick, pastor of the Grace English Lutheran church, officiated. Casket bearers included Lester Lamb, Bion HITCHCOCK, Lloyd Kurriger, C. W. Thomas, Levi Eichelberger and Elmer TeStrake. Burial was at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, Newspaper Date Unknown
Peter RANN, 73, pioneer resident of Muscatine county, died last evening following an extended illness at his home, 116 Cook street. He had been in ailing health for several years and was bedfast the last seventeen weeks. --- He was born at Hamburg, Germany, Oct. 18, 1849, where he was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran church. --- As a youth he learned the trade of shoemaker and came to this country in 1867, settling at Davenport. While living there he married Miss Wilhelmina RIEK, to which union six children were born, one of whom preceded him in death. For two years the family lived in Nebraska, then returned and made its home on a farm in Lake township. He retired from the farm about sixteen years ago and moved to this city. --- Besides his widow, he is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Charles QUANDT, Mrs. J. J. O'BRIEN and Mrs. Everett PHELPS of West Liberty; a son Fred RANN of Lake township; nine grandchildren and one great grandchild. --- Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon from the family residence. The Rev. J. Haefner of the Zion Lutheran church will officiate. Burial will be made in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Jane Howard
Date Submitted: May 28, 2002
Source of Obituary: "THE IOWA STAR", Polk County, Iowa, August 31, 1849
SAD CASUALTY--- A Miss Ransom, an interesting young lady belonging to Muscatine, left that place on the stage on the 17th inst., for Iowa City. When about half way, the stage stopped at a house during a most violent storm. While there she was struck by lightning which killed her immediately. There were nine others in the house, but no other person was injured. Her remains were taken back to Muscatine, where she was buried.

Submitted by: Jack O’Connor
Date Submitted: June 3, 2007
Source of Obituary: "CEDAR RAPIDS GAZETTE", Cedar Rapids, Linn Co., Iowa, Sunday, March 18, 1973
Emil Rasmussen, 73, of 1728 B avenue NE, died Friday following a long illness. Born June 8, 1899, at Delmar, he married Inez McGuire June 30, 1937 in Dubuque. Mr. Rasmussen received his B. S. degree in agriculture in 1927 from Iowa State University, where he was affiliated with the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. He taught one year, and then associated with Wallace’s Farmer for five years. He had been a counselor with the Cedar Memorial Park cemetery for the last 40 years. Mr. Rasmussen was a member of Central Park Presbyterian church; Mizpah Lodge No. 639 AF and AM; Iowa Consistory; Cedar Rapids Hi Twelve club; and the Senior Men’s Bureau of the Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce. He is survived by his wife; two sisters, Anna Rasmussen, Maquoketa, and Etta Rasmussen, Iowa City; and three brothers, Walter Rasmussen, Orlando, Fla., Otto Rasmussen, DeWitt, and Ted Rasmussen, Lost Nation. Services will be Tuesday in the Chapel of Memories, with Rev. Allen Van Cleve of Central Park Community church officiating. The Masonic services will be by Mizpah lodge. Burial: Cedar Park Cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, December 8, 2004, page 5A
Wilbur Rath------ RIVERSIDE, Iowa -- Wilbur Rath, 91, Riverside, died Monday, Dec. 6, 2004, at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Iowa City, after a sudden illness. Larry Rath will officiate the services. Casket bearers are Wayne Rath, Shawn Rath, Brian Rath, Bill Rath, Allan Rath and Steve Prybil. Honorary casket bearers are Kenny Wieland, Dale Rath, Tim Colbert and Dave Frank. Burial will be at Riverside Public Cemetery. Mr. Rath was born Feb. 10, 1913, in Stillwater, Okla., the son of William and Jennie Schmidt Rath. He married Rita Kueneman Feb. 14, 1944, at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Riverside. He was a farmer in the Riverside area his entire life and was a jack-of-all-trades. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, trapping and spending time with his dogs. Survivors include his wife; a son, Ron Rath and wife Kathy of Riverside; three grandsons, Shawn Rath and wife Chris, Wayne Rath and wife Kristen and Brian Rath; four great-grandchildren, Jordan, Chase, Nicolas and Kaylee; a brother, Dale Rath and wife Jean of Riverside; and a sister, Clarice Torgerson of Kansas City, Mo. He was preceded in death by his parents; and two brothers, Oral Rath and Billy Rath. -----Submitters' Note: I'm no relation.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, April 14, 1958
Carl P. RAUCH, 69, former operator of a local meat market, was found dead this morning at his home, 408 West Eighth street. Mr. RAUCH had been in ill health for some time and death occurred early this morning, the attending physician reported. The body was removed to the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home, where arrangements for services are pending. --- The son of Gustav and Catherine KOHNK-RAUCH, he was born Aug. 14, 1888, at Moline. He had been a resident of Muscatine for 64 years and his marriage to Clara FLEITZ took place here Dec. 1, 1915. He was a member of St. Mathias church. --- Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Leonard RATKOWSKI, Chicago, and Mrs. Douglas RANDLEMAN, Muscatine; one brother, Walter RAUCH, Muscatine; four sisters, Mrs. Harold BAIN and Mrs. Cora ZEUG, Muscatine, Mrs. Lee DEARING, LaGrange, Ill., and Mrs. Lee FULLER, LaPorte, Ind.; and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife and one brother.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; May 20, 1952)
Mrs. Catherine RAUCH, 85, a Muscatine resident for 60 years, died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herman ZEUG, 416 West Seventh street. --- The daughter of John and Margaret KINK, she was born Dec. 6, 1866 in Germany. She was married July 3, 1882 to Gustav RAUCH at the First Methodist church. --- Surviving are two sons, Carl and Walter RAUCH, both of Muscatine; four daughters, Mrs. ZEUG, Mrs. Harold BAIN of Muscatine, Mrs. Lee FULLER of LaPorte, Ind. and Mrs. Lee DEARING of Hinsdale, ill.; one sister, Mrs. Martin HARDER of grand Island, Neb.; five grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, one son, two sisters, and one brother. --- Funeral services will be held Friday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home. ---------- (written in pencil; May 23 - 1952) ----------- Funeral services for Mrs. Catherine RAUCH, whose death occurred Tuesday, were held today at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home. Dr. Claude W. Cooper, pastor of the First Methodist church, was in charge. Pallbearers were: Douglas RANDLEMAN, Don FULLER, Robert RAUCH, Charles Koll, Fred Gerth and Jerry Gerth. The organist was Mrs. George Holliday. Burial was at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation)
Date submitted: May 21, 2008
Source of Obituary: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, (written in ink; 24 Dec. 1957)
Mrs. Carl RAUCH, 68, 408 West Eighth street, died Tuesday at Hershey hospital after a short illness. Born in Muscatine Feb. 9, 1883, she was the former Miss Clara FLEITZ, daughter of Gabriel and Sophia FLEITZ. She was a graduate of St. Mathias high school. She was married to Carl P. RAUCH Dec. 7, 1915. --- Surviving are the husband; two daughters, Mrs. Leonard RATKOWSKI of Chicago and Mrs. Douglas RANDLEMAN of Muscatine; one sister, Mrs. Louis SCHWAB, Davenport; and a grandson. --- Funeral services will be held Friday at St. Mathias' church. ----------- (written in pencil; Dec 2? - 57) ------ Funeral services for Mrs. Carl RAUCH who died Tuesday, were held today at St. Mathias church with the Rev. L. J. Bergthold officiating. Pallbearers were Carson Schwandke, George Delaney, Alfred Petersen, Walter RAUCH, Harold BAIN and Henry SCHWAB. Burial was in St. Mary's cemetery under the direction of the Ralph J. Wittich funeral home.

Submitted by: Webmaster
Date Submitted: February 27, 2004
Source of Obituary:"THE EVENING JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, January 31, 1898, page 3
After a lingering illness, Mrs. Lizzie M. Raupe died last Thursday morning. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church last Saturday at 2:30 p.m. She is survived by her husband, Richard Raupe, and four children. She was 38 years old and a native of this county.

Submitted by: Denise & Norma for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: January 5, 2005
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, July 17, 1950
JOHN T. RAVENSCRAFT-------Death Summons J. Ravenscraft; Rites Wednesday-------John T. Ravenscraft, 77, of 310 Clinton Street, died at 11:15 a.m. Sunday at Hershey hospital following an extended illness. The son of Susan and William Ravenscraft, he was born May 17, 1873, in Marion county, Missouri, and had come to Muscatine 40 years ago. He married the former Daisy Marie Corbley in Rock Island, Illinois, on Nov. 11, 1905. Mr. Ravenscraft, a retired farmer, was a member of the Presbyterian church in Missouri. Survivors include his wife ; two sons, William A. Ravenscraft, of Letts, Ia, and Walter N. Ravenscraft of Muscatine; six daughters, Mrs. Helen Bixby, of Nichols and Mrs. Carl Saltz, Mrs. William Streat, Lillian Bodman, Mrs. Calvin Blake and Mrs. Norvil Garrison, all of Muscatine; two sisters, one in Idaho and one in California; 26 grandchildren; and two great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother, two sisters and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday with the Rev, L. L. Allen ifficiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park cemetery.

Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, April 29, 1955, page 7
Fred L. Ray, 72, Services To Be Held Saturday---Funeral services are planned for Saturday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home for Fred L. Ray, 72, whose death occurred at 8:30 p.m. Thursday at his home, 308 Orange street, following an extended illness. The Rev. J. Arthur Eveland, pastor of the First Evangelical United Brethren church, will officiate at the services and rites will be conducted by the Moose lodge. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery. Mr. Ray was born Sept. 30, 1882 in Indiana, and had been a resident of Muscatine the past 65 years. His marriage to Gertrude E. Worley took place Aug. 9, 1941, at Kahoka, Mo. He was a member of the First Evangelical United Brethren church and of the Moose lodge. He had been employed as machinist at the Barry Pulley Co. Surviving are his wife; one son, Burdette Ray, Davenport; one step-son, George Yordt, Muscatine; two daughters, Mrs. Lloyd K. Jackson and Bernice Ray, both of Muscatine; and one sister, Mrs. Charles A. Buchanan, Cedar Rapids. A brother and a sister preceded him in death.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Saturday, December 11, 2004
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, February 27, 1984, page 2
Ivan Lee Ray, 73, 107 Roscoe Ave., died Saturday evening at the Burlington Medical Center following a brief illness. Services will be held Tuesday at the Riley Funeral Home with the Rev. E, B. Meyer officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. The son of William Lee and Martha Pearl Bird Ray, he was born March 28, 1910, in Muscatine. He was a life resident of this community. His first marriage to Ethel Hayes took place in 1930 in Muscatine. He later married Theo Schneider Halstead on Aug. 25, 1951 in Tampa, Fla. He was a member of the National Gem Society. Mr. Ray had been a self employed sign painter. Survivors include his wife; four sons, Jack and Richard, both of Muscatine, Lee of Fremont, Neb., and Larry of Wolf Paint, Mont.; six daughters, Mrs. Gloria Reed, Mrs. Robert (Audrey) Babbitt and Floreda Ray all of Muscatine, Mrs. Robert (Iris) Moore of Donelson, Tenn., Mrs. June M. Ford of Letts and Mrs. Gary (Iva Starbele) Lindley of Moline, Ill., 31 grandchildren; and nine great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister and a half brother.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Saturday, December 11, 2004
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, February, 1991
Randy L. Ray, 33, 408 McArthur St., died Tuesday, Feb. 12, 1991, at University of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City. Services will be Friday, Feb. 15, at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. The Rev. Marlin Rempfer, of Our Savior Lutheran Church, will officiate. Sara McCleary will be organist. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Ray was born July 24, 1957 in Muscatine, a son of Jack and Marilyn Forbes Ray. He was a life resident here. He was united in marriage on Aug. 28, 1977 to Linda Burns, in Muscatine. Survivors, all of Muscatine, include his wife, Linda, his mother and stepfather, Glenn and Marilyn Epperly; his father and stepmother, Jack and Nancy Ray; one brother Rick Ray; two stepbrothers, Keith Nichols and James Johnson; three sisters, Mrs. Dennis (Brenda) Truesdale, Lee Ann Ray and Michelle Ray; three stepsisters, Christy Johnson, Kim Nichols and Mrs. Todd (Ruby) Taylor. Also surviving are his grandmothers, Jessie Forbes and Ethel Fowlie; his step grandmother, Ruby Epperly; two godchildren, (niece and nephew) Valerie Burns and Eric Truesdale; parents-in-law, D. Wayne and Mary Burns; brother and sisters-in-law, Dan and Billie Burns, Dennis and Bev Beck, Rick and Marion Curry and Brian and Lynnette Burns; and nieces and Nephews, Michael Ray, D. Craig Burns, Amanda Burns, Nick Burns, Melissa Seright, Sara Seright, Ken Curry, Angela Curry and Eric Curry. He was very active in the Kidney Foundation and was a former member of the Glad Tidings Church. He was currently attending Our Savior Lutheran Church. He was restaurant and bar manager of the Canterbury Hotel. He was a lifelong Musician and had belonged to the "Jade" band.

