22 October 1935, Vol. 12 No. 3

Submitted by Charlene Hixon May 10, 2014


Interesting Characters Feature 3 Act Comedy

            “Ain’t it the cat’s meow?” asks 17 year old April Arden when fate turns her way in time to aid a friend.  From the lower classes, socially, she comes with a knowledge of life gleaned from experience.  Gail Wardell needs April’s help in her effort to play the gae.

            Throughout the three act comedy, Betty Pike, as April arden, is the solace of Gail’s troubles.  It all goes to show we must fight if we’re going to be h igh scorers.  Certainly, Margaret Holdeman, as Gail, has an eye on the basket of success.

            Under the coaching of Miss Balzer, the Alpha cast is in the process of putting the finishing touches on the play.

            Don’t miss this true-to-life comedy. Get your tickets at Rice’s Café tomorrow and succeeding days of the week, 10 and 25 cents with all seats reserved.  Curtain at 8:00 o’clock Saturday, Oct. 26.

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Senior  Class  Leads in Scholarship

Pike, Loeb and Schmitt Take Individual Honors

            The Senior class led in scholarship for the first six weeks, with an average of 1.63.  The sophomores ran second with a 1.48 average.  Next in line was the junior group with an average of 1.13, and the freshmen trailed last with an average of .90.  (3 is an A, 2 is B, 1 is C.)

            Individual honors go to three senior boys, John Loeb with an average of 3, followed by Harold Schmitt with an average of 2.8, and Lester Pike who has one exam yet to take due to his illness.  Junior class leaders were Marion Barnhart with 2.25 and Jean Elder with 2.  Dorothy Dedrick with 2.75 and Marjorie Thompson with 2.5 are the sophomore leaders.  The freshmen were lead by Norma Hummel with 2.25 and Doris Heath with a 2. Ave4rage.

            In the competition between the literary societies, the Spartans over-averaged the Alphas with scores of 1.63 and .96 respectively.

            The general average of the school is 1.28, which is well above C, which would be the average grade.

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Nicholite Editor Ill

            The Staff regrets to report the illness of its editor-in-chief, Lester Pike, who is confined to his bed with an illness that has developed from a combination and asthma.  His speedy recovery is hoped for.

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Cast for Tiger House Works on Production

Presentation to be Given Nov. 8

By Spartan Society

            The Spartan Literary Society will present the three act comedy-mystery, “Tiger House,” Friday night, Nov. 8.  The cast has begun regular practice under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy.

            Erma Lowrie, played by Ula Green, is a typical heroine, with a mind and will of her own.  Aunt Sophia, played by Denise Wolford, is a superstitious lady who attempts to keep a bold front.  Peggy Nan Ess, Jean Elder, is everything a modern girl can be.  The Hindu, Yami, is Harold Elder.  Arthur Hale, a physically handicapped young man, is portrayed by John Loeb.  The party of the Mystery woman, who is everything the soubriquet implies, is played by Edna Earl.  MacIntosh, a young fellow who scoffs at the supernatural, is Keith Vetter.  A superstitious, grim Scotch woman is Kathryn Elder as Mrs. Murdock.  Another sinister character is Thompson, acted by Loyd Hahn.  Marion Barnhart, as Oswald Korins, lives in a world of his own among his specimens.

            Earl Schmitt and Ralph Neff will serve as stage managers, and Norma Hummell is the prompter.

            This is the first mystery play presented here since “Phantom Dirigible” in 1932, and should appeal, by way of variety, to the audience.

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Student Council Names jamboree Management

Elder, Loeb, Oostendorp, Smith

To Supervise Events

            The Student Council recently appointed the supervisors and managers for the Jamboree (carnival) to be held in November.

            Kathryn Elder is publicity supervisor and Ula Green is manager.  Booth supervisor is Madelyn Oostendorp.  Manager of the Refreshment booth is Edna Earl, while Berniece McMahon will manage the novelty counter.  Supervisor of Side Shows is L. B. Smith, and managers are Loren Brown, Marion Barnhart, Harold Schmitt, Loretta Borgstadt and Luetta Pike.

