24 September 1935 Vol XI No 1

Submitted by Charlene Hixon May 10, 2014


21 Members Organize

To Carry On Work of Semester

            The Nicholite staff, in an organization meeting held Sept. 4, 1935, briefly outlined the work for the coming semester.  The members of the class and their staff preferences were taken at that time.  Formal announcement of the staff was made Sept. 11 by Mr. Bellamy, faculty advisor.  Lester Pike heads the staff as editor, assisted by Harold Schmitt.  Business management is under John Loeb with Marion Barnhart acting as assistant.  The remainder of the staff is listed on page 2.

            The Nicholite is again being put out by a journalism class receiving one-fourth semester credit for each semester’s staff membership.  A small amount of text book work will be covered as time permits.

            The printing job is being carried by four boys, who are not receiving credit. A better print job is being anticipated as a result of the purchase of the new mimeograph.  The staff looks forward to a good semester of work being accomplished.

* * * * *

Alpha and Spartan Soc. Claim Members

Holdeman and Loeb Presidents of Societies

            The literary societies, the Alpha Omegas and Spartans, are retained again this year.  The freshmen were chosen by the president of each society as follows:  Spartans – Leo Hollenbach, Doris Heath, Margaret Fox, Harold Elder, Vernon Carter, Mary Oostendorp, Bennie Mills and Norma Hummel.  Alphas – Genevieve Hillyer, Robert Hillyer, Virginia Vogel, Loren Brown, LaVaughn Richter, Luetta Pike and Doris Meyers.

            Margaret Holdeman was elected president of the Alphas, and john Loeb for the Spartans.

            The two iterary plays have now been announced.  The Alphas will present “Playing the Game,” directed by Miss Balzer and “Tiger House,” presented by the Spartans, directed by Mr. Bellamy.

* * * * *

Nichols Ranks High in Academic Meet

English Correctness and Economics Take Second

            Again, as for the last seven years, our school has ranked high in he academic tests, given each year to a large number of schools in the state.  We have always been in the upper 25% of all the schools which participate.

            Last year English Correctness took the lead.  We ranked second out of 84 class D schools and fourth out of the 274 schools of the state.  Economics ran a close second; out of the 22 entries in Class D, our school took second place.  In Class D, we won sixth place in Contemporary Affairs, English Literature, and American History.

            We feel that this is something to be proud of, and hope to better our record this term.  It is really a scoresheet of the work we have accomplished as compared with other schools, the majority of which are larger.

* * * * *

Enrolment for Year

            A total of 58 pupils in the grades, and 51 in high school, make up the enrollment this year.  The largest class is the sophomores, with 14 members.  The primary room has 21, intermediate 23, and grammar, 14.         

            This is slight decline from last year’s figures.

* * * * *

Officers Elected

Kathryn Elder President of New Student Council

            The classes of Nichols High School elected their officers and student council members Friday, Sept. 6.  The class presidents in order from senior to freshman are:  Harold Schmitt, Ula Green, L. B. Smith and Luetta Pike.  In like order the vice presidents are:  Earl Schmitt, Madeline Oostendorp, Pershing Elder and Vernon Carter.  Similarly the secretary treasurers are: Margaret Holdeman and Edna Earl, Jean Elder, Charles Elder and Doris Heath.

            Student council members are Senior, John Loeb, Lester Pike and Kathryn Elder; Juniors, Madeline Oostendorp and Marion Barnhart, Sophomores, L. B. Smith; Freshman, Virginia Vogel.

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Subscription rates 35 cents; Ad rates 10 cents/inch

Issued Fortnightly starting Sept. 25, 1935

The Staff

                        Editor                                                              Lester Pike

                        Assistant Editor                                              Harold Schmitt

                        Business Manager                                           John Loeb

                        Assistant Business Manager                           Marion Barnhart

Circulation Managers

                        Betty Pike                   Mary Dean                  Berniece McMahon    


                        Earl Schmitt                                                    Loyd Hahn                                                                  Pershing Elder                                                 Louis Milder

Editorial  Staff

                        Editorials                                                         Dorothy Dedrick

                        Columnist                                                        Marjorie Thompson

                        Grade News Editor                                         Edna Earl

                        High School Editor                                         Ethel Smith

                        Town Editors                                                  Loretta Borgstadt

                                                                                                L. B. Smith

                        Country News Editor                                     Madelyn Oostendorp

                                                                                                Ethel Hillyer

                        Features                                                           Jean Elder, Ula Green

                        Sports Editor                                                   Keith Vetter

                        Cartoonists                                                      Margaret Holdeman                           

                                                                                                Kathryn Elder

Member of Iowa High School Press Association

* * * * *

Our  New  Courses

            Two new courses, Speech and Journalism course are being offered the Juniors and Seniors this year.