Submitted by: Denise & Norma for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: December 28, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, December 2, 1931, front page
ELIZABETH JANE REAY -------Death Summons Mrs. Reay, 76-------Resident of City All Her Life Dies This Morning; Funeral To Be Friday-------Elizabeth Jane Reay, 76, died at her home, 404 Grandview avenue at 8:10 this morning following an illness of three weels. She was born at Dayton, Ohio, June 14, 1855, the daughter of Samuel and Mary Wilcox Bowlsby. She had spent practically all her life in Muscatine, being married to John B. Reay here Feb.3, 1875. She was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church and of the Women's Relief Corps. Surviving are three children, Alvin J., and William D. Reay, Mrs. Myrtle Sizek: two grandchildren, Mrs. James Dugan, Jr., and Raymond Sizek; one great grandchild, Elaine Dugan, all of Muscatine. Three children preceded her in death. Funeral services will be conducted Friday afternoon at the First Methodist Episcopal church by the Rev. B. F. Schwartz. Burial will be in the High Prairie cemetery.
Submitted by: Phyllis Hazen (of no relation)
Date submitted: October 18, 2008
Source: “Muscatine Journal and News – Tribune”, Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, December 5, 1931 pg 7
Final rites for Mrs. E. J. Reay, who died Wednesday at her home, 404 Grandview avenue, were conducted Friday afternoon at the First Methodist Episcopal church by the Rev. B. F. Schwartz, pastor. Burial was in High Prairie cemetery. Pallbearers were C. P. Gunzenhauser, George Hermann, Sr., David Holliday, Joe Butcher, Garrett Hazen and Henry Froehner.

Submitted by: Denise & Norma for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: December 28, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, May 25, 1925, page 10
JOHN BENJAMIN REAY-------DEATH SUMMONS JOHN REAY, 74-------Former President of School Board and Active in Fraternal Orders-------John Benjamin Reay, 74, a resident of Muscatine practically all of his life and serving at one time as president of the Muscatine school board, died at his home, 404 Grandview avenue, at 10 o'clock this morning after an illness with infirmities resulting from advanced age. John Reay was born at Dayton Ohio, April 16, 1853, the son of Joseph Reay of Dayton, Ohio, and Katherine Rankin Reay of Ohio. He had been employed at the Roach & Musser plant here for the past 45 years, serving as stock clerk. He married Elizabeth Bowlby in Muscatine in 1875, and they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, Feb. 3, 1925. Mr. Reay was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church, of the Elks, A. O. U. W. and Knights of Pythias lodges. He served as exalted ruler of the Elks and as treasurer of the A. O. U. W. lodge. Surviving are his widow; two sons Alvin J. and William D. Reay; one daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Sizek; two grandchildren, Mrs. James Dugan and Raymond Sizek, all of Muscatine. Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Fairbanks Home for Funerals and will be announced later.
Submitted by: Phyllis Hazen (of no relation)
Date submitted: October 18, 2008
Source: “Muscatine Journal and News – Tribune”, Muscatine, Iowa, Monday May 27, 1929 pg 6
Funeral services for John Benjamin Reay, who died at his home, 404 Grandview avenue, will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at the First Methodist Episcopal church by the Rev. E. A. Bentzinger. Burial will be in the High Prairie cemetery.

Submitted by: Webmaster
Date Submitted: February 28, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, October 31, 1967, page 13
OTTO RECKLER----Otto Reckler, 72, who had lived at the Layman nursing home, died at 6:05 p.m. Monday at Muscatine General hospital after an extended illness. A retired farmer, Mr. Reckler was born April 5, 1895, in Germany. He came to the Muscatine area in 1925. Mr. Reckler had never married and there are no immediate survivors. He was of the Lutheran faith. Graveside services at the Letts cemetery will be held Wednesday. The George M. Wittich funeral home is in charge of arrangements.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:09 AM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, July 7, 2005
Raymond 'Sonny' Reckner Jr.----- WAPELLO, Iowa - Raymond Frederick "Sonny" Reckner Jr., 66, Wapello, died Wednesday, July 6, 2005, at Unity Hospital, Muscatine, after an extended illness. There will be no services held at this time. As per his wishes, his body will be cremated. The Dudgeon-McCulley Funeral Home, Wapello, is in charge of the arrangements. Mr. Reckner was born Sept. 15, 1938, in Burlington, the son of Raymond Frederick and Hazel Jo Swanson Reckner. He first married Gloria Mitchell. He later married Shirley McBee May 2, 1977, in Letts. He attended school in Hawthorne, Calif. He served for 10 years in the U.S. Navy Sea Bees for two tours of duty in Vietnam. He later worked as a heavy equipment mechanic for the Sulzberger Excavating and Berny Brauns Excavating, both of Muscatine, and then for Bobby Kemp of Letts. He was of the Lutheran faith. He enjoyed fishing, camping, boating, stock car racing, mushroom hunting, country music and most of all spending time with his family. Survivor include his wife, Shirley; a son, Russell Ray Reckner of Oklahoma; a daughter, Kristian Denise Reckner of Dallas, Texas; a stepdaughter, Teresa Brown and Thomas Wheeler of Wapello; a grandson, Juli Reckner; a sister, Donna Lee and Don Kerns of Burlington; two nieces, Laura Hopkins and husband Jim and Gail Carruthers, all of Burlington; a great-niece, Amanda Carruthers; and three great-nephews, Kyle Carruthers, Mark Hopkins and Brian Hopkins. He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother and one sister. ----Submitters' Note: No Relation.

Submitted by: Ed Hintermeister
Date Submitted: Friday, December 15, 2006
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, April 1, 1981
FREDA REDDICK---- Mrs. Freda Reddick, 81, 709 Cedar St., died Tuesday afternoon at Muscatine General Hospital. Services will be held Friday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. Rev. William O. Meyer will officiate. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. The daughter of John and Julia Neavons Hintermeister, she was born Feb. 13, 1900, in Muscatine. She was a life resident of the Muscatine area. Survivors Include one son, Junior Reddick of Steger, Ill, one daughter, Mrs. Harold (Erma) Hank of Muscatine: two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; one brother, Delmar Hintermeister of Muscatine; and one sister, Mrs. Harry (Leona) Freese of Muscatine. She was preceded in death by two sisters and two brothers.

Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, March 31, 1982
Services for Georgie Emma Reddick, 49, were held Tuesday at the Riley Funeral Home. The Rev. L. Eugene Mohr officiated. Mrs. Vada Timm was the organist. Pallbearers were Dean Tiecke, Ralph Meerdink, Jim Winters and Wayne Hetzler. Burial was in Memorial Park Cemetery. Mrs. Reddick died Saturday in her home at Rt. 5.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:50 AM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, February 8, 2005
Wendell Redmond----- WAPELLO, Iowa -- Wendell J. Redmond, 80, Wapello, died Sunday, Feb. 6, 2005, at Great River Medical Center, West Burlington, Iowa. Per his wishes, his body has been cremated. The Dudgeon-McCulley Funeral Home, Wapello, is handling the arrangements. Mr. Redmond was born Nov. 17, 1924, in Norwood, N.Y., the son of Charles and Verdiss Redmond. He married Thelma Love in 1956 in Messena, N.Y. She preceded him in death in 1974. He was a heavy equipment operator; served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; and was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Moose Lodge in Messena. Survivors include a son, Wendell Redmond Jr. and wife Mitzi of Wapello; nine grandchildren, Charles 'Joey', Westley, Serena, Sierra, Jamie and Stephanie, all of Atlanta, Ga., Moon and Rainydey, both of Wapello, and Kharma Orlins of Muscatine; three great-grandchildren, Brian, Shawn and Alex; and two brothers, Rodney Redmond of Collinsville, Ill., and Wayne Redmond of Texas. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife; four brothers, Lawerence, Lincoln, John and Lynn; and three sisters, Frances, Shirley and Joan. -----Submitters' Note: No Relation

Submitted by: Denise and Norma for the webmaster
Date Submitted: Saturday, April 2, 2005
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, February 29, 1964, page 9
CLAIR E. REED------- Clair E. Reed, 34, 419 Adams St., died at 8:30 p.m. Friday at Muscatine General hospital following an illness of one year. He was born August 3, 1929, the son of David and Ophal Mundon Reed at Allerton, Iowa. He was a member of the Moose lodge and had been employed as a machinist at the Thatcher Glass Co. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Gloria Reed; one son, David Lee Reed; two daughters, Debra L. and Lory Ann; his father, David Reed Sr., Waterloo; and his mother, Mrs. A. N. Hodges, Ottumwa. Funeral services will be Tuesday at the Ralph J. Wittich funeral home. Burial will be at Memorial Park cemetery.