            Supervisor of Entertainments is John Loeb, who has selected as managers the following:  Vaudeville – Margaret Holdeman; Music – Miss Balzer; Community Movie Shots – Betty Pike and Jean Elder; Athletic Show – Mr. Bruce.

            Watch the pages of the Nicholite and advertising sheets for further information concerning this affair, which will include events which will be of interest of every one.

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The Nicholite

Subscription rate – 35 cents; ad rates 10 Cents/Inch

Issues Fortnightly starting Sept. 24, 1935

The  Staff

                        Editor                                                  Lester Pike

                        Assistant Editor                                  Harold Schmitt

                        Business Manager                               John Loeb

                        Assistant Business Manager               Marion Barnhart

Circulation Managers

                        Betty Pike                      Mary Dean             Berniece McMahon


                        Loyd Hahn                  Earl Schmitt                Louis Milder

Editorial Staff

                        Editorials                                             Dorothy Dedrick

                        Columnist                                            Marjorie Thompson

                        Grade News Editor                             Dorothy Dedrick

                        High School Editor                             Ethel Smith

                        Town Editors                                      Loretta Borgstadt

                                                                                    L. B. Smith

                        Country News Editors                                    Madelyn Oostendorp

                                                                                    Ethel Hillyer

                        Features                                               Jean Elder, Ula Green

                        Sports Editor                                       Keith Vetter

                        Cartoonists                                          Kathryn Elder

                                                                                    Margaret Holdeman

Member of Iowa High School Press Association

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Air Has Weight!

            It seems impossible that anything as light as air could have weight.  Yet the General Science class learned that a cubic food of air weighs 1.2 ounces.  This fact can be proved by weighing a basketball before inflating it and then weighing it again after it has been inflated.

The class also learned that air around us exerts a pressure of about fifteen pounds per square inch of surface.

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Get A Purpose

            Life without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder, like a gun without a sight, or like a marksman without a target.

            There is no point to going to school if we have no reason for going except to put in our time.  Everyone should have a goal farther and farther ahead as we reach it, we can do more than we ever thought we could.

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The Will to Win

            A football player that goes into a game half-heartedly, not caring much which way the game comes out, is a stumbling block to the success of his team.  No person can succeed if he does not really want to.

            If we make up our minds we’re going to win, no matter what the game, and work, we’ll come out on top.  We won’t stop until we do.

            Even though it may mean a little less leisure for us, there is a satisfaction in our success that doubly pays us.

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            Our great hope for the future, our great safeguard against danger, is to be found in the general and thorough education of our people, and in the virtue which accompanies such Education.

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            Athletics or guns!  Which do you prefer?  In Italy, Ethiopia and other European countries the boys are trained in the arts of war-fare from the time they are old enough to carry a gun.  The American youths, on the other hand, spend their leisure time participating in baseball, football, track and other athletic pursuits..  Which shall it be boys, guns or balls?? ?

            Most of us go around with our eyes open, but how much do we really see?  Some people merely look at a thing while others observe carefully every detail of it. After all it is the observers who make this old world go around; the lookers merely fill up space.

            A member of the Alpha play cast became chilly the other night during practice, and went in search of her jacket.  Could she believe er eyes, it wasn’t on the hook where it had been hung a few minutes before.  Immediately a frantic investigation began.  When all hope had given up C. E. appeared on the scene complacently wearing the missing wrap.

            The general science class have been witnessing some very interesting experiments performed by their instructor, Mr. Bellmany.  The function of the siphon, distilling of water, the creating of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and many other interesting projects have been tried recently.

            Some of us aren’t so dumb as we thought according to six weeks exams; and vice versa, I am sorry to say.  On the whole the showing made by high school students wasn’t so bad for the first six weeks.