            The subject Speech consists of three parts: The mechanics of speech, actual public speaking including speeches for different occasions, and dramatics  in which the year will be climaxed with a public performance made up of one act plays.

            The journalism course will be given second semester and will include a more complete study than any other work that has been taken before in connection with the Nicholite.

            Both courses are sure to prove interesting.

* * * * *

Our  Clean  Building

            When school reopened this fall, we found a clean, freshly painted building awaiting our arrival.  What a difference a few dabs of paint can make!  The halls and stairs actually shine in their new coat of gray.  The two English rooms look so clean with out their former decoration of initials.

            We students should show our appreciation to the schoolboard by endeavoring to keep those floors free from mud and those walls unmarked.

* * * * *

A  Clean  Slate

            With a clean slate we start another school  year. No bad marks mar their cleanliness now.  Will the record given in six weeks be good or not?  Whether it is or not depends on us.  If we study hard, pay attention in class, and remember a little bit of what we learned, the results may not be so disastrous.

* * * * *


            This column is pleased to present Mr. M. E. Bruce, our new high school principal and athletic coach, who comes from Hamburg, Iowa.  Mr. Bruce was graduated from Peru Teachers College, at Peru, Nebraska, whre he specialized in mathematics and physical training.  May I also add that he received a B. A. degree.  The Nicholite welcomes him to the school and community.

            Wimpy, a little Junior lad has made quite a hit with a blond freshman girl, D.M., and we will all wait patiently to see what the outcome brings us.

            Yes, I know it, there’s no mistake.  It must be Les Pike.  His hay-fever sneezing sounds the warning bell that his majesty is approaching.

            We have with us this year several interesting freshmen.  Virginia Vogel won the county spelling contest last spring, and was also awarded with a letter for honor work in the rural eighth grade examinations.  Norma Jane Hummel and Harold Elder won high honors in the eighth grade examinations given by Nichols Public School.

            It seems as though quite a few of our high-school girls have gone out for kitten ball this season.  Is it to reduce?  They say it’s school loyalty.  We wonder?????

            The ambitious Thespeians of the Alpha Omega Literary Society are thinking of the necessary polishing preceding the display of their wares in October.  As soon as the coaching staff, a faculty member, successfully chooses the play to be presented, the turmoil of  some will again flash into action to be curtain raiser of the Nichols High dramatic program of the season.  This production, which by necessity will include man of the inexperienced, will perpetrate the need for a great deal of expanded energy.

            We are certain future Nichols High basket-ball boys will appreciate the new fountain in the basement, as it will be a ready supply of water when they come hot, tired and thirsty from the floor.

Dear, dear, is that general science class ever dumb!  For instance you should have seen the look of astonishment on a couple dozen faces when they were informed that they were merely branches of the animal kingdom.

            School work proved too strenuous for Charles last Monday so he snatched a few minutes sleep in the assembly, to the great amusement of his neighbors.

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Tiny Tales of Tiny Tots

            The enrollment of the primary room reaches the total of 23.  There are five in the first grade, twelve in the second and three in the third.

            Joyce Borgstadt, who has been ill, has not enrolled yet this semester.

            Autumn is taking the attention of our “tiny tots” these days.  They are trying to find all the signs of autumn that they can.

            “Bobby and his Boat” is gaining the undivided attention of second and third graders in the form of drawings.

            “How would you lie to be a goat, or maybe a fox?”  Again those busy second and third graders come to the fore, by their playlet “The Boy and his Goats.”  The cast for the playlet is as follows:         The Boy – John Call; Rabbit – Gordon Daedlow; Goats – Russell Stevens, Edith Zybarth, John Hillyer; Fox – Norbert Fox; Bee – Joyce Borchardt.  The rest of the class was the audience.

            May we introduce to you, Miss Eileen Birker, our new primary teacher.  Miss Birker, whose home-town is Vinton, Iowa, was a student at Cedar Falls during 1931-33.

            Welcome to the Nichols School, Miss Birker.  We hope you enjoy your stay.

* * * * *

Intermediate  Courier

            Eleven pupils in the 4th grade, seven in the 5th, and five in the 6th make up the enrollment of the intermediate room. There is one new pupil in the 4th grade, Douglas Stevens, from Lacey.

            New histories are being read by the children in the intermediate room.  Later on in the semester, English workbooks are to be used.

            The “Better English Club” will hold their election of officers Friday, Sept. 20th.

            Decorations depicting fall are being gathered for the intermediate room.