Submitted by: Scott Reed
Date Submitted: June 18, 2008
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, March 1, 1915
Frank W. Reed Dies: Career Remarkable – Death Closes Unique Career of Local Business Man. – As Merchant Enjoyed Unusual Success in Conduct of Humble Business – Funeral Thursday.--------- The death of Frank W. Reed, which occurred at 3:30 o’clock this morning at his home at 710 Culver street, brought to a close a remarkable career. Mr. Reed was one of Muscatine’s most widely known business men for more than a quarter of a century yet his place of business was the most obscure of any on Second street. As proprietor of the Reed “Cheap Store” he sold marbles and kites to boys who are know, many of them, leading figures in local business circles. To all these, and to many men of prominence in other cities who after their early youth moved from Muscatine, the news of his death will bring back many a vision of heir youth.--- Frank Reed was an institution to Muscatine boyhood for thirty-five years. Whether is was kite time, marble time, Hallowe’en or any other bright period in the lexicon of youth the small boy always found his way to Reed’s for there he knew he could buy more marbles for a penny, or the most terrifying false faces.--- In later years Mr. Reed developed his tobacco trade and many of Muscatine’s business men frequently visited the scene of the juvenile purchases to find that patronizing the familiar place still possessed its old advantages.--- Mr. Reed was a business genius in his humble sort of way. He reigned as the purveyor of the toys of youth for the same reason that he held a unique position in the cigar trade in later years. His judicious buying permitted of his advantageous selling.--- The penny merchant enjoyed a career which was marked with a greater success than that which was the heritage of many other fellow-businessmen who occupied far more pretentious quarters. When he was forced to retire a few months ago because of his failing health Mr. Reed withdrew from the arena of business life with a realization that he had succeeded. His philosophy of life was perhaps a unique one but he found his reward in the thought that he had proven the exception, in that he success where others fail.--- His Store and His Library.--- Mr. Reed centered his interests about his store and his books. To win the success which was his, he dispensed with any help and single-handed conducted his business enterprise. He carried his meals with him when he arrived at his store in the early morning and until nightfall he remained steadfastly at his post. His close confinement during his later years brought about aenemai and heart trouble and dropsy further complicated his malady, resulting in his death. --- Mr. Reed was a scholar of exceptional attainments. He was an inveterate reader and found his keenest joy in the company of the greatest minds of the ages. His leisure hours were spent in his library with contained some four thousand volumes of standard works. Historical and philosophical works particular appeal for him although he was also a Latin scholar of mark. He conversed fluently in other languages as well. --- Native of Wisconsin.--- Frank Reed was born on May 29, 1859 at Racine, Wis., where he resided until he reached the age of 17 years, when he removed to Quincy, Ill. He came to Muscatine from Quincy about thirty-five years ago and upon his advent here engaged in the business which he followed until this winter. Many Muscatine view Mr. Reed as eccentric, but those who knew him intimately understood that with his quaint ways were but his unique method of advertising. --- The finger mark of progress never left its imprint upon the dust within his place of business fro he realized that with its appearance his place would lose its greatest asset. The decendent is survived by his wife, two brothers and two sisters. Fraternally he was affiliated with the local Elks Lodge. --- The funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock on Thursday afternoon at the home.

Submitted by: Lynn McCleary (of no relation)
Date Submitted: September 5, 2009
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Wedesday, Feb. 24, 1954
Mrs. Julia Reed, 97, a resident of Muscatine most of her life until about a year ago, died Tuesday night at the home of her niece, Mrs. Wayne Barnhart in Boulder, Colo. --- She was married to Frank Reed, who died about 40 years ago. There were no immediate survivors. The body will be returned to the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home here for services and burial. (Greenwood Cemetery).

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 7:00 AM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, February 2, 2005
Merle Reed Sr.----- ILLINOIS CITY, Ill. -- Merle C. Reed Sr., 89, Illinois City, died Monday, Jan. 31, 2005, at Mercy Hospital, Iowa City. The Rev. Richard Barcliff will officiate the services. Casket bearers areJames Billingsley, Dan Reed, Don Martin, Jeffrey Longcor, Kristopher Bowers and Robert Sours. Burial will be at Drury Reynolds Cemetery. Mr. Reed was born Dec. 21, 1915, in Mercer County, Ill., the son of Ed E. and Nona Pullen Reed. He married Martha Bopp Nov. 24, 1937, in Keithsburg, Ill. She preceded him in death Dec. 9, 2004. He was a lifetime farmer and Cubs fan. He was a member of St. Patrick's Church. He enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren. Survivors include a son, Merle C. Reed Jr. and wife Linda of Illinois City; three daughters, Mary Ellen Longcor of Muscatine, Marjorie A. Bowers and husband David and Carol M. Martin and husband David, all of Taylor Ridge, Ill.; nine grandchildren, Kathy Lafayette, James Billingsley, Jeffrey Longcor, Dan Reed, Sherry Sours, Angela Schott, Kristopher Bowers, Don Martin and Christy Reid; 11 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Wayne Reed of Davenport and Dale Reed and wife Shirley of Muscatine. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife; five brothers; two sisters; and two grandchildren, Cara and Elizabeth Bowers. -----Submitters' Note: No Relation

Submitted by: Denise & Norma for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: December 28, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, September 16, 1904
THOMAS J. REED-------Died at his home in Bloomington township at 10 o'clock Friday morning of a complication of Bright's disease. The deceased was 69 years old, having been born in Indiana in 1835. Mr. Reed is survived by his wife and 10 children---William, Charles, John, Allen, Perry, Fred, Paul , George, Mrs. John Satterthwaite, Mrs. Chas. Houseman and one sister, Mrs. Sela Corriell. All were present at the time of his demise. Mr. Reed came to Muscatine county in 1839, 65 years ago, and was one of the pioneers of the state. The funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 o'clock p.m. Sunday. The interment will take place at the Oak Hill cemetery.----Webmasters' Note: Thomas J. Reed is buried in the Klein Cemetery along with many other Reed's.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Saturday, December 11, 2004
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, October 6, 1915
MRS. E. C. REEVES OF FAIRPORT DEAD ------------- Mrs. Agnes Reeves, wife of E. C. Reeves, passed away about 8:30 o'clock last evening at her home in Fairport following a lingering illness of about eight years. Tuberculosis is said to have caused her death. Mrs. Reeves who was about 26 years of age has resided in Fairport during practically her entire life. She is survived by her husband, three step-children Florence, Ella and Daniel Reeves, her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Drewer, who made her home with her, three brothers and two sisters. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the church at Fairport. The Rev. G. W. Mendenhall, pastor of the Grace Lutheran church of this city will officiate and the remains will be interred in the Fairport cemetery.------ Submitters' Note: the name Drewer should be Brewer.

Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, November 28, 1931, front page
A. J. Reeves, 84, Taken by Death---Civil War Veteran Succumbs to Illness; Funeral Will Be Monday.---Andrew Jackson Reeves, 84, Civil war veteran, died at his home, 1562 Washington street, at 4 o'clock this morning after an illness with ailments resulting from advanced age. Mr. Reeves was born in Cincinnati, O., July 19, 1847, the son of Daniel and Matilda Reeves. He married Ella Dimuck, Nov. 27, 1866, in Muscatine. He served with Co. I, 28th Illinois infantry during the Civil war. Surviving are the following children: Mrs. H. J. Dollman, Harry Reeves and Mrs. Harry Weiersheumer, all of Muscatine; Mrs. J. W. Gardner, Homer, Minn., and Mrs. A. L. Martin, Wakenda, Mo. Twenty-three grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be conducted Monday afternoon at the Fairbanks Home for Funerals by the Rev. J. B. Rendall, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. The body was taken to the Fairbanks chapel but was returned to the home later this afternoon.

Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, March 20, 1999, page 5A
Dorothy M. Reeves, 73, of 2421 Lutheran Dr. died Wednesday, March 17, 1999, at Lutheran Homes. Services will be Monday at the Ralph J. Wittich-Riley-Freers Funeral Home. The Rev. John P. Gallagher will officiate. Burial will be at Memorial Park Cemetery. Mrs. Reeves was born Dec. 14, 1925, in St. Paul, Minn., the daughter of Ray A. and Margaret E. Berg Thompson. She married Forrest V. Reeves on April 27, 1945 in Brunswick, Maine. She was a member of St. Mathias Catholic Church, a former member of Lady Elks and the Geneva Golf and Country Club. She worked for Sears for 20 years, retiring in 1984. Survivors include her daughter, Sherry A. Reicks of Davenport; a sister, Lorraine Swords of Peoria, Ill.; and two grandchildren, Vanessa Reeves of Wausau, Wis. and Mark Bellinger of Davenport. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Forrest Reeves on Jan. 1, 1988; and a son, Michael D. Reeves, in February 1989.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Saturday, December 11, 2004
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, June 24, 1919
MAN IS KILLED INSTANTLY BY SECTION TRAIN ----------- Elmer Reeves 48 of Fairport, was killed instantly yesterday afternoon shortly before 5 o'clock when he fell from a car on a work train on which he was riding, about three and one-half miles east of Fairport. He fell beneath the car which passed over his body at the shoulders, killing him instantly. Mr. Reeves was an employee on the section and was returning to his home on the workers' train at the time of the accident. As the cars of the work train are open flat cars, the workers sit on the edge and it was while in such a position that Mr. Reeves was thrown between the cars by a sudden jolt of the train, according to eye witnesses. When the train was halted, the wheels of one of the cars were resting on his body and it was seen at once that death had been almost instantaneous. His body was brought to Muscatine immediately and is now at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reeves of Washington street. Mr Reeves was born January 19, 1871 at Fairport and resided there through the greater portion of his life. He was united in marriage with Miss Melvine Dusenbury in 1893, three children being born to the union, Mrs. Florence Hayes of Illinois City Illinois, Van and Miss Ella Reeves at home. Mrs. Reeves died in 1905 at the family home near Illinois City. Shortly after the death of his wife, Mr. Reeves and his children moved to Fairport. Four years ago he was united in marriage with Miss Agnes Holmes, who preceded him in death 2 years ago. Besides his parents and his children, he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Quinault, Washington; Mrs. A. L. Martin, Burlington Junction Mo.; Mrs. Harry Weierhauser of Washington street, and one brother, H. L. Reeves of Cedar Rapids. Funeral services will be held from the home of his parents on Washington street at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Interment will be made in the Fairport cemetery.----- Brother Killed Similarly----- A strange feature of the death of Mr. Reeves was the fact that approximately fifteen years ago, his brother Van was killed a mile west of Fairport by an east bound train which struck him. -----Submitters' Note: Agnes maiden name was Brewer she was a sister to my grandfather Freeman Brewer.---------"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, June 25, 1919------- "ACCIDENTAL" IS INQUEST VERDICT ---------- UNUSUALLY SUDDEN STOP OF TRAIN RESPONSIBLE ------------- Harry Horst, Charles Kern and A. B. Boling Compose Coroner's Jury in Reeves Case. ----------- That Elmer Reeves of Fairport, came to his death accidentally because of an unusually sudden stop of the train, was the verdict returned late yesterday afternoon by the coroner's jury, composed of H. D. Horst, A. B. Boiling and Charles Kern Mr. Reeves according to evidence introduced at the inquest, which was held in the Goff Undertaking Parlors, was riding on a flat car, sitting on the end of it, and when the train came to an unusually sudden stop he was thrown off the car and to the rails. The body was badly mangled and death was instantaneous.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary: “THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, July 11, 1966
Francis (Roy) L. Reeves , 83, 111 E. 5th St., died Sunday at Muscatine General hospital after a short illness. Born, Nov. 6, 1882, at Fairport, he was the son of Ira and Sarah C. Keck Reeves. He ws a life resident of this area, and was employed for 28 years at the Fairport fish hatchery. Mr. Reeves was a member of Grace Lutheran church. He was married Nov. 9, 1910, at Muscatine, to Anna M. Daniel. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Anna M. Reeves; three sons, Cyril Franklin of Hawkeye, Iowa, Orville L. Reeves and Alvin A. Reeves, both of Muscatine; one daughter, Mrs. Charles R. (Dorothy) Williams of Davenport; one sister, Mrs. Nina Froehner of Detroit; six grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, one daughter, four brothers, and three sisters. The body is at the George M. Wittich funeral home, where services will be held Wednesday. Interment will be at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary: “THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, February 15, 1908
PASSES AWAY AFTER PROLONGED ILLNESS----- IRA A. REEVES DIED AT HIS HOME THIS MORNING. ------- Had Been Suffering for Several Years With Stomach Trouble------ Was Well Known in Vicinity.--------- At 3:30 o'clock this morning at his home near New Era, occurred the death of Ira A. Reeves , one of the best known farmers in Muscatine county. His death was due to stomach trouble, from which he had been suffering for the past four years. He was brought to this city some time ago and received treatment at Bellevue hospital, but on account of the malignant type of the disease, it was found impossible to cure him and he was taken to his home again.------ He was born in Jones county, Ia., on June 15, 1853, and came to Muscatine county many years ago. At the time of his death he was 54 years of age. He is survived by his wife and seven children, as well as two grandchildren and seven brothers and one sister. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock on Monday afternoon at the New Era chapel. Interment will be made in the Fairport cemetery.