            Robert Hillyer had the misfortune to fall from his bicycle, which resulted in a dislocated elbow several weeks ago.  The accident took place in front of the I. Pike home.  Perhaps L. P. was looking out the window, and Robert instead of watching the road had his attention fixed else where.  He has nearly recovered now, we are glad to report.

            The freshmen English class must have been amusing last Wednesday from the burst of laughter that reached those studious sophomore’s ears.  Oh well, the freshmen aren’t advanced enough to take life seriously.  Just wait until they become Geometry students.  Then life will start to be a hard proposition.

            The speech class seem to have their minds made up as to war.  A number of speeches have been given condemning it.  The popular belief is, that is Ethiopia and Italy don’t wake up, there will be another world war.

            The grade children enjoyed the Walter Damrosch music program Friday a.m. from 10-11.  It will be a regular Friday morning feature.

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Tiny Tales of Tiny tots

            The third grade is working on a frieze about the Indians, Japanese and the Eskimos.

            A.S.C. books are in the process of being made by the second grade.

            The first grade reading class have an experience chart at the front of the room.  The chart tells the name, age and some things which they do.

            Norbert Fox brought a toad to school last Wednesday, which he found and caught in his yard.

            The second grade has been dramatizing Mother Goose stories.

            The pupils having perfect attendance in the primary room the first six weeks are: Gordon Daedlow, Norbert Fox, Lyle marine, Louise Polman, Russell Stevens, Edith and Ethyl Zybarth, Tommy Carney, Joyce King, Velma Marine and Jack Salemink.

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Intermediate Room

            There were three cases of tardiness during the first six weeks and four cases of absences, in our room.

            Arithmetic class Standardized Test ratings are as follows:  4th grade a rating of 3; 5th grade a rating of  8; 6th grade stands on 9.  These latter are far above average.

            Those having the highest grades for the first period are:  8th grade, Esther Cozad, average 93; Ruth Cozad, 2; 5th grade, Lorna Nichols 92; Margaret Swickard, 90.  4th grade, Leroy Elder, 92; Willard Elder and Douglas Stevens, 88 ½.

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Our Merry-Go-Round

            A merry-go-round is in the process of being installed on the west side of the school building.  It is for the use of the elementary grades.

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Grammar  Room  Review

The Grammar Room

            Almon Hillyer has been appointed news reporter for the Grammar Room.

            The Iowa History class has been working on a history project.  We are keeping account of the history articles that appear in the daily newspapers once a week.  We are going to make scrapbooks from these articles and the best ones may be exhibited at the West Liberty Fair next fall.

            Mr. Bellamy visited our room Tuesday afternoon and gave us a very interesting talk on “The Three Types of People in the World Today.”  We all enjoyed his talk very much.

            The following students have had a perfect attendance the first six weeks of school.  Aubrey Daedlow, Alice Elder, Betty Elder, Rose Goldsberry, Helen Miller, Charlene Nichols, Robert Yedlik, Robert Borgstadt, Almon Hillyer, Alvin Stephans, Jean Swickard and Earnest Yedlik.

            We have just finished our six weeks examinations.  The highest average in the seventh grade was earned by Charlene Nichols and Aubrey Daedlow.  In the eighth grade Jean Swickard and Doris Cozad earned the highest average.

            We have turned our attention to fall.  Drawings concerning Hllowe’en and Indian Summer are being made.

            The “Better English Club” program for last week was as follows:  Christopher Columbus, Betty Elder

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H.  S.  PAGE


            The goal of the typing class now is to obtain accuracy instead of speed.  They have completed learning all of the letters on the keyboard, and are now able to “type in the dark,” as we might say if the keys had headlights on them.  On the whole, they are doing very well.

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Group Attends Game

Nicholite Winners Awarded Trip

            Miss Balzer, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Clarence Hillyer, Madelyn Oostendorp, Loretta Borgstadt and Luetta Pike attended the game at Iowa City Saturday between Iowa University and Colgate.  The three girls were awarded this trip as a prize.