            The fourth grade are making health posters.

* * * * *

Grammar  Room  Review

            There are eight 7 graders and six 8 graders in the grammar room.

            Two new dictionaries have been added to the reference books of this room.

            The Nicholite takes pleasure in introducing to you Miss Mary Louise Neiswanger.  She was born at Fairfield, Iowa.  She has had three years of training at Parsons College. Before coming to Nichols, Miss Neiswanger taught a year at Libertyville, Iowa high school where she taught Home Economics and English.  She also taught a year at a rural school in Keokuk County.

            We welcome you heartily, Miss Neiswanger.

            He “Better English Club” of the grammar room has been organized and the officers elected.

            Jean Swickard is president; Junior Stevens, vice president; Alyce Elder, secretary; Betty Elder, treasurer; Doris Cozad and Alyce Elder, program committee.

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H.   S.   DOPE


            We, the students of Nichols High welcome he following pupils to the Freshman Class: Margaret Fox, Doris Myers, Bennie Mills, Mary Oostendorp and Virginia Vogle ho come from country schools and Vernon Carter, Harold Elder, Doris Heath, Genevieve Hillyer, Robert Hillyer, Norma Hummel, Luetta Pike and LaVaughn Richter from our own eighth grade.  Eight are tuition pupils.

            Loren Brown from Johnson County joined the Sophomore class this fall.  He formerly attended the Lone Tree High School.

* * * * *

Hunt and Seek

            Twenty students are finding great difficulty in getting their clumsy hands to function typewriters.  The biggest temptation is to keep from watching the maneuvers of their hands when they should be watching the rined page that is to be typed.

            They are working in shifts again this year; the first thirty minutes of the period, half of them type and the other half study and then visa-versa.  The practice period is 30 minutes of some other study hour.

* * * * *

New Courses Given

            As we come back to our studies again this year we find there are two new courses to be offered to the upper classes.  Speech, the first semester, is to be followed by Journalism the second semester.  Although these courses are new to us, they have bee used for many years in larger high schools.

            The speech course consists of fifteen pupils who the first six weeks will study the mechanics of speech such as pronunciation, enunciation, articulation, etc.  Public speaking will be studied the second six weeks.  The last of the semester will be devoted to one-act plays which will be presented at some later date.

            The journalism course will contain newswriting and publication of school paper.  It will be offered to the juniors and seniors who have their choice between it and Business English. These courses, we think, will be of great value and use to the students wishing to take them.

* * * * *

Soph. Largest Class

            Fifty-one members reported on duty Monday Sept. 2, to begin another school year.  The senior class is somewhat smaller this year as there are only 11 students.  There are Thirteen students in both the junior and freshmen classes.  The Sophomores boast of the largest class consisting of fourteen members.

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Party  Held

A surprise party was given in honor of Vernon Carter on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the Carter home.

            Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bruce and son, Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yedlik, Frank, Ernest and Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Green, Robert, Marvin and Ruby, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Holdeman, Margaret and Udell, Mr. Horace Schroeder, in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Carter, Vernon, Juanita and Burton.

            Ice cream and cake were served as refreshments.

* * * * *

Oostendorp – Yakish

            Miss Beulah Oosendorp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Oostendorp Jr., became the bride of Harold Yakish, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Yakish of Lone Tree at the St. Mary’s parsonage at Muscatine on Friday, August 30 at seven o’clock p.m. with the Rev. Father Pieffer officiating.

            Mrs. Yakish graduated from the Nichols High School with the class of 1934.

            The couple will reside at Lone Tree.

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Shower Held

            A post-nuptial shower honoring Mrs. Harold Yakish was held at the Raymond Wieskamp home Monday evening, September 16.

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            Mr. and Mrs. Perry Holdeman and family were dinner guests Sept. 15 at the Harvey Holdeman home.                

            Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Eddy of Marengo visited with friends over Saturday and Sunday, visiting at the Everett Pike, Elmer Pike and Harvey Holdeman homes.

            James Brugman, who is a patient at the Mercy Hospital in Iowa City, is now showing some improvement.

            Mr. and Mrs. William Oostendorp spent two days, Monday and Tuesday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Mathias Lindle, near Muscatine.

            Mrs. William Wieskamp has been confined to her home due to illness.

            Miss Alberta Wieskamp, a graduate of the class of 1935 has entered Ottumwa Heights College.

            Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Milder, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herring and Mrs. Edward Mum spent a few days in the northwestern part of the state earlier this month.

* * * * *

Rural School Notes

            The pupils of Athens School have organized a Good Scout Club, the purpose of which is to promote good citizenship.  All of the pupils have joined the club.