Submitted by: Lynn McCleary (of no relation)
Dated Submitted: May 22, 2010
Source of Obituary:”The Muscatine Journal and News Tribune”, Muscatine, Iowa, Wed. Jan 21, 1942, front page
Charles Regnier, 96 – Last GAR Member in County, is Summoned. West Liberty – Records of Muscatine county men who served in the Grand Army of the Republic in the stirring days of the Civil war were officially closed today with the death of Charles F. Regnier, last of the aged veterans. --- Mrs. Regnier died at the home which he maintained on Clay street here at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. He had been in failing health for an extended period. --- The aged veteran, who had spent a number of years here, had attained the age of 96 years. Records, on his life and service were incomplete today and funeral plans were indefinite pending the arrival of relatives from distant points.------------- Submitters Note: Muscatine County Record of Deaths, Book A page 41: Charles Francis Regnier b. Mar 5, 1845 in Marietta, OH, parents Felix Regnier b. NY and Elizabeth Barber. Wife was Mary Abby Regnier. Served in the Civil War. Buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, West Liberty on Jan. 23, 1942. Informant was Alberta R. Hughes, Omaha, Neb.
Submitted by: Ron Donnahoo (of no relation)
Dated Submitted: June 1, 2010
Source of Obituary:”West Liberty Index", West Liberty, Iowa, Thursday Jan 22, 1942,
The Last One of the G.A.R. - Charles F. Regnier, 96, the last of the Grand Army of the Republic in West Liberty and Muscatine county, died early Tuesday evening at his home on Clay street. --- He is survived by his three daughters, Mrs. Katie Davis and Mrs. F. A. Hughes of Omaha, and Mrs. Percy Russell, Swarthmore, Pa., Mrs. Davis has been in California, but is enroute to West Liberty to join her sisters. --- Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, 2 o'clock, from the S.C. Snider funeral home. The American Legion will accord the military honors due Mr. Regnier. --- All members of the Legion are requested to meet at the Legion Home at 1:30 Saturday afternoon for attendance at the services.

Submitted by: Ron Donnahoo (of no relation)
Dated Submitted: June 1, 2010
Source of Obituary:”West Liberty Index", West Liberty, Iowa, Thursday, March 18, 1926
After a characteristically brave battle against broken health which had crept on during the past several years, Mrs. C.F. Regnier passed away, about 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at her home on Clay street. The funeral services are being held this afternoon from the Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J.A. Santhoff. --- Mrs. Regnier, who was 77 years of age, was born in West Liberty, always had made her home here and had the distinction of having lived in West Liberty for the greatest number of years. --- Mary Abbie Bowlsby was born on March 24, 1849, and on December 25 of 1867 uwas united in marriage with Charles F. Regnier, and so for more than 58 years the two had met life together, a record few are privileged to attain. Four children were born to them, Dr. Frank Regnier of Rochelle, Illinois; Mrs. Will Davis and Mrs. F.A. hughes of Omaha, and Mrs. Percy Russell of Swarthmore, Pa., all of whom have come for the funeral. the children visited their parents not long ago, and Mrs. Davis came last week, and so was with her mother when the end came. --- There are many, many friends, old and young who will sorely miss this kindly, engergetic woman, whose life was dedicated to the comfort of others. as a member of the Presbyterian church, the Woman's relief Corps and the Order of the Eastern Star, Mrs. Regnier was an active figure in the community's social life for many years. and until her health finally compelled her to give up the activities which she so enjoyed.

Submitted by Bev Gerdts (of no relation)
Date submitted: January 28, 2008
Source of Obituary: “MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, June 17, 1995
Iowa City- JAMES H. REID, 78, of Coral Trailer Court, formerly of Muscatine, died July 16, 1995, at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Services will be Wednesday at Lensing’s Oak Hill Chapel, Coralville. Burial, with military rites will be at the Conesville Cemetery. --- Survivors include two sisters, Vinnie Drafahl of Coralville, and Nancy Wagner of Fredonia; and one brother, Marion of Fredonia.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Saturday, December 11, 2004
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, April, 1998
Gerald "Pete" Reifert---- MUSCATINE -- Gerald I. "Pete" Reifert Sr., 64, husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend, was placed in the God's loving arms on Friday, April 24, 1998, at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. Services will be Wednesday, at the Faith United Church of Christ, 3307 Mulberry Ave. The Rev. James Trosen will officiate. Pallbearers will be Gerald Reifert Jr., Benjamin Reifert, Thomas Reifert, Jeffery Sachs, John Mahan and William Woller. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Reifert was born on Oct. 17, 1933, in Muscatine, the son of Glen D. and Viola Herlein Reifert. He was united in marriage to Ann Kramer on Feb. 1, 1955, in Iowa City. He was a member of the Faith United Church of Christ and the Muscatine Moose Lodge No. 388. He played baseball for Muscatine High School for four years and then played American Legion baseball. He bowled for more than 30 years, and was a member of the Muscatine Men's Bowling Association. He loved being outdoors, especially on the Mississippi River, and loved spending time with his grandchildren. He was a meat cutter from 1951 to 1998, working at Rinks Grocery Store from 1951 to 1973; he then worked at Jake's Market from 1973 to 1997; and then Jeff's Market in Wilton and Durant from 1997-98. Survivors include his beloved wife, Ann Reifert; his loving children, Kathy Dancker of McFarland Wis., Gerald I. Reifert Jr. of Seattle, Wash., Cynthia Mahan of Huntley, Mont., Benjamin Reifert of Wilton, Patricia Sachs of Duluth, Ga., and Thomas Reifert of Palatine, Ill.; 10 grandchildren; five brothers, LaVerne Reifert of Muscatine, Ed Reifert of Blue Grass, Ron, and Bill Reifert, both of Muscatine, and Rick Reifert of Bondurant; two sisters, Mrs. Don (Jean) Patterson of Greenfield, and Mrs. Kuehl (Wilma) Irwin of Muscatine. He was preceded in death by his parents, one grandson, one brother Jim Reifert, and a brother, Earl Wayne Reifert in infancy.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Friday, August 29, 2003 11:49 AM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, June 3, 1996, page 3
Glenn Reifert--- MUSCATINE -- Glenn D. Reifert, 88, formerly of 1007 Illinois St., died Friday, May 31, 1996, at Muscatine General Hospital. Services will be Wednesday, at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. The Rev. James Trosen, of Faith United Church of Christ, will officiate. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Reifert was born Nov. 2, 1907; in Downs Township, Ill., a son of John D. and Perle Hays Reifert. He married Viola Herlein on May 25, 1928, in Hastings, Minn. He was a longtime employee of Huttig Mfg., and a commercial fisherman most of his life. Survivors include six sons, LaVerne Reifert of Blue Grass, Gerald Reifert of Muscatine, Ed Reifert of Blue Grass, Ron Reifert of Muscatine, Bill Reifert of Muscatine, and Rick Reifert of Bondurant; two daughters, Mrs. Kuehl (Wilma) Irwin of Muscatine, Mrs. Don (Jean) Patterson of Greenfield; a daughter-in-law, Charlotte Reifert of Muscatine; 22 grandchildren, and 27 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife in 1987, one son, Jim, and infant granddaughter, an infant great-grandson, two brothers, and two sisters.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Monday, October 14, 2002 5:05 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, December 10, 1992, page 5a
James P. Reifert, 46, of 514 Polk St., died Wednesday, Dec. 9, 1992 at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. Services will be Monday, Dec. 14, at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. The Rev. Stephen Metcalf-Conte, of the High Prarie United Methodist Church will officiate. Pallbearers will be Ray Johnson, David Freers, Lyle McCullough, Andy Reifert, Doug Bemis, Dale Irwin and Dan Reifert. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Reifert was born June 27, 1946, in Muscatine a son of Glenn and Viola Herlein Reifert. He married Charlotte Johnson on May 6, 1966, in Muscatine. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Myron (Amy) Eichelberger of Bloomfield, Iowa, and Emily Reifert, at home; two grandsons, Noah and Duncan Eichelberger both of Bloomfield; his father Glenn of Muscatine; five brothers, LaVerne Reifert and Jerry Reifert, both of Muscatine, Ed Reifert of Blue Grass, Ron Reifert and Bill Reifert of Muscatine, Rick Reifert of Bondurant, Iowa; and two sisters, Mrs. Kuehl (Wilma) Irwin of Muscatine, and Mrs. Don (Jean) Patterson of Greenfield, Iowa. He was preceded in death by his mother and an infant brother. Jim worked at Thatcher Plastic for 10 years and for Wonder Bread for 11 years, retiring in 1987 due to his illness. He enjoyed the outdoors with a special passion for fishing. He also fast-pitch soft-ball for more than 20 years for many Muscatine area teams.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Wednesday, September 3, 2003 4:10 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, March 9, 1987
Viola Reifert---- Viola Wilma Reifert, 78, 511 W. 7th St. died Sunday morning at Muscatine General Hospital. Services are Tuesday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. The Rev. James Trosen of the Faith United Church of Christ will officiate. Pat Dilts is organist. Pallbearers are Gerald Reifert Jr., Michael Anthony Reifert, Scott Reifert, Dan Reifert, Dale Irwin, Ben Reifert, Tom Reifert and Will Reifert. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Reifert was born Feb. 16, 1909 in Muscatine County, a daughter of Edward and Lillian Welsch Herlein. She was a life resident here. She married Glenn D. Reifert on May 25, 1828 at Hastings, Minn. Survivors are her husband; seven sons, LaVerne Reifert, Gerald Reifert, Edward Reifert, Ronald Reifert, C. Bill Reifert, James Reifert and Richard Reifert, all of Muscatine; two daughters, Mrs. Kuehl (Wilma) Irwin, Muscatine; and Mrs. Donald (Jean) Patterson, Greenfield; 22 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; one brother, Clifford Herlein, Muscatine and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by a son and several brothers and sisters.