            Madelyn thought the game was “swell.”  Loretta said it was the first game she had ever attended and liked it fine.  She liked to watch them practice before the game started.  Luetta said it was “hot stuff.”

            These girls are to be congratulated for their hard work in helping to keep our school paper going.

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Perfect Attendance

            The following people have had perfect attendance for the first six weeks:

            Seniors: Maty Dean, Edna Earl, Loyd Hahn, John Loeb, Earl Schmitt, Harold Schmitt and Keith Vetter.

            Juniors: Jean Elder, Marion Barnhart, Ula Green, Lawrence Harder, Ethel Hillyer, Robert Kirkpatrick, Louis Milder, Madelyn Oostendorp, Betty Pike and Virgil Vetter.

            Sophomores: Loren Brown, Dorothy Dedrick, Charles Elder, Hazel Heizer, Leo Hollenbeck, Berniece McMahon, Lucille Oostendorp, Sylvia Stephens, Marjorie Thompson and Lee Ulch.

            Freshmen: Vernon Carter, Harold Elder, Margaret Fox, Doris Heath, Genevieve Hillyer, Robert Hillyer, Norma Hummel, Doris Meyers, Ben Mills, Margaret Oostendorp, Lester Pike and LaVaughn Richter.

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High Test Scores

            The first six weeks test scores averaged very high this year.  The following students received the highest grades in the various subjects:

            American History – Marion Barnhart 96 and Jean Elder, 96.

            Speech – Ula Green and Harold Schmitt, 97.

            Physics – John Loeb, Lester Pike, Loyd Hahn and Harold Schmitt, 98.

            General Science – Marjorie Thompson, Virginia Vogel and Dorothy Dedrick, 97.

            World History – Dorothy Dedrick, 97 and Leo Hollenbeck, 94.

            Algebra IX – Norma Hummel, 98, Margaret Fox and Doris Heath, 95.

            Geometry – Dorothy Dedrick 100, Berniece McMahon, 98.

            Psychology – Betty Pike, Lester Pike and Harold Schmitt, 100.

            Grammar – Madelyn Oostendorp, 95 and Loyd Hahn, 85.

            English X – Marjorie Thompson, Dorothy Dedrick and Ethel Smith, 94.

            English IX – Doris Heath, 94, Norma Hummel and Virginia Vogel, 90.

            Typing – Louis Milder, 97; Edna Earls and Jean Elder, 96.

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A Blessed Event

            Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Lindle of Muscatine announce the birth of a ten-pound son born Monday, October 7.  He has been named Gary Lee.  Mrs. Lindle was formerly Margaret Oostendorp and a member of the graduating class of 1931.

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            Edwin Yedlik, a member of the graduating class of 1935 has enrolled in the Commercial Business College at Omaha, Nebraska.

            Miss Theodora Neff, who is employed at Muscatine, spent the weekend with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Neff.

            Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waggner and family of Primghar spent the weekend at the Walter Elder home.

            Miss Ethel Hillyer spent Sunday at the William Oostendorp home.

            Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaalberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Salemink and son Willard and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. King and family of Nichols were Sunday visitors at the Frank Lorber home in Muscatine.

            Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McMahon, Betty and Robert, were Sunday dinner guests at the Ed Carter home at Muscatine.

            Mr. and Mrs. John Dean spent Sunday at the Eugene Dean home.

            Mrs. John Baker is spending a few days in Des Moines.

            Miss Carrie Holland, the new Muscatine County Home Demonstration Agent,  has met with the Pike township ladies and has organized the work for the coming year.  The meeting was held at the Ray Norris home.

            The farmers of this vicinity are contemplating husking corn in the near future and there is a promise of a very good corn crop this year.

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Rural  Schools

            Pike No. 2 school has 100% in attendance so far this  year.

            In connection with both Iowa History and Science they have started a weather record book.

            The Adam’s school has 27 pupils of whom five are beginners.

            The following who have been neither absent nor tardy are: Donald Myers, Beryl Schmitt, Harold, Dorothy, Lee and Vera Stalkfleet, Iola and Virgil Bixby and june, Mervin, Kenton and Shirley Mills.