            Miss Jane Kirchner has been elected president, while LeMoine Kirchner is the secretary.

            There has been a perfect attendance at the Athens School so far this year.

            Thirteen pupils have enrolled at the Poole School this year.

            Subscribe to the Nicholite.

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Alumni Notes

            Miss Dorothy Mills, from the 1935 class, left recently for Iowa City where she is taking a course in Nurses Training at the Mercy Hospital.

            Mary Smith, also a 1935 alumni, left August 4 for Des moines where she is enrolled in the Iowa Beaauty School.

            Bennie Swickard, Irvin Pike and Waldo Elder are awaiting their call for service in the United States Navy.  They will be training at San Diego for a while.  All three of these boys are Nichols High School graduates.

            Alberta Wieskamp has enrolled at Ottumwa Heights College at Ottumwa.

* * * * *


            Miss Betty Pike was surprised by a group of friends at a party Tuesday evening Sept. 17.

            Miss Bertha Enderle of West Liberty is our new office clerk.  She procured her position through the E. R. A.

            Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazen announce the birth of a boy, Ronald Eugene, Sunday, Sept. 15.  Congratulations!

            Ralph Borgstadt, Clarence Hillyer and Lee Carney returned from St. Louis where they attended two ball games between the Cardinals and the Giants.

* * * * *

Schoolmaster’s Club Meets at Nichols

Supt. Hopperstadt Elected President for Coming Year

            A school master’s club meeting was held at the school building Wednesday, Sept. 18.  Representatives from Muscatine, Wilton, Atalissa and West Liberty were present.

            The officers for the following year were elected, running as follows:  President, Supt. Hopperstadt of Atalissa; Vice President, Prin. F. G. Messinger of Muscatine; Secretary and Treasurer, Prin. Swanson of Wilton.

            In general, the same program will follow as last year’s except for some additional activities.  There is to be a revival of the music festival which was held for the first time two years ago.  Also, all towns and country pupils will participate in the exhibits of the West Liberty Fair.

            The chairman of the committee regarding the Music Festival is Supt. Smith of West liberty.

            The chairman of the committee appointed for the fair work exhibit is Supt. Bellamy of Nichols.

* * * * *

Looking  Back

            Miss Marie Oostendorp became the bride of Mr. Edward Zybarth August 5.

            Lester Pike left July 10 for the Citizens Military Training Camp at Fort Des Moines and returned Aug. 9.

            Mr. and Mrs. Ballamy entertained the teachers at a six o’clock dinner August 31.

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            “The freshmen are as unusual and as silly as ever,” are the remarks being heard all around the school.

            Now freshies, don’t feel bad because we have all been through the same stage.  If you don’t believe me just ask the seniors, they’ll tell you all about it.  It’s just the ide that you are new and  scared to death that you will do something wrong, or the teacher will scold you.  Well don’t worry about the teachers, they won’t bite.  Just in case there are a few freshmen girls who need help, though I might mention the fact that the sophomore boys are at your service any time and any place, just go to the teacher.  He’ll help you.

            In fact, I know one sophtie boy who so desires the company of a freshman girl that he repeatedly takes her handkerchiefs so he can hand it back to her.  That’s a freshman and a sophtie for you.

* * * * *

Now For A Laugh

            We are all some kind of a star: 

                        A soldier is a shooting star,

                        A boy and a girl are meteors at night,

                         A little baby comes from the milky way,

                        A Kaiser is a falling star.


Sammy:  “Say, Gus, what is golf anyway?”

Gus:  “Well, Sammy, it is a game where they chase a ball when they get too old to chase anything else.”

                        Rastus Jr.: “Why is it that the government is going to draft all the hotel managers, daddy?’

                        Rastus Sr.: “Because they are such gallant chargers.”

* * * * *

Did You Know

            All the Sophomore boys are Alphas?

            A certain junior girl can’t spell measurement correctly.  How about it, Ula?

            Loren Brown lives the farthest from school and Denise Wolford the closest?

            One of our new Alumni has been rushing a certain dark haired freshman girl?        

            The freshman girls are having a terrible time holding on to their handkerchiefs?

            That only one out of 23 General Science students knew that lead was the basic mineral for paint?

            J. R. will have to learn that tripping some one is considered a foul just as much in the assembly as on a basketball floor?

            That the Alpha & Spartan banner in front of the assembly were dry cleaned this summer?

            That the basketball team are getting maroon and white colored suits?         

            That there is only one red head girl in the high school?

            A famous alumni personage recently pitched a no run, no hit game to put the local Indies into the final round at the Lone Tree Homecoming Kittenball Tournament?