Submitted by: Pat Drumm for Judy Beeding
Date submitted: Sept. 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: “THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL AND NEWS TRIBUNE”, Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, December 4, 1918, pg. 1
On Tuesday evening at 5 o’clock occurred the death of Rev. Henry Reinemund at his home in Iowa City. Death followed a short illness from heart asthma. Rev. Mr. Reinemund had but lately removed with his family to Iowa City from Muscatine, where he had made his home since coming to this country forty years ago.--- Rev. Henry Reinemund was born in Gutensberg, Hessen Cassel, Germany, on July 12, 1858, and was the third child of J. A. and A. M. Reinemund. While a young boy, his parents moved to Melsungen from which place Rev. Reinsmund emigrated to the United States in the spring of 1878.--- Upon his arrival here, Mr. Reinemund entered the Lutheran Seminary at Mendota, Illinois and after completing his course of study in that institution he went to Davenport as assistant pastor of the German Lutheran church there. He was ordained to the Lutheran ministry in 1881 at Davenport.--- Later in the same year Rev. Reinmund came to Muscatine, having been called as a Lutheran pastor of the German Evangelical church. After serving this congregation for two years he resigned and organized the German Evangelical Lutheran Zion church, of which the Rev. John Haefner is now pastor. It was during his pastorate of this congregation that the present Zion church edifice was built and dedicated on March 22, 1885, at a cost of $20,000.--- In 1895 Miss Mira Hershey of Muscatine, donated the Benjamin Hershey home on the Burlington road to Rev. Reinemund for the purpose of establishing an Orphans’ and Old People’s Home. To take up this new work, therefore, he resigned the pastorate of Zion church.--- Despite many obstacles and with but little assistance except the generosity of Miss Hershey and his own untiring efforts, Rev. Reinemund built up the present German Lutheran Orphans’ and Old People’s Home to its position of prominence among the charitable institutions of the Lutheran Church in America.--- After firmly establishing this institution by the erection of commodious and ample new buildings and the creation of an endowment fund, Rev. Reinemund resigned the superintendency of the Home last fall and retired from active work in order to enjoy a period of rest after his long life of useful service. He removed to Iowa City with his family in order that his children might have the advantages of an education at the University of Iowa. The new home had but just been established, however, when he was taken with the illness that caused his death.--- On February 3, 1882, Rev. Reinmund was married to Miss Sophia Weltz, daughter of John and Barbara Weltz, well known citizens of South Muscatine. The wedding was performed by Prof. Sigesmund Fritschel. To the union eight children were born. One, Martin Reinemund, preceded his father in death. To mourn his loss there survive the widow, Dr. C. A. Reinemund of El Paso, Texas, Mrs. Albert Ide of Manhaven, N. D., Agnes of Emmetsburg, Ia., Henry of Bloomington township, Muscatine, Martha of Wilton and Elsa and Frieda at home. Rev. Reinemund is also survived by one brother and one sister in Germany and by one brother, Ernst Reinemund, of this city.--- The remains will arrive in Muscatine at noon on Thursday. From their arrival until Friday afternoon they will lie in state at Zion church. The service of burial will be read at the chapel of the Lutheran Orphans’ and Old People’s Home south of the city on Friday afternoon, and burial will be at Greenwood cemetery. During the time the remains lie at the Zion church, local officials have granted permission for the friends and former parishioners of the deceased pastor to view them. On account of the influenza quarantine, however, not more than two or three persons will be permitted to enter the church at any one time.

Submitted by: Lynn McCleary (of no relation)
Date submitted: October 7, 2008
Source: “MUSCATINE JOURNAL & NEWS TRIBUNE”, Muscatine, Iowa. Saturday, July 18, 1942
Mrs. Sophie Reinemund, who had spent the greater part of her life in Muscatine, died today at her home, 2309 Eastern Avenue, Davenport, where she had resided the past three years. She was the widow of the late Rev. Henry Reinemund, builder of Zion Lutheran Church in Muscatine and the Lutheran Orphans and Old People’s home on the Burlington road. --- The daughter of John and Barbara Hefer Weltz, she was born in Muscatine Oct. 20, 1860, and was married to the Rev. Henry Reinemund on Feb. 3, 1882 in Muscatine. ---Surviving are one son, Henry Reinemund of Durant, five daughters; Mrs. Lucy Idle of Greshman, Ore, Mrs. Elsie Krueger of Davenport, Mrs. Frieda Hiltner of Waverly, IA., Mrs. Gale McClean of Wilton and Miss Agnes Reinemend of Superior, Wis; one brother George Weltz of Chicago, 15 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. --- Preceding her in death were her husband, one son, D.C.A. Reinemund, a sister, Mrs. C. G. Gremmel and a brother, Charles Weltz. --- The body has been brought to the Fairbanks Chapel. Funeral arrangements were incomplete this afternoon. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Thursday, September 4, 2003 7:55 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, September 3, 2003
Bennett 'Ben' Reinier---- MUSCATINE, Iowa ---- Bennett "Ben" Paul Reinier, 10, of 810 Weir St., died Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2003. Services are Friday, Sept. 5, at Wesley United Methodist Church, 400 Iowa Ave. The Rev. Hal Green will officiate. Pallbearers are Tim Dwight, Sage Rosenfels, Dylan Mills and Dan Austin. Honorary pallbearers are his uncles, Jerry Martin, Steve Hammer and Robert Schmaltz. Burial will be at Memorial Park Cemetery. Visitation is Thursday, Sept. 4, at the Ralph J. Wittich-Riley-Freers Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the Ben Reinier Memorial Fund. Ben was born May 29, 1993, in Muscatine, the son of Don and Debbie Peterson Reinier. This fall he would have attended fifth grade with his friends at Grant School. He was a member of Shepherd of the Cross Lutheran Church but was adopted by many churches. He loved to ride his bike, playing soccer and flag football and loved the outdoors. He liked school and was very outgoing, his love and smile captured many people. He enjoyed traveling with his family and building friendships with everyone he met. Survivors include his parents; a brother and sister, Sam and Emily, both at home; his maternal grandmother, Kathy Peterson-Braga of Fort Dodge; his maternal great-grandmother, Elsie Harkness of Fort Dodge; his god parents, Dan and Kelly Austin; uncles, Jerry Martin and wife Connie, Tom Martin, Mike Martin and wife Margie, Steve Martin and wife Denise and Doug Davis; aunts, Julie Hammer and husband Steve, Cindy Hosier, Michele Schmaltz and husband Robert and Cheryl Bendele and husband Paul; several cousins; and Everett and Nancy Reinier. He was preceded in death by his paternal grandmother, Viola Martin; his maternal grandfather, Paul Peterson; and an uncle, Dave Martin.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Carol Shrader
Date Submitted: Saturday, January 26, 2002
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL and NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, March 18, 1940, page 10
MRS. REISINGER, AGED WILTON RESIDENT, DIES------ Wilton--------Mrs. Margaret Reisinger, 92, one of Wilton's oldest residents, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Peter Boulund at 8:30 a.m. Sunday after a two years illness.--- She was born in Saxon, Germany, Dec. 23, 1847, the daughter of George and Catherine Holzhauer, and came to this country at the age of eight years with her parents. She was married to the Rev. J. Reisinger in 1890, the minister serving as pastor of Zion Lutheran church here and at Springville, N. Y., where he was stationed when his death occurred in 1902.---- Mrs. Reisinger has resided with her only daughter, Mrs. Boulund, for the past 38 years. Surviving grandchildren, Edward Boulund of Los Angeles, Henry of Muscatine, Mrs. Mabel Franklin of Clay City, Ill., and George Boulund of Wilton; three great grandchildren, Mrs. Margaret Kaufman of Wilton, Billy and Jerry Boulund of Muscatine, and two great great grandchildren, Teddy and Shirley Kaufman; and three step-daughters, Mrs. Louise Ritter of Chicago, Mrs. Lilly Natho of Danville, Ill., and Mrs. Clara Miller, (black mark here) Knoxville, Tenn.---- Funeral rites will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Zion Lutheran church, of which she was a member, with the pastor, the Rev. P. W. Happel, in charge. Burial will be Oakdale cemetery under the direction of the Griffith Funeral Home.

Submitted by: Keith Street, assisted by Phyllis Hazen (of no relation)
Dated Submitted: February 21, 2010
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, March 4, 1933
Mrs. Florence Fuller Resser, daughter of Joseph and Catherine Fuller, died this morning at her home 2737 Eleventh Avenue C, Moline, a message received here announced. She had been ill a long time. --- Mrs. Resser was born and raised in Muscatine. Her husband, Frank Resser, died in 1911. Three brothers and two sisters preceded her in death. Mrs. Jennie Whipplehauser and W. B. and John Fuller. --- Surviving are two sons, Gerald of Creston, Iowa and Gilman, at home; two grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Koenigsaecker, Muscatine; three brothers, Steve and Frank Fuller of Muscatine and Henry Fuller of Kansas City, Missouri. --- Funeral Services at the St. Mary’s Church in Moline. Burial in St. Mary’s Cemetery in Muscatine in the Fuller lot.

Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, April 20, 1932, page 8
Wilton---Mrs. Elizabeth Rexroth., 70, died at her home in this city at 9:30 a.m. today, after a 10 day illness with dropsy of the heart. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mark and was born in Muscatine county, July 9, 1861. She was married in 1883 to Adolph Rexroth and with the exception of a few years had spent her entire life in this vicinity. Mr. Rexroth died in 1922. She is survived by three sons and two daughters, John J. Rexroth of Oskaloosa, Edward A. and Harry Rexroth of this vicinity. Mrs. Rose Kuhlmann of Hubbard and Mrs. Anna Hahn of this vicinity. She is also survived by her aged father, John Mark and a brother Henry W. Mark, both of this vicinity, together with 12 grandchildren. She was a member of the Evangelical church.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:10 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, December 2, 1960
HARRY E. REXROTH---- Harry E. Rexroth, 67, of 1024 Sycamore street, retired farmer and lifelong resident of the community, died at 7 a.m. today at Muscatine General hospital after an extended illness. He was born Aug. 15, 1893 in Moscow township a son of Adolph and Elizabeth Mark Rexroth. He married Rose A. Koeppen Dec. 28, 1914. Mr. Rexroth was a member of the Bloomington Friends church. Surviving are his widow; two sons, Raymond E. Rexroth and Irving Rexroth, all of Muscatine; two daughters, Mrs. Robert Mittman of Muscatine and Mrs. Robert Garnes of Davenport; a sister Mrs. Rose Kuhlman of Hubbard, Ia., and four grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, four brothers and a sister. Funeral services will be conducted at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home Monday. Burial will be at Memorial Park cemetery. The body will remain at the funeral home pending services. Friends may call starting Saturday afternoon.----- Note from submitter: I'm no relation to him.

Submitted by: Phyllis Hazen (of no relation)
Date submitted: October 6, 2008
Source: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, Friday May 9, 1969 pg 3
Funeral services for Arthur A. Reynolds, 81, of 1347 W. 12th St., Davenport, will be held Saturday at the McGinnis Chapel Davenport. Burial will be in High Prairie cemetery in Muscatine County. --- Mr. Reynolds died at his home Thursday morning of an apparent heart attack. --- Arthur Reynolds married Rose Reid in 1908 at Rock Island. The couple had farmed in Muscatine and Scott Counties until retiring 16 years ago and moving to Davenport. --- Survivors are the widow, Mrs. Rose Reynolds and one daughter, Dorothy Doellinger of Davenport.

Submitted by: Lynn McCleary (of no relation)
Date Submitted: March 4, 2011
Source of Obituary: "Muscatine Journal ”, Muscatine, IA Wednesday, March 17, 1954 pg 6
Rites Arranged on Friday for Mrs. Reynolds --- Funeral rites ate planned at 3:15 p.m. Friday at the Riley Funeral Home for Mrs. Cora Reynolds, 78, former resident of Illinois state and Hammond, Ind., who died at 3:10 p.m. Tuesday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Pat Haney, 830 Pine street. Mrs. Reynolds had been in failing health for several years. --- The Rev. Walter E. Johnson, pastor of Calvary Baptist church, will have charge of the services. Burial will be at Eliza Creek cemetery, Ill. --- Mrs. Reynolds was born March 29, 1876, in Rock Island county, the daughter of Achilles and Anna Smith Reynolds. She married to Grant Reynolds in September, 1923, in Alabama. She had spent about 40 years at Hammond, Ind. --- Her sister, Mrs. Haney, is the only immediate survivor. Preceding her in death were her parents, husband and three brothers.