            The pupils are going to start working on their Thanksgiving Program, of which the date will be announced later.

            The pupils of the Athens School are planning to give a Hallowe’en program on Friday, October 25.

            The agriculture class has brought in samples of good seed corn and a test of the corn is going to be made.

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Corn-Hog Election – Nichols Town Hall, Saturday, Oct.26, All Day

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Christian Bazaar to be Oct. 23

News of Other Churches in the Community

Also Listed

            The Christian Church will hold its annual bazaar Wednesday October 23, in the Nichols building.  The price of admission is forty cents for adults and twenty cents for children up to twelve years of aage.  The menu is as follows: chicken loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, noodles, string beans, pepper hash, salad, cinnamon apples, apple and pumpkin pie and coffee.

            There will be two booths, the fancy work and candy booth.  There will also be a fortune teller and a grab bag.

            Everyone is cordially invited.

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Church News

            Freeman Reid spoke Sunday, October 13, at the Christian Church.

            Mayor Lord of Muscatine spoke Sunday evening, Oct. 20, at the Christian Church.

            The St. Mary’s Church will hold its annual chicken supper and bazaar Sunday, Nov. 10.

            Mrs. Bellamy, Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Tom Carney were hostesses at a meeting of the Burean classs of the Methodist Church Oct. 17, at the church parlors.

            The Ruthian Class of the Methodist Church met Friday, October 18, at the home of Jean and Kathryn Elder.

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            The regular monthly meeting of the school board was held Monday, October7, at the school building.

            Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy, Miss Neiswanger, and Mr. Bruce attended the School Master’s Club meeting in Wilton, October 16.

            Charles Clark and Frank Mills were business callers in Chicago a few days ago.

            Mary Smith, a 1935 alumnae, returned to Des Moines after spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mamie Smith.

            Mrs. Willard Rice was surprised at a party given by a group of friends on her birthday, October 15.

            Mrs. Marie Borgstadt and Joyce were business callers in Iowa City Tuesday.

            Mrs. Clara Van Horn of albia is visiting at the Rev. Mrs. Hargis home.

            Lester Pike who has been confined to his home the last week with illness is showing some improvement.

            Khairom Rummells visited over the weekend with Aubrey Daedlow.

            Several Nichols townsmen journeyed to Iowa City Oct. 12 to enjoy the Iowa Colgate Football game.

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Something Different

            Well, Well, Well, What do you know about that?  The students of Nichols School will have something unexpected to while away their time in and between baseball and basket ball seasons. Most of us can hardly wait for our first ride.

            Well if you haven’t guessed yet what we’re talking about, it is the new merry-go-roud to be installed on the lawn west of the gym.

            It is probably intended for the grade children, but can’t you just feature those high school kids keeping away from it.  There will probably be a few rides stolen by the upper floor occupants.

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Heard  in  Play Practice

            A certain Junior girls is supposed to swallow gum in the Spartan play.  She surprised the rest of the cast by saying, “Do I really have to swallow it, Mr. Bellamy?”  “No, just hold on to it,” was the reply.

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Did  You  Know  That

            Margaret is a Fox instead of a girl.

            Kathryn is an Elder instead of a younger.

            Ula is a Green instead of a brown.

            Loren is a Brown instead of a green.

            Lester is a Pike instead of a slmon.

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            One Guy (in trouble):  Tell all you know.  It won’t take long.

            Second Guy (ditto):  I’ll tell all we both know.  It won’t take any longer.

Coe --  Coeds

            There seemed to be quite a bit of difficulty in the science class when co-education was being discussed.  After listening to the definition Mr. Bellamy gave on Co-Educational schools, one boy asked – Well is that why Coe College is named that because it is a co-educational school?  Another explanation was then given and still they weren’t satisfied.  So a freshman girl wanted to know if the girls here were coeds.  Mr. Bellamy couldn’t disappoint them and replied,
“Yes, but on the secondary rather than the College level.”