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M. E. Bruce New Coach

            When the fourteen candidates for fall baseball reported for the first practice session they were greeted by a coach M. E. Bruce who will coach both baseball and basketball.

            Mr. Bruce is a graduate of Peru Teachers College, Peru, Nebraska.  In college he won letters in football, basketball and track.

            Mr. Bruce’s home is Hamburg, Iowa.

            Those reporting for fall baseball are Lester Pike, John Loeb, Earl Schmitt, Keith Vetter, Harley Kirkpatrick, Virgil Vetter, Robert Kirkpatrick, Stanley Coon, L. B. Smith, Charles Elder, Harold Elder, LaVaughn Richter, Robert Hillyer and Lee Ulch.

* * * * *

P. T. Squads Chosen

            This year the high school physical training boys were divided into four teams of which four boys were elected captains.  The Captains and their teams are as follows:  Earl Schmitt, Captain; Harley Kirkpatrick, Charles Elder, Robert Kirkpatrick, Harold Elder, Loyd Hahn.  John Loeb, Captain; Loren Brown, LaVaughn Richter, Stanley Coon, Louis Milder, Marion Barnhart.

Lester Pike, Captain; Harold Schmitt, Lawrence Harder, Lee Ulch, Robert Hillyer, Ralph Neff. .Keith Vetter, Captain; L. B. Smith, Virgil Vetter, Pershing Elder, Leo Hollenbeck.

            The teams will play touch every Tuesday and Thursday during the first six weeks.  Each team has played one game so far.

            The summary of first game:

                        Captains                                              Won                Lost

                        Earl Schmitt                                        tie                     1

                        Lester Pike                                          tie                    1

                        John Loeb                                           2                      0

                        Keith Vetter                                        1                      1

* * * * *

Durant  Wins  Opener

Errors Cause Downfall

Score  7 – 4

            Nichols bowed to a scrappy Durant nine Tuesday, September 12, by a score 7-4.  A comedy of errors in the first inning by the local boys paved the way for four unearned runs.  The battery for Nichols was K. Vetter pitch and L. Pike catch.  For Durant, Arp pitch and Huesman catch.   The Summary:

Nichols   AB H R         Durant   AB H R
Schmitt 2b 4 1 0         Otto 3b 4 3 1
Loeb 1b 4 1 1         Huesman c 4 0 1
Richter 1f 3 1 1         Nodruff 1b 4 0 1
Pike c 3 1 1         Arp p 4 2 2
K. Vetter p 3 2 1         Cook 1f 4 1 2
V. Vetter 3b 3 1 0         Finck 2b 3 1 0
Ulch cf 3 1 0         Bujewsky ss 4 0 0
Elder rf 2 0 0         Johnston cf 4 0 0
Kirkpatrick   3 0 0         Nurevek rf 3 0 0
H. Elder rf 1 1 0         Huesman 2b 1 0 0
Total   29 9 4             35 7 7

* * * * *

Cone  Beats  Nichols

            He Conesville nine playing errorless ball Tuesday, Sept. 15, blasted Nichols by a score 23-2.  The lack of experience and inability to field the ball caused the downfall of the local nine in the opening frame.  Smith’s wildness in the last inning accounted for fifteen runs before the side was retired.  The battery for Nichols was K. Vetter pitch and l. Pike catch.  For Cone Wolford pitch and Hankins catch.  Smith replaced Vetter in the 6th inning.

Nichols   AB H R         Cone   AB H R
Schmitt 2b 3 1 1         M. Kemp 1b 6 1 2
Loeb ss 3 2 1         Hankins c 6 0 3
Richter 1f 3 0 0         A. Kemp ss 6 0 3
Pike c 3 2 1         Jean 2b 6 1 3
K. Vetter p 3 0 0         Abbot 1f 3 1 2
V. Vetter 3b 3 1 0         Buser rf 6 1 3
Ulch cf 3 0 0         Wolford p 6 0 3
Elder 1b 3 0 0         Adams 3b 5 3 1
Kirkpatrick rf 3 0 0         Calhoun cf 5 1 1
H. Elder p 0 0 0         Max Kemp 1f 3 0 1

*  *  *  *  *


F. A. Hummel

Nichols Produce Co.

Mills Motor Co.

Nichols Mutual Telephone Co.

Kirchner’s Store

B. and W. Store

Poole and Chown

Nichols Lumber and Coal Co.

Poole’s Transfer

Fred Poole

R. W. Heerd

Chown Motor Co.

Rice Café

Dr. V. O. Muench, M.D.

Ward’s Café

Clark’s Garage

Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank

Bob Hazen

Drew D. MacDougal

* * * * *

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