Submitted by: Norma Rogers for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: October 21, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, December 23, 1911, page 10
ELI REYNOLDS------ OCTOGENARIAN DIES AT DAUGHTER'S HOME ------------ DEATH COMES TO WELL KNOWN COUNTY RESIDENT UNEXPECTEDLY ------------ Eli Reynolds Passes Away Following A Stroke Received While Walking About The House ------------ Coming to this city from his home in Cranston to spend what had been anticipated a joyous holiday, Eli Reynolds, 81 years old, a pioneer settler and widely known in Muscatine county, succumbed unexpectedly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Radebaugh, 714 Sampson street, yesterday afternoon, death coming with a suddenness that proved a shock to relatives and friends alike. Up to the time of his demise, the venerable pioneer had been about the house, talking, laughing and enjoying himself, as was his wont. Death was due to heart failure, a malady with which he had been afflicted for some time, although never regarded as immediately serious. Up to within a few minutes of his passing away, Mr. Reynolds had been walking about the residence of his daughter. Five minutes following the fatal stroke, he died. Mr. Reynolds was born in Indiana, October 26, 1831, and came to Iowa in 1855 and located in this county some twenty years ago. He was in his 81st year. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Charles Radebaugh, and one son, Wayne Reynolds, of this city, and Ross Reynolds, of Cranston. He was a member of Iowa Lodge, A. F. & A. M. The funeral is appointed to take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Radebaugh home, 714 Sampson street, and the Masonic lodge will have charge. He was one of the oldest Masons in this state and friends claim for him the distinction of having attained the highest age of any Iowa Mason.------"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, December 25, 1911, page 7 ------------ PAY LAST TRIBUTE TO AGED MASON OF IOWA ------------ ELI REYNOLDS LAID TO REST ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON ------------ Funeral Marks Unhappy Christmas of Charles Radebaugh Family --- Masons Conduct Services ------------ A saddened Xmas was spent by Mrs. Charles Radebaugh, 714 Sampson street, and members of the fmaily, when her father, Eli Reynolds was buried from her home yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The body of the well known resident, who had attained the age of 81 years, was laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery. The Masons, of which the deceased was one of the oldest members in the state of Iowa, conducted the last sad rites at the burial grounds. The Rev. G. P. Badgley, pastor of the Musserville Methodist Episcopal church had charge of the funeral services at the residence. A number of relatives from out of the city attended the funeral. Silas Reynolds, of Portland, Oregon, who has been a guest of friends and relatives residing in the vicinity of Muscatine, for the past three weeks was present. Benjamin Shanafelt of South English; Everett Shabafelt and G. S. Shanafelt of Sigourney; and Wesley Shanafelt of Washington were other relatives present. The pallbearers were : William Appel, Henry W. Franklin, Charles Arthur Franklin, Charles Appel, Roy Daniels and Frank Stohr.

Submitted by: Webmaster
Date Submitted: July 10, 2000 12:27 AM
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, Feb 3, 1951, page 7
Mrs. Minnie Reynolds----Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Reynolds, 81, who died Tuesday at Hershey Hospital, were conducted at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home today by the Rev. M. L. Van Wagenen, pastor of the First Congregational church. Mrs. George Holliday was the organist and pallbearers included Ross Sharar, Fay Sharar, John Sharar, George Vetter, Nick Kochneff and Herbert Conley. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Friday, October 15, 2004 7:54 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, December 21, 1955, page 8
Myrtle Reynolds, Resident Here for 19 Years, Dies----- Mrs. Myrtle Reynolds, 76, died at 12:25 a.m. today at the Muscatine County hospital. Her home was at 1408 Nebraska street. The daughter of Burl and Emma Dimmic Howard, she was born April 1, 1879, at Rock Island, and had lived here 19 years. She was married to Alfred Reynolds in 1909 at Rock Island. She was a member of the Pine Bluff Methodist church. Surviving are a son, Charles E. Moore, Reynolds, Ill., two daughters, Mrs. Jessie Freise and Mrs. Arnold Walker, both of Muscatine; a brother, Alva Howard, Muscatine; a sister, Mrs. Laura Walker, Rock Island; nine grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, three brothers and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral home. Burial will be in the Illinois City cemetery.-----Submitter's Note: the name Burl should be Birl and the name Dimmic should be Dimick.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: Saturday, February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL & nEWS TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, April 16, 1924
An eight months illness with tuberculosis caused the death of MRS. F. D. RHODES of Royal Oak, Mich., at her home there on Monday evening, according to word received here. Mrs. Rhodes, formerly Miss Clara Van Zandt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Van Zandt, Sr., 114 West Eight Street, was well known in Muscatine until her marriage two years ago. Mrs. Rhodes was born in Muscatine Oct. 20, 1898, and attended the local schools. For several years prior to her marriage she was employed as bookkeeper at the Reger Garage. Besides her husband and infant son, Burton, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Van Zandt, Sr., and the following brothers and sisters survive: Sylvester Van Zandt of Lake township, Sylvanus of Nichols, Leonard, Allen, and Edmund Van Zandt, at home, Mrs. William King of Bayfield, Mrs. E. O . Eichelberger of Ardon, Mrs. W. Beatty of Ft. Collins, Colo., and Mrs. James Garvin of Atalissa. Funeral services will be held from the Rhodes home at Royal Oak tomorrow afternoon, with interment there. Allen Van Zandt, brother, left for that city yesterday to attend the funeral.

Submitted by: Norma Rogers for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: October 14, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, September 23, 1911, front page
JOSEPHINE RHUM & MAGGIE RHUM---- CHILDREN ASPHYXIATED TWO DIE IN BATH ROOM ------------ TRAGIC DEATH OF LITTLE GIRLS REVEALED WHEN MOTHER FINDS BODIES ------------ MOTHER TELLS STORY ------------ Returns From Noon-day Meal--- Alarmed By Odor In Home She Rushes To Bath Room and Makes Tragic Discovery ------------ The tragic death of two little girls occurred this morning sometime between 11 and 12 o'clock when Maggie Rhum, 11 years old, and her sister Josephine Rhum, seven years old, were asphyxziated in a bathroom at the residence of their mother, Mrs. Henry Rhum-Calloway, at 219 Cedar street. The children were the two lone occupants of the house at the time of the tragedy, with another sister, Mrs. Lewis Voss, who was critically sick. Upon the return of the mother at noon and the other members of the family, their dead bodies were discovered in the bathroom. Resusitative methods were employed but all efforts to revive the sisters proved unavailing. A slight twitching of the lips of the older sister upon their discovery, gave the mother hope for a time, but the child never opened its eyes. Both were dead when found. Death is believed to have resulted from carbon asphyxziation. The bath room was so small, it is explained, that the gas, burning in a water heater for the little ones, forced out all the oxygen. The gas in the heater was still burning says the mother, when she returned to the home. The mother, prostrated by the double tragedy, between sobs and heart rending cries, related that last week, while another of her children was taking a bath, the air had become so foul by reason of the small closeness of the room, that the child suffered from nauseating sickness and headaches for some time afterwards. The room is eight feet in length and as many feet in width. There is no ventilation and no possible place where the nauseous gas might fine egress. Mrs. Rhum-Calloway, who conducts a restaurant at 211 Cedar street, left the house at about11 o'clock this morning with two of her daughters, for their noon-day repast, leaving at home Maggie and Josephine, who died in the bathroom, and another daughter, Mrs. Voss, who has been compelled to lie in bed for some time owing to sickness. Before leaving Mary Rhum, a 16 year old girl, lighted the gas in the heater for her two younger sisters, preparatory to warming the water for their bath. Mrs. Rhum-Calloway opened the door of the bathroom, where her two children lay dead, she herself was almost overcome by a strong odor. Perceiving the silent forms in the room, one still in the water and the other on the floor, evidently having tried to get out of the room, the bereaved mother gave a shriek and swooned, falling to the floor in a dead faint. Mrs. Voss, sick as she was, was startled to such an extent that she was permitted sufficient strength to reach her mother's side, reviving her in a few moments and carrying her two little sisters to a place on a bed in another room. She tried by all the means in her knowledge to bring life back into the still warm little bodies but she was too late. " While in bed, I heard nothing of Maggie or Josephine," she said. " They made no sound and I thought they were enjoying themselves in their bath. The first I knew of there being anything wrong was when mother shrieked as she found them in the room." Maggie was born in Carthage, Illinois, on January 24, 1901. Josephine's birth occurred at West Point, Iowa, on December, 1903. They have been in this city about a year, coming here with their mother and two other sisters. They made their home on West Seventh street until about three weeks ago, when they removed to the Cedar street residence. Three children of Mrs. Rhum-Calloway are not in this city. The bodies of the little girls will be sent to Lexington, Iowa, either on Monday or Tuesday, where they will be laid to rest beside the grave of their father, who died three years ago.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Sunday, October 17, 2004 4:05 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, August 21, 1934, page 7
Death Summons Mrs. E. Rhyner --------- Intestinal Flu and Complications Fatal To Letts Resident ------------- (Journal News Service) Letts -- Mrs. E. W. Rhyner, 65, died at her home Monday night after a short illness of intestinal flu and complications Mrs. Ryner is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Pearl Collins and Mrs. Mabel Toland, several grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. Guy Brown, Mrs. H. H. Fullerton and Mrs. William Walters and two brothers, John and William Hidlebaugh. Two daughters preceded her in death. Funeral arrangements are incomplete, pending word from relatives.----Submitters' Note: her name was Mary Elnora Hidlebaugh.

Submitted by Bev Gerdts (of no relation)
Date submitted: January 28, 2008
Source of Obituary: “MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, June 17, 1995
Mary Jo Kisner RIBBINK, 46, died Sunday July 16, 1995, at her home, 2020 Isett Ave. Services will be Wednesday at he Hillcrest Baptist Church with the Rev. Wade Duroe officiating. Pallbearers will be Pete Ribbink, Jerry Ribbink, Carl Laymon, Wayne Crump, Brad Kisner and Todd Kisner. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. --- Mrs. Ribbink was born Sept.29, 1948, in Muscatine a daughter of George and Margret Josephine Blanchard Kisner. She married Larry Ribbink on Feb. 14, 1970 in Muscatine. She was employed at Lutheran Homes. --- Survivors include her husband, Larry; four daughters Julie Ribbink O’Neal, Jennifer Ribbink, Jane Ribbink, and Joleen Ribbink, all of Muscatine; an adopted daughter, Heather McKillip Laymon of Muscatine; two grandchildren; her mother, Margaret Josephine Kisner of Muscatine; and two brothers, James Wayne Kisner of Davenport, Robert Lee Kisner of Muscatine; and many nieces and nephews. --- She was preceded in death by her father, her mother-in-law, Mary Ribbink, and two brothers–in–law, Robert Ribbink, and Edward Ribbink.

Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, December 10, 1931, front page
Pastor's Wife Taken by Death--- Edna Elizabeth Brown Richards, 37, wife of the Rev. J. Reed Richards, pastor of the Church of the Nazarene, died at her home, 301 Stewart road, at 4:40 Wednesday afternoon. She had been ill for five weeks. Mrs. Richards was born Aug. 17, 1894, at Marengo, the daughter of James A. Brown and Rachel A. Scott Brown. She was married to Mr. Richards at Oskaloosa on Nov. 24, 1921. Mrs. Richards was a leader in her husband's church, at the time of her death being president of the Women's Foreign Missionary society. Surviving are her husband, one son, William, aged 8 years, and her parents, living at Oskaloosa. The body was taken from the Fairbanks Home for Funerals to the residence at 301 Stewart road at 3:30 this afternoon. Funeral rites will be conducted from the Church of the Nazarene Friday afternoon with Dr. J. W. Short, Des Moines, district superintendent of Iowa Churches of the Nazarene, in charge. Burial will be at Oskaloosa.