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Have  a Laugh

            “Nearly a generation and a half ago my head was grazed by a bullet at the battle of Chickamauga.”

            The little fellow looked at the old man’s head thoughtfully and said:

            “There isn’t much grazing there now is there, grandpa?”


            The butcher founda homeless dog ,

                        A wandering little bum,

            And as h led him home he said,

                        “The wurst is yet to come.”


            “I am very slow at using a typewriter.”

            “Do you use the Hunt and Peck method?

            “No, I type by a slower method than that.  I use the Columbus system.”

            “What is the Columbus system?  I have never heard of it before.”

            “It is a method by which, after you decided what letter you want to use, you discover it and then land on it.”


            Teacher – “William, how many seasons are there?”

            William – “Three.”

            Teacher – “Only three?  What are they?”

            William – “Football, basketball and baseball.”

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Girls P.T. Schedule Lead by Miss Neiswanger

Kittenball Was Played First Eight Weeks

            The girls have organized into two teams and are playing kittenball during their P.T. hour every Monday and Wednesday, the weather permitting, under the supervision of Miss Neiswanger.  The teams were chosen by ballot, that is, the girls securing a ballot with No. 1 are on the first team, and the girls that draw a ballot with No. 2 are on the second team.  The teams are very evenly matched and some close thrilling games have resulted.

            With the coming of cold weather, the girls will go to the gymnasium where they will participate in a series of stunts.

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Letts Hands Nichols an 18-8 Reverse

L. Bailey, First Man to Bat Knocks Homer

            The Letts baseball nine journeyed to Nichols to hand the locals a 18 to 8 set-back Tuesday, October 8.  Another disastrous first inning followed by a comedy of errors throughout the game paved the way for the victor’s runs.  Although Nichols got as many hits as the players picked from Letts Consolidated, they were unable to convert them into scores because of the good fielding on the part of the victors.  The battery for Nichols, K. Vetter pitch, and V. Vetter catch and Lieberknest pitch and Herrick catch for Letts.

            The summary was as follows:

Nichols                                    AB      H         R         Letts                            AB      H         R

Schmitt  2b                              5          1          1          Bailey  lf                     6          1          4

Richter  3b                              5          2          1          Cox  cf                         6          1          2

Loeb  ss                                   4          1          1          Lieberknect   p            6          2          2

K Vetter  p                              4          1          2          Bell  wb                       6          1          3

V Vetter  c                              4          2          1          B Bailey  1b                6          1          1

Harder  lf                                4          0          0          Herrick  c                    5          2          1

C Elder  re                               4          0          1          Long rf                        4          0          0

H Elder  lb                              4          2          1          Holliday  3b                5          0          2

Ulch    cf                                 3          0          0          Butler  ss                     5          1          3

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Touch Schedule Resumed as Baseball Season Ends

Loeb’s Team Still Leads with Schmitt Second

            Since the baseball season is over, the P.T Touch games will be played regularly every Tuesday and Thursday at the boys physical training hour.  The games so far have been marked with close heated Battles being played between the teams.  The summary is as follows:

            Teams’ Captains                              Won                Tie                   Lost                    Pct.

            John Loeb                                           0                      0                      0                      1.000

            Earl Schmitt                                        1                      2                      2                      .333

            Keith Vetter                                        1                      1                      3                      .250

            Lester Pike                                          1                      2                      3                      .250

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Nichols Lumber Co.

Mills Garage

Dr. V. O. Muench, M.D.

Farmers & Merchants Savings Bank

Lloyd Mills, Certified Radiotrician

Ward’s Café

Poole’s Transfer

Kirchner’s Store

Poole & Chown

Benninger & Waltman

R. W. Heerd, Painting Contractor

Nichols Produce, George Stych

Fred Hummel

Bob Hazen

Fred Poole

Chown Motor Co.


Nichols Mutual Telephone Co.

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Page created May 10, 2014 by Lynn McCleary