Submitted by: Al Harker, Davenport, Iowa
Date Submitted: Saturday, December 21, 2002 12:02 PM
Source of Obituary: "QUAD CITY TIMES DEMOCRAT", Davenport, Iowa, March 12, 1969
Mrs. Ernest Richards---- Mrs. Ernest Richards, 81, 326 E. 29th St., Davenport, died Tuesday morning in the Davenport Nursing Home. Services will be Friday in the Runge Chapel. Burial will be in National Cemetery, Rock Island Arsenal. Florence M. Harker was born in Muscatine. She married James H. Essex in 1906 in Muscatine. He died in 1928. In 1947, she married Mr. Richards. He died in 1969. Mrs. Richards is survived by daughters, Mrs. Henry (Fern) Keding, Davenport, and Mrs. Clarence (Ethel) Delles East Moline; sons Henry Thomas , Sherwood H, and Francis L.Essex all of Davenport; 20 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Grace Methodist Church or to St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Davenport.---- Additional information;----- PEARL MYRLE HARKER is daughter of ALFRED LINCOLN HARKER SR. and EMMA HARRIETT FISHER---- sister is Pearl L.Harker Mrs, EDMONSON, ESSEX, GROTH---- Other children Chester born 1907? and Harold James died age 21.------Additional information:------Richards, Ernest William, b. 05/17/1888, d. 03/03/1959, US Army, PVT, Res: Davenport, IA, Plot: M 0 2039, bur. 03/05/1959 Richards, Florence Myrtle, b. 11/17/1887, d. 03/11/1969, US Army, SFC, Res: Davenport, IA, Plot: M 0 2038, bur. 03/14/1969-------- 1930 District 28 page 12 Davenport, Scott County, Iowa; Florence Essex 39 widow born IA; Frances boarder female 14 born IA; Henry daughter 12 born IA; Fern daughter 6 born IA; This census is wrong as Henry is a son not a daughter and Frances is a daughter.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Sunday, October 10, 2004 4:17 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, October 19, 1955, page 2
Robert Richards--- Death Occurs at SUI Hospital ----------- Robert W. Richards, 2505 Mulberry avenue, died at 1:15 a.m today at the University hospital at Iowa City. The son of L. L. Richards and Marie Wilson Richards, he was born Aug. 7, 1904, at Muscatine and was a life-long resident of this city. He married Ruth McKee Oct. 11, 1930, at Muscatine. He was a member of the Trinity Episcopal church. His wife survives. He was preceded in death by his parents. The body will be taken to the home Thursday evening and services will be held there Saturday with the Rev. Richard M. Pieper, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery under the direction of the Fairbanks Home for Funerals.

Submitted by: Phyllis Hazen
Date Submitted: May 31, 2015
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, March 18, 1911, page 1
RICHARDS FUNERAL MONDAY AFTERNOON --- The funeral of William C. Richards will take place from the residence, 102 West Seventh street, at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon. The service will be in charge of the Norman Shelby Post, G.A.R., of which Mr. Richards was a member for a number of years.--------- Same paper, page 7------- Attention G.A.R.--- Comrades will please assemble at G.A.R. hall, Monday, the 2oth inst., at 1 p.m. to attend the funeral of Comrade William C. Richards, Company H., Eleventh regiment; Iowa Volunteer infantry.
-------------------------- The Muscatine Journal, Monday, 20 March 1911, page 10
WILLIAM RICHARDS IS BURIED TODAY --- G. A. R. Members Accompany Body To Burial Place— Funeral Conducted by Shelby Post.--- The funeral services over the body of William C. Richards, who died on Thursday afternoon, were held from the family residence at 102 West Seventh street at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The services were, conducted by the Shelby Norman Post, G. A.R., of which the deceased was a member for many years. As a friend of the family, Father F. J. Leonard made a few brief remarks, recalling the splendid record of Mr. Richards as a man and soldier. Interment was made at St. Mary's cemetery. --- The pall bearers were the .following: John. B. Reay, R. B. Huff, H. C. Madden, Joseph Lorber, Capt. Phillip Murphy and John C. Wilson.
------------------- The Muscatine Journal, Wednesday, 22 March 1911, page 2 -------------
RESOLUTIONS ARE ADOPTED BY POST--- Tribute Is Paid to Memory of Late Comrade Richards by Veterans Who Survive Him. --- At the meeting of Shelby Norman post last evening, resolutions of respect were passed In memory and out of respect of the late William C. Richards, a member of the post, and prominent retired resident of the city, who died last week. The resolution as drafted, follows:
Officers and Comrades Shelby Norman Post No. 234, G. A. R.:
Your committee on resolutions in respect to the memory of Comrade William C. Richards, Company H, Eleventh regiment, Iowa Volunteer Infantry, who died at his home in this city on March 16, 1911, resolutions as drafted, follow:
Whereas, The Great Commander has removed from our ranks our esteemed comrade, William C. Richards, therefore,
Resolved, That Shelby Norman post and the few surviving members of his old regiment mourn the passing of a true patriot, a brave soldier and a generous, kindly comrade;
That in the vigor and strength of his active manhood, by his energetic effort and honorable, upright conduct, he contributed largely to the upbuilding of the industries and material interest of his town, and enjoyed the respect, esteem and affection of all his many associates and friends.
That his unfailing regard for his comrades and friends was surpassed only by his constant care and tender Solicitude for wife and family, with whom we mourn in their bereavement and sorrow.
That the adjutant be instructed to furnish copies of these resolutions to the city papers for publication, that the commander hand a copy to the widow and that the same be entered in the post journal.
Signed— John Lorber, J. E. Coe, A. G. Tyler, Committee.

Submitted by: Denise & Norma for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: January 6, 2005
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, December 27, 1966
G.ESSLEY RICK-------Funeral services will be Wednesday at the George M. Wittich funeral home for G. Essley Rick, 74, of 803 Cypress. Mr. Rick died at 1:30 a.m. Sunday at Muscatine General hospital, after an illness of several months. Mr. Rick, a carpeter, had been a Muscatine resident since 1936. He formerly lived at Wilton Junction. He was born Oct. 4, 1892, at Charleston, Nebraska, the son of George Earnest and Etta Hickman Rick. He was married June 3, 1916, at Muscatine, to Rosina M. Hagermann. He was married December 24,1940, to Anna Nagel Schaefer. Mr. Rick is survived by one son, George E. Rick, of Muscatine; two daughters, Mrs. Bert ( Mildred ) Kiene, of Davenport and Mrs. Herman ( Hazel ) Stewart of Atalissa; two sisters, Mrs. Faye Grunder of Wilton and Mrs. Ruth Mickle of Austin, Texas; seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, both wives, and one brother. Interment will be at Oakdale cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Wednesday, September 3, 2003 2:48 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, August 25, 1933, page 2
Ricketts Infant of Fairport Is Taken by Death---- Anna June Ricketts, four-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ricketts, Fairport, died at Hershey hospital at 2:15 p.m. Thursday after a illness of four days with a complication of ailments. Anna was born July 13, 1929 at Fairport and is survived by her parents and nine brothers and sisters, Lorena Eis, Muscatine, Charles, Jesse, Walter, Everett, Mildred, Gloria, Theodore and Clara Bell Ricketts, all of Fairport. The body is at the Hoffman Funeral home and will remain there until funeral services which will be conducted at the Fairport church Saturday by the Rev. J. A. Worrell, pastor of the Park Avenue Methodist church. Burial will be in the Fairport cemetery.---- Note she is not relation to me I had some different obits

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 8:21 AM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, February 2, 2005
Harlo Ricketts----- ILLINOIS CITY, Ill. -- Harlo B. Ricketts, 86, Illinois City, died Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2005, at Unity Hospital, Muscatine. The Rev. Timothy Ferrill will officiate the services. Burial will be at Drury Reynolds Cemetery. Mr. Ricketts was born Nov. 14, 1918, in Illinois City, Ill., the son of Raymord J. and Katherine Watson Ricketts. He married Mary D. Ziegenhorn Oct. 12, 1946, at Providence Baptist Church, Drury Township, Ill. He graduated from Muscatine High School and Muscatine Community College. He later attended the University of Illinois, Champagne, Ill., before enlisting in the U.S. Army during World War II, where he received a Purple Heart from wounds received in Germany. He was a lifetime farmer in the area and was a member of the Illinois City United Methodist Church in Rock Island County, Ill., the Rockridge School Board, Rock Island Soil and Conservation Board and Hamlet Mutual Insurance Board. In past years, he was active in Boy Scouts and the Volunteer Fire Department. Survivors include his wife; a son, Alan Ricketts and wife Lori of Illinois City; two grandchildren, Aaron and Tracy Ricketts; and a special cousin, Ruth Fuller of Illinois City. He was preceded in death by his parents.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Friday, January 7, 2005
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, December 2, 2004, page 5A
Evelyn Rickey---- MUSCATINE, Iowa - Evelyn M. Rickey, formerly of Mason City, died Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2004, at Unity Hospital. The Rev. Hal Green will officiate the service. Casket bearers are Nick Ratcliff, Greg Johnston, Doug Johnston, Al Church, Steve Ziegenhorn and Bill Snydacker. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Rickey was born on Nov. 2, in Cook, Minn., the daughter of Andrew and Dora Balder Thomas. She married Delos G. "Rick" Rickey Feb. 14, 1955, in Mason City. He preceded her in death Feb. 19, 2003. She was a life long resident of Mason City, only moving to Muscatine in November of 2002. She graduated from Mason City High School. She then pursued her career in dance, studying with professional dancer, Gladys Hyatt, in Chicago. For years she continued to study with other professionals around the country, opening her own studio in Mason City, Clear Lake, Charles City, Austin and Rochester, Minn. She taught for more than 35 years. That was her whole life, her love for dance. She touched the lives of so many dancers. After closing her studio in Mason City, she opened Evelyns' Dance Boutique in Mason City. She loved to work with people. She and her husband loved to dance every week at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake. She loved to play bridge and was involved in numerous bridge clubs for more than 50 years. She was also a member of the Majhon Club in Mason City, a life long member of the Mason City Country Club, and member of the Lady Elks in Mason City and Muscatine. Crocheting, knitting and sewing were among her many hobbies. She was a member of First Congressional Church, Mason City, working very closely with the many women's groups in the church and community. She had a great passion for life and people. She loved to travel. Her family meant the world to her. Her family owned and operated A.J. Thomas and Sons Christmas Tree business in Mason City. One of her biggest joys was helping her daughter, Louise Munday, start her own dance business in Muscatine. She was very involved in the studio and helped every year with the shows. She would travel to Chicago yearly with the girls in the Dance Company for the annual dance convention. Dance truly was her life. She had a tremendous energy for life and people. Survivors include a daughter, Louise Munday and husband Ron Munday of Muscatine; a grandson, Grant Munday of Muscatine; a son, Steven Rickey and wife Gail of Kent, Wash.; three grandchildren, Jeanne Rickey, Craig Rickey and Leighanne Malvotte; and two great-grandchildren, Jared and Alex Rickey; a sister, Ruth Reasor of Mason City; two nephews, Michael Ford and Lynn Reasor; nieces, Nancy Schwab and her family, Shirley Yont, Rene" Saldana and her family; and many great-nieces and -nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; five sisters, Cecile Sulteen, Lola Sawtelle, Gladys Oldfield, Vera Thomas and Edna Ford; two brothers, Manley and Lawrence Thomas; two nieces; one nephew; and one great-niece. -----Submitters' Note: I'm no relation.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary:”MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, , Friday, September 13, 1957
Funeral services for Mrs. Ora Alice Riddle, 80, a lifetime resident of Muscatine, will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral home. Mrs. Riddle died Thursday at 419 Houser street. She was born on May 10, 1877, the daughter of Charles and Ascenath Patterson Stromer in Muscatine. She married Bert Riddle on July 18, 1897 in Muscatine. She was of the Methodist faith. Surviving are her husband; three sons, Harry and Edward, both of Muscatine and Weldon of Mt. Pleasant; three daughters, Mrs. Edward Smiley of Los Angeles, Calif., Ruby DiGianni of Muscatine and Mrs. Frank Broders of Moscow; a brother, John Stromer of Austin, Minn., eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, one sister and four brothers. Burial will be in the Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Friday, September 2, 2005 6:28 AM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, August 22, 2005
Donald Ridenour----- MUSCATINE, Iowa - Donald D. Ridenour, 87, Muscatine, died Saturday, Aug. 20, 2005, at the Muscatine Care Center. Private family services and visitation are planned. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. The Jeffrey S. Nichols Chapel Hill Funeral Home and Crematory 114 W. Fourth St., Muscatine, is handling the arrangements. Mr. Ridenour was born Aug. 19, 1918, in Rock Island, Ill., the son of Walter William and Grace Mae Miller Ridenour. He married Fredia E. Alteneder on Dec. 25, 1937, in Muscatine. She preceded him in death in 2001. He was an U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He was retired from Alcoa. He loved spending time with his family and enjoyed camping. Survivors include two sons, Ronald Sr. and wife Tuddy of Port Charlotte, Fla., and Steven of North Port, Fla.; a daughter, Nancy Zaehringer and husband Larry of Muscatine; five grandchildren, Ron Ridenour Jr., Rick Ridenour and wife Kathy, Rusty Ridenour, Lisa Adkison and husband Jerry and Scott Zaehringer and wife Alisha; two great-granddaughters, Tessa Evans and Olivia Zaehringer; and a brother, Dwayne Ridenour and wife Elizabeth of San Diego, Calif. He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife and three brothers. ----Submitters' Note: No relation

Submitted by: June Welsch (of no relation)
Date Submitted: August 31, 2009
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Monday January 28, 1929
Carl Rietzke, 75, died at the Lutheran Old People's home on the Burlington road about Sunday morning, after an illness with heart disease. Carl Rietzke was born in Germany on June 29, 1853. He had been in this country since 3879 and had been an inmate of the home since Aug. 5. 1926. The only immediate survivor is a son, Albert, Kensington, Kas. --- Funeral services will be conducted at the home at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Burial will be in the home cemetery. The Wittich Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Thursday, September 1, 2005 4:00 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, August 12, 2005
Kyle Riley----- FRUITLAND, Iowa - Kyle S. Riley, 54, Fruitland, died Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2005, at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics, Iowa City. The Rev. Hal Green will officiate the services. Burial will be at New Boston Cemetery with military rites conducted by the Aledo Veterans of Foreign Wars Post. Mr. Riley was born Oct. 22, 1950, in Aledo, Ill., the son of William Clair and Virginia Webster Riley. He married Susan Dewey on July 4, 1976, in Davenport. He was a U.S. Army veteran. He was a member of Wesley United Methodist Church and Delta Chi and was an announcer for KWCC. He enjoyed music, especially playing guitar, fishing for walleye and golfing. Survivors include his wife; two sons, Bret Patrick Riley of Iowa City and Scott Webster Riley and wife Cherie Ann of Fruitland; a sister, Teri Lynn Moore and husband Marion of Brunswick, Ga.; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents. -----Submitters' Note: I'm no relation

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary: “THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, August 21, 1916
DIES AT BELLEVUE---- After an illness of over two years, Frank Rininsland , 936 Lucas street, died at Bellevue hospital at 1:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. A complication of diseases was given as the cause of death. Frank Rininsland was born in Wilton township, September 21, 1878, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rininsland. In 1908 he moved to Davenport, where he followed his trade of carpentry for two years, after which he came to Muscatine. Mr. Rininsland was married to Miss Clara Thauren of this city, June 2, 1914. Besides his wife and parents, the deceased is survived by six brothers and three sisters. They are Carl Rininsland, Arthur Rininsland and Fred Rininsland of Wilton, Ia.; Harry Rininsland and Mrs. Albert Brugman of Belmond, Ia.; Leo Rininsland of Rebelstroke, B. C.; Mrs. Earl Wood of Davenport; Miss Mae Rininsland of Chicago, and Herbert Rininsland of this city, who is a member of Battery C at Brownsville, Tex. The funeral will be held from St. Mathias Catholic church at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. Rev. Father F. J. Leonard will conduct the services. Burial will be made in St. Mary's cemetery.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Sally Smith
Dated Submitted: September 24, 2000
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, March 4, 1963, page 12
Mrs. Isabelle RITTENHOUSE---- Mrs. Isabelle Jane Rittenhouse, 88, of 107 Madison street, died Sunday at the Hershey convalescent home after a short illness. Mrs. Rittenhouse had been a resident of Muscatine for 63 years. She was born near Letts, July 19, 1874, the daughter, of James and Jane Davidson Hackett. She was married May 9, 1900, in Muscatine, to Orville C. Rittenhouse. She was a member of Park Avenue Methodist church. Surviving are one son, Alfred Rittenhouse, of Muscatine, three daughters, Mrs. Fred Grensing of Muscatine, Mrs. R. J. Kukar of Birmingham, Mich., and Mrs. William King of Muscatine; eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at the Ralph J. Wittich funeral home, with Rev. Stephen Root, Jr., in charge. Interment will be at the Wagner Cemetery.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Sally Smith
Dated Submitted: September 9, 2000
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL AND NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, April 15, 1955, page 12
Mrs. Rittenhouse Services To Be Noted Monday---- Services are planned for Monday at the Geo M. Wittich Funeral Home, for Mrs. Kate Rittenhouse, 73, whose death occurred Thursday at Muscatine County Hospital, following a several months illness. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Rittenhouse was born June 23, 1881, at Iowa City, the daughter of Henry G. and Mary Holland Clark. She had been a resident of Muscatine the past 60 years, coming here from Lone Tree. Her marriage to Milo N. Rittenhouse took place here on Jan. 8, 1893. She was of Methodist faith and was a member of the Royal Neighbors lodge and of the Royal Neighbor Sunshine club. Surviving are her husband, at the family home, 205 East Fifth Street; one son, Vaughn C. Rittenhouse, Davenport; and one granddaughter, Mrs. William Burch, Iowa City. Four sisters and one brother preceeded her in death.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Sally Smith
Dated Submitted: September 9, 2000
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, December 5, 1966, page 6
Milo N. Rittenhouse, 87, 205 East Fifth Street, collapsed and died while driving his car on county road O, the extension of Lucas street, on Saturday. Mr. Rittenhouse was alone. His car went into the ditch and through a fence. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at the George M. Wittich funeral home. The Rev. T. Ray Crews will officiate. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. Mr. Rittenhouse was a long-time employee of Huttig Manufacturing Co. before he retired. He was born in Winfield, Iowa, Oct. 17, 1879. His parents were John E. and Sarah Rittenhouse. He married Kate Clark here Jan. 8, 1903. He was a member of the Methodist church and the Odd Fellows, Moose and Maccabee lodges. He was a 35-year member of the Wyoming lodge, Knights of Pythias. Surviving are a son, Vaughn C. Rittenhouse, Davenport; two brothers, Dwight Rittenhouse, Deer Lodge, Mont., and Ralph Rittenhouse, East Moline, Ill.; one sister, Mrs. Emery (Lois) Chatfield, Danville, Iowa, one grandchild and three great-grandchildren. His wife, five brothers and a sister are deceased.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Sally Smith
Dated Submitted: September 24, 2000
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, February 22, 1960, page 7
Orville C. Rittenhouse, 82, of 107 Madison street, died today at Muscatine General Hospital, as a result of injuries received in a fall. A former Pearl dealer, Mr. Rittenhouse had been a resident of Muscatine for 62 years. He was born Sept 7, 1877, at Winfield, the son of John E. and Sarah Ross Rittenhouse. Mr. Rittenhouse was married May 9, 1900, at Letts, to Belle J. Hackett. He is survived by his widow, one son, Alfred Rittenhouse of Muscatine: three daughters, Mrs. Fred Grensing of Muscatine, Mrs. Rudolph Kuker of Detroit, and Mrs. William King of Muscatine; three brothers, Milo N. of Muscatine, Dwight of Deer Lodge, Mont., and Ralph of East Moline; one sister, Mrs. Emery Chatfield of Danville; nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three brothers and one sister. Funeral services are pending at the Ralph J. Wittich funeral home.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Sally Smith
Dated Submitted: September 9, 2000
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, December 14, 1967
RALPH RITTENHOUSE---- Ralph Rittenhouse, 65, of East Moline, formerly of Muscatine, died Wednesday at Lutheran hospital in Moline, following an extended illness. He was born Aug. 16, 1902 in Muscatine, the son of John and Sarah Ross Rittenhouse. He married Thelma Valett on March 31, 1928 in Muscatine. Rittenhouse was employed at Ametek in Moline and prior to that worked at Huttig Manufacturing Co. in Muscatine for 16 years. He and his wife moved to East Moline in 1947. He was a member of the Muscatine Moose Lodge, Moline Consistory, Masonic Lodge No. 969, and Black Hawk Gem and Mineral Club. Surviving are: his widow, Thelma; one son, Richard of Carbon Cliff, Ill.; one daughter, Mrs. Carla Ewert of East Moline; one brother, Dwight of Deer Lodge, Mont.; one sister, Mrs. Lois Chatfield of Danville, Iowa; and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be Saturday at Van Hoe Funeral home in East Moline with Rev. Leslie R. Stewart of the First Methodist church officiating. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery at Muscatine. Masonic Lodge No. 969 will conduct rites Friday at the funeral home.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Sunday, August 28, 2005 2:59 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, April 21, 2005
Darlene Rivera----- MUSCATINE, Iowa - Darlene Adella Rivera, 81, Muscatine, died Tuesday, April 19, 2005, at the home of her daughter. The Rev. Don Swanson will officiate the services. Casket bearers are Matthew Rivera, Jessie "Isaak" Gomez, Mark Reyes, Andrew Reyes, Rolando Solis, David Solis, Gabriel Joseph Rivera and Orlando Reyes. Honorary casket bearers are Toribio Reyes, Juan Solis, Luke Borst, Anthony Gonzalas, Jessie Gomez and James Dixon. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Memorials may be made to First Baptist Church. She was born Oct. 17, 1923, in Muscatine, the daughter of Clarence A. and Hannah Nicolay Martin. She married Gabriel Rivera Dec. 12, 1953, at the Little Brown Church, Nashua. They later divorced in 1960. She was a member of First Baptist Church and enjoyed helping teach Sunday school class for the 2- to 4-year-olds. She had worked for the H. J. Heinz Co. She loved children. She enjoyed playing games with her kids and grandchildren. She was always the champion. Survivors include her children, Gabriel Rivera Jr. and wife Debbie of Romania, Joseph Rivera of Anamosa, Johannah Reyes of Muscatine, Juana Solis of Moline, Ill., and Daniel Rivera and wife Pamela of Eagle Lake, Minn.; 17 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and special family members and their children, Julia Rivera and Matthew Rivera and wife Susanna, all of Muscatine, Douglas Rivera and wife Kathy of Bolingbrook, Ill., Jessie Gomez and wife Gabriella and James Dixon and wife Jessica, all of Muscatine. She was preceded in death by her parents, three brothers, a granddaughter and a great-grandson. ----Submitters' Note: No Relation

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